Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema will not condone any corrupt elements in his Cabinet


Vice President Mutale Nalumango has warned that President Hakainde Hichilema will not condone any corrupt elements in his Cabinet. Mrs. Nalumango says President Hichilema will not hesitate to abandon any Minister or Government official involved in any corrupt activities.

The Vice President said that the Head State is committed to working with people who are keen on fighting corruption.

Mrs. Nalumango was speaking in Chisamba during a rally to drum up support for UPND Candidate in the Chisamba Council Chairperson election Fred Choongo.

She further urged the electorate in Chisamba to vote for Mr. Choongo on October 21st, for better development.

Mr. Choongo pledged to foster development and bring sanity in the Chisamba council once elected as council chairperson.


  1. So far I’m not impressed with the UPND fight against corruption. Nobody from the horribly corrupt PF government has been put behind bars, not even one Zambian police officer is sacked while they continue bribing at roadblocks. How about getting Edgar China Lungu in custody awaiting his permanent stay in jail?

  2. My Check list still remains:
    1. Free education
    2. Dollar at k5 within 48 hours of inauguration
    3. Fuel at k5
    4. Student loans to be cancelled
    5. Fertilizer at k250 etc.
    The way PF was painted black surely we should have over 10 arrests by now. Are the UPND telling us that for the past two months the PF are just waiting with their evidence kept to arrested? All we are seeing is HH appointing his friends in to positions and praising, kneeling to white people.

  3. Promising people what you cannot fulfill is corruption in itself.
    Lying to people and promising lies is corruption to be ashamed of.
    All those un fulfilled promises are just as cruel as stealing from the in suspecting people, as you take advantage of their trust in you and you abuse them for your own benefit.
    Already you are all guilty because you agreed to what your president was doing during campaigns.
    You cannot say that you are not corruption , when you not want any one to lie to you.

  4. Yes, that’s why we voted for change, we kicked out the brutal and corrupt PF government. Corruption cannot develop a country. It only develops individuals

  5. Corrupt elements are already showing in UPND no wonder she’s talking about it…it has already been brought to her attention…I told you that UPND is worse than PF……and just so you know non of PF members will see the inside of Prison…UPND will shield them and they’re already getting brown envelopes….kikikikikiki African Politics and HH is more corrupt than Lungu…

  6. The only thing I didn’t like about the PF was the power wielded and arrogance exhibit by their cadres. Ruling parties need to put their cadres on leash. Already there are reports that Upnd members have been attacking people attending Fred Mmembe’s campaign meetings for the forthcoming by elections.

  7. I am currently doing a research as part of my doctorate studies. The research is in tribe and corruption in Zambia. My findings are very stark but not surprising. It is evident that our friends from the east and North are prone to stealing. The tongas are least likely to steal resources

  8. Their words and actions are going in different direction…and they’re welcoming known PF Bandit Moses Mawere kikikikiki and more Bandits will follow….Never trust a politician

  9. @6 Nshilimubemba
    On the contrary Lungu didn’t promise Zambians anything and he said he had no vision….and I personally for someone who said he had no vision i think he did much better now HH over promised and he is slowly trying to run away from his fake promises…and i agree with you promising people things you cannot do is also corruption or false misrepresentation or obtaining things by false pretense which is a criminal offense…HH needs to be arrested for obtaining votes by false pretense

  10. @1 No Corruption
    and when we tell you that UPND is worse than PF you tend to disagree….The President and the VEEP are busy talking about corruption just to appease the voters otherwise UPND is even worse than PF bandits…and now they’re busy shielding PF bandits…no one will go to jail zero nada….just forget it….they’re all the same…they’re in office just to fatten their pockets,,,end of story

  11. Moses Mawere was fired by Edgar Lungu for stealing….and now he’s made his way to UPND…NO CHANGE JUST CHANGE OF COLOR FROM GREEN TO RED…same players just different referee…and Bandit Moses Mawere will soon invite his Bandit friends from PF to join UPND…African politics at its best…Politics of the belly

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