Friday, February 14, 2025

President Hakainde Hichilema Re-launches the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign


President Hakainde Hichilema has called on Zambians to take responsibility in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic by getting vaccinated.

Speaking during the re-launch of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign at OYDC Sports Development Centre – in Lusaka today, President said getting vaccinated is a matter of urgency for all.

The Head of State said Government has set a target to have at least 70 percent of the population vaccinated in order to bring the pandemic under control.

He said this must be done to save lives and the economy.

President Hichilema stated that Covid vaccines work and called for a stop to the notion that they are not effective.

He said he has provided leadership at household level by getting vaccinated together with his family and that he expects other family units to do likewise.

President Hichilema reiterated Government’s commitment to manage the Covid 19 pandemic better and that it is already doing so with the appointment of the Covid 19 Advisor to provide technical advice.

And Health Minister Sylvia Masebo said the Ministry of Health is taking appropriate measures to ensure the country is ready for a possible outbreak of the 4th wave by increasing the response capacity of the country.

Ms. Masebo urged members of the public who are not yet vaccinated against Covid 19 to reconsider their stance and get immunized.

Ms. Masebo also thanked the US Government for committing itself to supplying 1 point 6 million doses of Covid-19 to Zambia.

And United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Resident Coordinator Coumba Mar Gadio said vaccines have been proven to be safe and that countries that have rolled out massive vaccination programs have seen a reduction in the number of Covid-19 cases.

Dr. Mar Gadio applauded President Hichilema for his personal advocacy for Covid-19 vaccination and that there is need to push the agenda further to ensure that all citizens get vaccinated.

She pledged the UN family’s commitment to supporting Zambia’s fight against Covid-19.

Meanwhile, Lusaka Province Minister Sheal Mulyata said the re-launch of the Covid vaccination has come at the right time as the country anticipates the fourth wave.

Ms. Mulyata said vaccination hesitancy by members of the public has negatively hampered the immunization program.

She said it is the hope of the Government that the re-launch of the vaccination campaign drive will improve vaccination demand and uptake in the country.

Meanwhile, Ms. Masebo led other Government officials in getting vaccinated against Covid-19.

And in delivering a vote of thanks, House of Chiefs Chairperson Senior Chief Luembe thanked President Hichilema for leading the re-launch of the Covid vaccination campaign.

Senior Chief Luembe said this has given a boost to the immunization program as it is being led at the highest level of leadership.

The traditional leader said the re-launch serves as a timely reminder for all citizens to get vaccinated.


  1. We thought the so called bally had bigger things to be dealing with. After months in office, we still don’t have a fully functioning govt. He has failed even before the real work has commenced. Can he move over if this is too much for him.

  2. Campaign banner” Immunization for Patson”.
    Get vaccinated so Mwepu and Patson can come to play home games.
    On Sunday mount vaccination tents at each entrance at Heroes stadium…..
    I am smarter than anyone over paid working at HH state house.

  3. I was one of those skeptical about getting the Covid-19 jab following persistent negative reports about it. But seeing that the president and his family have shown the way by getting vaccinated, who am I to continue rejecting ? Verily, verily, I say unto you, before the end of this week, if not tomorrow, I will get myself vaccinated and I hope all of us will do the same.

  4. This vaccination drive is a satanic agenda. If a person has had Covid which most Zambians got by now, then they have the same antibodies that the vaccine gives. ‘SO NEED NO NEED! for the vaccine for most Zambians. In fact the recovery rate for Covid is 99%. So the vaccination drive for zambia is not a priority. We have bigger problems with Malaria and youth unemployment. Get serious with your priorities, the clock is winding down from 5 years.

  5. I thought the State House people will teach this man how to dress especially casual ..I can see he has a problem with ties always opts for a cut throat shirt with a big tie knot.

  6. Zambia doesn’t need 70 % vaccination what for when the majority of the population are youth? Stop copying developed countries with a high number of pensioners.

  7. And the same HH was skeptical about COVID 19 and he thought PF was using COVID 19 to stop him from Campaigning…Politicians always get on my nerves…they will do anything or say anything just to get to plot one

  8. What is he launching or is it relaunching? This has been going on for months!
    Can’t he spend his time on more pressing issues please. Does he need to copy anything done by Joe Biden?
    Give us progress reports on job creation for the youth, not things that we already know about.

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