Saturday, July 27, 2024

The regrouping of the PF is giving President Hichilema sleepless nights-Given Lubinda


Patriotic Front vice president Hon. Given Lubinda has advised party members to get over the electoral defeat and focus on reorganizing the party.

Addressing party officials in Solwezi, Hon. Lubinda said the PF must not be allowed to die because it is the only formidable opposition party capable of providing checks and balances to the UPND Government.

He said the country risks sliding into dictatorship if the former ruling party is allowed to die.

Hon. Lubinda the former justice minister added that the regrouping of the PF is giving President Hichilema sleepless nights, the reason he keeps on issuing threats to the former ruling party.

The former Kabwata lawmaker also advised PF members against engaging in any form of intra party wrangles as this is a recipe for anarchy.

Meanwhile, Hon. Lubinda some PF members are hiding not because they stole money but for fear of what they might done to fellow members.

” They are killing us and you are right I know of a lot of our members who are in hiding, they are hiding, ba constituency chairman they are hiding not because they have money no, some of them are hiding for fear of what they did..ulya I troubled him limbi balanjipaya,” Hon. Lubinda said.

And Hon. Lubinda said it is a matter of time before the PF rises again.

” Falling is the nature of life and we are rising again. We need to learn from our mistakes and do an introspection,” Hon. Lubinda said

PF cadres in Slowe
PF cadres in Slowe
PF cadres in Solwezi listening to Given Lubinda
PF cadres in Solwezi listening to Given Lubinda


  1. The PF could be a formidable opposition party if denialist like slick greasy haired Lubinda and the twin comic buffoonery act of Kambwili and Nakachinda are swept aside within the PF the same way Zambians swept aside the PF. These people are unteachable. They have learnt nothing from the election loss. For the good of Zambia…PF find you your own HH/Chiluba/Mazoka. I am sure there are few among you. Get rid of these uninspiring snake oil salesmen.

  2. Please concentrate on organising yourselves and improve on your tainted image. Zambians think most of your ministers can’t account for their sudden wealth. We don’t see why someone with a 5 year mandate would have sleepless nights because he has time on his side. You guys on the other hand have a massive task ahead of you to convince us the people that thieving wasn’t the order of the day in your party. PF are on record to have been the best opposition party in Zambia under Sata but that didn’t translate the same way when in government.

  3. “…….They are killing us and you are right I know of a lot of our members who are in hiding, they are hiding, ba constituency chairman they are hiding not because they have money no, some of them are hiding for fear of what they did..ulya I troubled him limbi balanjipaya,” Hon. Lubinda said. ”

    So you know you are a bunch of criminals…….

    Let the court cases begin , there will be no PF………

    On top of that , your supporters are used of free cash handouts…………

    We will be watching how you try to uncover the sacks of stolen monies to bribe your base……

  4. Indeed we need an organised opposition political party otherwise we will slide into a dictatorship never experienced in Zambia before. We know that there is a constant vote from the south for UPND and we should try and not let this be the norm. Ba PF there are a lot of good things you did and showed the nation that we can do it but the bad part was the ” rampant corruption” you must work hard and dispell that perception. While the “new dawn” Govt must ensure that those who stole are brought to book through the courts of law not through Kangaroo announcements and decrees.

  5. Oh the projection! STFU!!
    Keep on focusing on the prize, HH. Allow empty PF vuvuzelas to keep screaming. Noone with sense Is worried. Only the dumbazses and the deluded or those trying to derail a clear process out of fear are talking this garbage. This kicked out of the party cl*wn needs a platform as a desperate ploy to get back in. And what a truly useless party it is. The cause of all economic mayhem in Zambia. SMDH

  6. Ha ha ha ha
    Regrouping of a carcass of a party being torn apart by Kabwili and Luo can give the ruling party which won by 1 Million votes sleepless nights??!!

  7. Please bo Lubinda…fixing the economy and cleaning up the mess you left is giving him sleepless nights …don’t mistake him for that laidback man Lazy Lungu.

  8. The longer you preach your total b4llsh!t, the bigger the defeat. You STILL have got no idea that Zambians VOTED YOU OUT for a reason? Namely that the PF is just a bunch of THIEVING liars? And whatever you try, with whoever as a leader, the party is DOOMED. And please LT, stop with these ridiculous stories of a hasbeen!

  9. It is not the insults from the upnd cult that are going to determine the future or indeed demise of PF but the performance of the upnd gorvenment.
    So far katwishi, filiokotuleya.

  10. Upnd won by a fluke caused by bribed disgruntled lazy youth. So you are right father lubinda, they are scared and know they are a 1 term govt

  11. Mr lubinda you and PF members
    Are having sleepless nights as you
    Can’t cope how Zambians kicked
    You out of power.Even 2026 you
    Won’t make it as Zambians can put another party then PF.

  12. So LT, nifunseko: where is Slowe? Does it exist or is it mungulu rushing for a weekend? Anyway unless PF phases out the reasons for their shellacking, they are really wasting their time regrouping. Imagine still having the known bigots and pushers of Bill # 10 still at the helm…

  13. IF hallucinating was a person. HH has not even acknowledged your existence so how exactly are you giving him sleepless nights? Delusional chaps tu PF kuntu waseka.

  14. The criminal and gangster PF will never ever return to power, never. They keep making the same mistakes that made them lose, like concentrating or focusing on HH, it wont work. Talking about UPND/ HH is not rebranding it is playing politics. PF does not seem to understand why they lost or what hit them which is the first step to a strategic rebranding process. In stating this, I know that PF is gone and gone for ever, in Zambia it seems once you lose power you are dead and buried. PF terrorized and oppressed Zambians, no one in there right mind would want them back, even if they elect that buffoon and tribalist umwine wa chisushi Kambwili. Actually projecting that buffoon is working against their feeble and meaningless efforts to do the so called rebranding. We are free at last, The…

  15. We are free at last, the corrupt, violent and thieving PF and that visionless Lungu are obliterated, praise God.

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