Saturday, July 27, 2024

Luapula Province Minister urges Zambians to remain united and pray for the nation


Luapula Province Minister Derrick Chilundika has urged Zambians to remain united and pray for the nation, even as the country commemorates the national day of prayer.

Speaking when he attended church service at the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Saint Paul’s congregation in Mansa, Mr. Chilundika said the nation can only move forward when there is national unity.

He noted that as a Christian nation, countrywide unity is vital for any meaningful development to happen.

Mr. Chilundika stated that God has blessed Luapula Province with many natural resources, whose potential can only be put to good use, when people remain united and work together for the common good of humanity.

He said leaders that are elected into public office to serve the nation should always seek God’s wisdom in order for them to realise the desired development needed.

He has since urged the people of Luapula to continue praying for public servants, who have been elected to lead the nation.


  1. The important thing is to teach school children that modern nations are plural societies with many competing interests. The role of the state is to ensure that this competition doesn’t become toxic and violent. Religious nuts normally want their opinions to be the only ones that count. It’s a mistake.

  2. Praying has never put food on my table. I would rather have a country with hardworking satanists than lazy Christians like lungu


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