Friday, October 25, 2024

Over 30 Italian companies interested in investing and partnering with Zambian Small and Medium Enterprises


Over 30 companies are interested in investing and partnering with Zambian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Italian Ambassador to Zambia Antonino Maggiore has said.

Speaking during the Art and Land Forum organized by the Italian Embassy in Lusaka today, Mr. Maggiore says Zambia has incredible potential to develop SMEs.

The Ambassador said the creation of the Ministries of Green Economy and Small and Medium Enterprises is important to pursue economic growth as was the case for Italy.

Meanwhile, Small and Medium Enterprises Minister Elias Mubanga reaffirmed the government’s commitment to supporting the development of SMEs in order to grow the economy.

Mr. Mubanga also disclosed that government will create an enabling environment for the private sector to thrive.

“As a close let me emphasize government’s commitment to sustainable use of natural resources, let us all curb indiscriminate use of Zambia’s natural resources,” he said.

“God has blessed us with these resources for our own good, it is out of these resources that the youths will get the much-desired employment, poverty will be eradicated and the overall economy will be revamped to benefit the nation in totality.”

And Green Economy and Environment Minister Collins Nzovu said the government wants to develop green industries, particularly in rural areas to develop SMEs.

The Minister said private partnerships are key to national development and job creation adding that he will restrict charcoal burning licenses and increase the penalties for illegal charcoal burning.


  1. When I praise tonga leadership many of the tribal non tongas go in a hissy fit. This is what a tonga leader can do. Zambia will never be the same. Does anyone know some one who sells t-shirt that say “Tonga and proud “

  2. When I praise tonga Ieadership many of the tribal non tongas go in a hlssy fit. This is what a tonga Ieader can do. Zambia will never be the same. Does anyone know some one who sells t-shirt that say “Tonga and proud “

  3. When I praise tonga Ieadershlp many of the tribal n0n tongas go in a hlssy fit. This is what a tonga Ieader can do. Zambia will never be the same. Does anyone know some one who seIIs t-shlrt that say “Tonga and prud “

  4. The current govt will move this country to another level because it is headed by a sober and non play boy like person. Everything seems to be done in an organized manner not the chipantepante we saw with our previous govt where govt officials used to contradict themselves.

  5. Tainted Orange please get back on your medication.
    I don’t really see how the Italians are supporting, but waiting to hear the articulation of how they plan to invest. Invest in what SMEs exactly?

  6. Let these investors not turn down their pledges this time like we’ve seen from the previous years. In the past, companies would come on board later on they withdraw. We don’t want that this time around. Those at the top ubupuba uleke of making investors run away. We can gain expertise and knowledge from these investors.

    We’re WATCHING!!!

  7. All 30 companies coming from Sicily? I like Mafias. Italian mafias missed out on PF, the UPND are too normal to work with.

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