Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Monze Chief wants new District in Moomba constituency to help foster equitable development


Chief Chona of Monze District has called on the government to consider creating a new District in Moomba constituency to help foster equitable development.

The traditional leader noted that his chiefdom has lagged behind in all facets of development including poor road network, lack of dams and advanced health care facilities among others.

Chief Chona was speaking shortly after attending the UPND victory party held at Nabukuyu School.

But Bweengwa Member of ParliamentMichelo Kasuta requested traditional leaders in Moomba Constituency advocating for the creation of new District to put aside those ideas and instead focus on working together with the government to foster development.

He noted that the New Dawn government was interested in developing existing Districts and not creating new ones.

Meanwhile Mr. Kasuta said two police posts in Bweengwa and Bana Kaila areas would be constructed while a permanent road block for livestock would also be established along the Monze-Niko Road in a bid to curb cattle rustling in the area.


  1. Yet another chief that was overlooked when “empowerment” was handed out. And an additional district? With additional tax payers funding? I call that throwing money out of the window!

  2. I don’t think that the Chona Chiefdom deserve a district. He should for the road to his palace to be tarred, to me that makes more sense. There’s Gwembe and Munyumbwe, besides Monze is still within reach. When MCS created some districts in Southern province these same Chiefs were up in arms that he was dividing them all because of the UPND’s tribal politics. Now that their son is the President they began to make demands for what they rejected? Chief Chikanta and Chieftainess Mwenda will continue to stand out as true leaders in this region because they opposed such kind of politics. Let our decisions be above board and people will respect us

  3. No Corruption – Exactly..I remember old man Sata fell for this and ended up upgrading every boma and increasing expenditure and then Lazy Lungu followed suit.
    Chiefs should stop this stupidity.
    One Zambia one nation!!

  4. What does it even mean to have a district? It is akin to declaring holidays. Whether or not you are called a village, district, city or megacity it all boils down to the competency of those tasked with taking care of that jurisdiction. Mindset is everything guys. It is everything.

  5. It’s an illusion to think that district status equals to development. Wht taxes can be imposed locally to even pay public workers for a month in Monze east? This is wht HH should be telling these chiefs. Michael Sata was incapable of that of course. He was only interested in populism in politics. I expect HH to be on top of the politics of interest rates, budget deficits etc.

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