Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Chitambala Mwewa charged with Cyber bullying Tasila Lungu


Social media blogger  Chitambala Mwewa who runs a facebook page called Simon Mwewa Lane has been slapped with two offences of libel and cyber bullying of Chawama Member of Parliament Tasila Lungu.

In count one it is alleged that Chitambala published words which were untrue on his Facebook page.

The words in question are said to have intended to bring the name of Ms. Lungu into contempt and ridicule.

In the second count it is alleged that Chitambala attack and bullied Tasila using the cyberspace.

This is according to the indictment filed at the Lusaka Magistrate court.

According to the document Mr. Chitambala is expected to appear in court tomorrow.

Ms. Lungu is being represented by Lusaka Lawyers Makeba Lungu and Jonas Zimba.

Mr. Zimba told ZNBC News that he and Mr. Zulu will prosecute the matter after getting permission from the DPP.


  1. This man is no different to Tayali he has very close relations to top PF officials but at the same time he is now UPND..I remember him dancing with LAZY LUNGU on stage at a campaign rally. These so called influencers like Chellah & Co. are good at talking online but when they are sued they fail to defend themselves.
    When is Tasila going to be sued for fencing govt forest in Sinda?

  2. This Makeba Lungu and Jonas Zimba team are very busy chaps …the crooked lawyers for the mafia.
    Whatever happened to that case where this Daddy’s girl Tasila, Jean Kapata and Lubinda sued that US environmental organisation?

  3. Ayatollah – He is a man-child..this is a chap you blocks people like no man’s business on that Face-book page of his just for differing with him I can not sympathise with him. Its a good thing Face-book have also blocked him for 30 days now he is pleading with people to follow him to YouTube…really laughable.
    Anyway he did say he had damming evidence against Daddy’s girl Tasila

  4. When I called this big boy a childish spoiled brat, some people said ati awe KZ you are a hater. It is clear to see that this childish Bush bear just moves with the party in power..he thought that by lying about TASILA he would be allowed in the inner circles of upnd. He forgot that upnd are tribalists. They don’t want his big stomach there. If anything tasila has been easy on him because if it was me I would have driven to his dirty lane and beat him up in front of the people he troubles everyday.

  5. If I was Tasila, I would keep my big lying mouth shut. With her track record of thieving and CORRUPTION it won’t be long before she herself will be in the dock, and with a bit of luck her incompetent father will be sued alongside her! Yeah, go on, sue me as well! I will have you for breakfast!

  6. Garbage out Garbage in….Makebi Zulu has become the busiest lawyer in Lusaka thanks to Edgar Lungu….he has all the connections in the justice department….I know all the Lawyers working for Makebi zulu

  7. Attention seekers…it has now become an employment opportunity..all these so called influencers are now cashing on controversy and they’re now doing it on purpose…and slowly all the PF minions will become UPND…Garbage out Garbage in

  8. @Deja Vu – Here is your answer below;

    “Lusaka — OUR ‘Moses’ is gone, cried pastor Nevers Mumba yesterday. During a funeral mass for the late former UNIP vice-president Simon Mwewa at Lusaka’s St Pauls United Church of Zambia, pastor Mumba – who is a brother of late Mwewa’s widow Florence – described Mwewa as a pillar to both the Mwewa and Mumba families.”
    By Brighton Phiri – The Post – 5 APRIL 2006.

    This is why Chitambala had access to KK.. we grew up in the 90s this guy was not well known back then but his younger late brother was!!

  9. I thought this dude had manners. He is a diluted low class demented and insecure social bully surviving on featuring in adverts. So now he is upndead goon. What a loser. Shameless !d!0+.
    Fix his a.s.s! Miserable pimp.

  10. PF still have their corrupt people in system they are still in charge look how swiftly they have moved to assist Daddy’s little girl …up to now BUFFOON CK has not been arrested for his tribal talk, HH needs to clean up the system…you are not in-charge my friend

  11. So Bally brought real freedoms in Zambia…. Now those looters who got too stinking rich because their dad was a president even have the nerve to have you arrested for defamation?

    What country arrests people for demotion anyway?

  12. I am surprised that people thinks the current government machinery was brought in by PF. The system bane has no interest in politics. There interest is to control whoever is in state house and his ministers. These people in the civil service especially intelligence are a continuation from UNIP, they have details about every prominent person in the country especially politicians. That’s why HH had difficulties in appointing certain people in the first round of his ministers. Bane UPND is not as clean as you think. Let them just rule but if you’re waiting for the arrest of ECL, and his ministers, I personally don’t see it coming.It is a double edged sword that can equally tier UPND down. The best example are the Forest 27 (UPND MPs are part of it) and 48 houses owned by Finance…

  13. @Tarino Orange and De Javu
    This Chitambala guy was deported from the USA for sleeping with an under age girl..the only thing he went back to Zambia with was an American accent…”forced American accent”….and he started using Simon Mwewa’s name to get people’s attention ….anyway that’s non of my business

  14. 48 houses owned by Finance Minister’s nephew. The 48 houses were known to belong to Tasila and her father. Further, why is UPND quiet about the 42 fire trucks, 48 houses, forest 27. Shouldn’t these be easy cases to prosecute. I will not be surprised if part of the money of the 42 fire trucks reached some senior UPND officials too hence the delay and reluctance. Bushe na ba UPND balikwatamo touch in the so called corruption transactions? Lastly people condemned ECL for launching a lot programmes why did HH go to relaunch a programme that is on going for Covid-19? Even when he was relaunching the programme was running. What is happening to Bally? I never thought Bally would do such things, the way he presented himself.

  15. #21 Dominion. He’s human and as such he’s subject to all frailties and indecisions that afflict the species called human beings.

  16. Dominion – Which programmes are you on about…do you not know that some of these programmes are funded by donors? You expect him to cancel them?
    Yes regarding those cases HH has to come clean and only him can deal with Forest 27 as it was degazetted by the President…look at Faith Musonda everyone knows she is a front for former ministers but they have failed to pin anything on her even ZRA is quiet. The problem we have in Zambia is when journalists are told to ask questions they ask irrelevant ones including sending Chitambala to State House to ask questions since when has this FB blocker been a journalist, he can not take criticism himself….that’s was an insult to the profession.

  17. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    If I was Tasila Lungu, I wouldn’t be suing anyone for defamation because she risks opening a Pandora’s Box, ala ‘Chiluba is a thief vs The Post Newspapers’. Too many skeletons in the closet, a good lawyer would dig and issue all sorts of subpoenas to expose who she really is. What is shocking about this report is the part which says she is an MP for Chawama… shocking!

  18. Without defending the young woman I advise people not think that everyone who has money is thief. Some presidential children have died as destitutes not because they were honest but because they thought their father would look after them indefinitely, others are leading decent lives because they took advantage of the situation by going to school, others are prosperous maybe because they have got good business acumen. Even at work others will have nothing to show for many years they have worked and some will be comfortable. We have institutions where you can report suspected wrong doing rather than using social media… this tantamount to slander.


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