Saturday, July 27, 2024

Let’s emulate Zukas, President Hichilema urges Zambians


President Hakainde Hichilema has challenged Zambians to emulate the late former Cabinet Minister Simon Zukas’ dedication to service provision especially to the oppressed people in society.

Speaking during the late Mr. Zukas’ burial procession at Leopards Hill Memorial Park in Lusaka yesterday, President Hichilema described the deceased as a selfless man who made great contributions to the political and economic landscape of the country.

President Hichilema said the late Mr. Zukas will be remembered for his instrumental role not only in the liberation of Zambia but also the re-introduction of multiparty politics in in the country.

The Head of State explained that the late Mr. Zukas chose to fight against white supremacy because he believed in helping the oppressed people in society.

He noted that even at the age of 96, Mr. Zukas still had a strong and sound brain as attested in the conversation the President had with the late at State House three weeks ago.

President Hichilema said the life of the late former Cabinet minister is worth celebrating.

“While this is a solemn event, we should take time to thank God for allowing Simon Zukas to live a long and fulfilling life. God allowed Mr. Zukas to live a befitting life that demonstrated what it means to serve humanity,” President Hichilema stated.

President Hichilema has since assured Zambians that his government will endeavour to promote democracy, the rule of law, constitutionalism, human rights and freedoms and equity in society as it strives to rebuild the country’s economy.

Meanwhile, Our Civic Duty Association (OCiDA) National Management Committee Chairperson Gilbert Temba said the late Mr. Zukas was against corruption, lack of inclusiveness and the diminishing political space.

Mr. Temba said this was the reason the organization was created to promote and restore unity of the country under the motto ‘One Zambia, One Nation.

Mr. Temba was happy that due the existence of OCiDA under the leadership of the late Mr. Zukas, political parties were encouraged to form alliances.

“For OCiDA, we hope that the change of government will create a foundation for good governance, inclusive social development and a sustainable economic programme in the country,” he said.

And the Jewish Community Representative, Rabbi Silberhaft, said the late Mr. Zukas maintained a pure heart through his contributions not only in the political field but also to his religion.

The children and grandchildren want Mr. Zukas to be remembered as a kind and humble man who never boasted about his achievements.

David Zukas, the son to the deceased, said his father led a full and productive life, describing him as a caregiver and a source of wisdom.

He said his late father had so much love for Zambia as evident in his works.

Simon Ber Zukas was born on July 31, 1925 in Ukmerge, Lithuania and later came to Zambia on July 28, 1938 to join his Jewish father in the Copperbelt province.

Mr. Zukas died on September 28, 2021 and is survived by a wife, two children and grandchildren.


  1. Hh emulate him by getting to work. Enough of your constant press briefings and useless Jibes at pf members. You wanted to be president so much and yet here you are failing to action things. You thought running a country was like milking your cows in ingombe iledi.

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