Saturday, July 27, 2024

Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccine still very low


Luapula Province Minister Derrick Chilundika has disclosed that Luapula has so far received 82,194 doses of the COVID-19 vaccines. He said 55,074 doses have been administered to achieve the coverage of 10.5 percent of the eligible population in the province.

Speaking at the re-launch of the COVID -19 vaccination campaign held at Mansa General Hospital today, Mr Chilundika encouraged all to get vaccinated and reduce on the risk of being infected with the COVID-19.

“The UPND government firmly believes that development is not possible without a healthy and productive population,” he said.

Mr Chilundika stated that various points will be set up to allow people get vaccinated.

He noted that the recovery from the pandemic hinges upon mass vaccinations but noted the importance of other public health measures that remain critical in the COVID-19 response.

“We need to adequately vaccinate the eligible population for us to achieve sufficient immunity for the entire population,” he said.

Meanwhile, Luapula Province Health Director Peter Bwalya appreciated the traditional leaders for their continued support in sensitizing their subjects to get vaccinated.

Dr. Bwalya noted that the province has recorded a 97 percent success rate in the utilization of COVID-19 vaccines.

“We can assure you our Minister that we will do our best in vaccinating our people before the fourth wave comes,” he said.

Dr. Bwalya stated that the re-launch of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign is an opportunity for those who never got vaccinated to do so, voluntarily.

“Some people were left out after the first launch of the vaccination campaign, but this time around we will work hard to ensure the message of the importance of being vaccinated against COVID-19 reaches them,” he said.

And Shangombo Acting District Commissioner, Mwendabai Muyunda has urged people to desist from believing myths being spread about the COVID-19 but instead listen to health experts.

Mr Muyunda called on the Health department to work with the traditional leaders in the district to disseminate correct information on the COVID-19 to the public.

Mr Muyunda assured Shangombo residents that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe for everyone.

He said this during the re-launch of COVID-19 vaccination campaign which was held at Shangombo market.

And Shangombo District Health Director, Clatious Chandwa said only four percent of people in the district have been vaccinated.

Mr Chandwe has since urged stakeholders and line ministries to be ambassadors in disseminating information to the community.

He expressed happiness that the re-launch of the COVID 19 vaccination will boost the number of people to get vaccinated.

Meanwhile, Shangombo District Council chairperson Inonge Mubika also called on traders to turn up and get vaccinated especially that there work involves traveling outside the district.


  1. Please don’t force on people as it has already started in other places. These vaccines have not been approved, why are we rushing? In fact, there are drugs for covid 19 which can prevent fatalities when administered early but mainstream media is not promoting them are not even reporting the side effects of the vaccines. God bless Zambia!

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