Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Goodward Mulubwa nursing 22 gunshot wounds


Businessman Goodward Mulubwa was on Saturday night shot at by unknown assailants in an apparent assassination attempt at his home.

Mr. Mulubwa, a close associate of former President Edgar Lungu was attacked at his Kabulonga home around 23 Hours and shot 17 times.

He is in hospital nursing the wounds.

Police Spokesman Rae Hamoonga confirmed the shooting adding that the attacker got away with K50,000 and US$ 300 dollars.

“Police in Lusaka are investigating a report of Aggravated Robbery in which a 58-year-old man of house number 61 Twin Palm Road, Kabulonga was attacked by armed criminals,” Mr Hamoonga said.

Mr. Hamoonga says Mr. Mulubwa 58, reported that five criminals armed with an AK 47 rifle and two pistols attacked him and robbed him of K50,000 and 300 US Dollars. .

“Apart from that the victim sustained 10 Gunshot wounds on the left shoulder, a cut on the right forefinger, two cuts on the back of the head, seven gunshot wounds on the left side of the face and five gunshot wounds on the right arm”.


  1. UPND cadres are worse than my PF cadres.

    Is this the way HH is going to recover money. Shooting innocent people. New Dawn of doing things. May God help us.

  2. These are the cases that Mwami 1 must ensure that they’re properly investigated to a reasonable conclusion. We shouldn’t be left to speculate. I hope that he survives so that whatever the motive is behind this attack is known. It’s a very sad development

  3. In a normal country where gun ownership is strictly regulated, from the empty cartridges where the ammunition came from and their ownership of the firearms used would be established. Now can u imagine wht would happen to Zambia if all these armed robbers choose to establish a militia under one command? Matters of security are taken too lightly. That’s why we hv had a former street vendor heading the government department in charge of internal security. Look, it’s just not done.

  4. Close associates of lungu must be very carefull now……………

    since robbers now know they keep suit cases of stolen money in their houses……….

    For your safety, surrender the stolen money to the banks ……..

  5. Goodward, I wish you well. This is the result of the so much hatred we are reading about on social media against those who were associated with President Edgar Lungu. That hatred is pregnant with a desire to kill anyone who was associated with Edgar Lungu. One just wonders what kind of society we are creating for ourselves. But we should be mindful that if we create a society based on violence against those we differ with, we are bound to reap violence for ourselves. We may just not know who may be the next victims. Friends and relatives of those we maim and kill are also bound to exact vengeance on those they perceive to be the attackers of their loved ones. You can not have someone robbed of money shot so many times. It is clear the many shots fired at Goodward were meant to sent a…

  6. … message to all those like him associated with President Lungu and the PF that their lives are not safe. Amos Chanda, former Press Aide to Edgar Lungu was threatened to be shot at by supposedly professional ACC officers searching him. The attackers of Goodward are no ordinary criminals. But what we see today is that Civil Society and the Human Rights Commission will remain mute over threats to the lives of Amos Chanda and Goodward Mulubwa. It looks like the lives of Bemba-speaking people associated with the PF and President Lungu in Zambia no longer matter under the New Down Administration.

  7. @ Spaka
    What is K 50,000 and $ 300 to threaten someone’s life? There are successful Zambian businessmen and women not associated with President Lungu who make and have more money than this. Is this how you in the UPND are going to make the lives of all those associated with President Lungu miserable by robbing them of their money and threatening their lives? What goes round comes round. Today it may be former PF leaders and their associates being targeted for robbery and assassination. Tomorrow it may come to be UPND leaders once out of power. Please, stop the unjustified hatred for fellow human beings. If you suspect associates of President Lungu to have committed crimes, the Rule of Law demands that you prove them to have committed crimes in courts of law. It is not for a group of…

  8. since robbers now know they keep suit cases of stolen money in their houses………
    You’ve hit the nail on the head
    Obviously a shotgun with small pellets he will be fine … nevertheless a sad situation !!

  9. Are you sure these guys were armed with AK 47 and not air guns? AK-47 fires 7.62mm diameter bullets no way are you going to walk away from that many shots even a pistol to the head. This reporting is terrible…you mean masked men came knocking on the door or ambushed him when he was entering his yard? How did they gain access to the house? Was he carrying this money in his vehicle hence the attack of the left side…c’mon ZP if you are going to issue statement at least be factual….we have grown up watch Columbo, Mami Vice, CSI, Poirot etc

  10. Now even thieves know that big thieves are keeping money somewhere because big thieves will not be punished when ACC comes to search…and even the Police themselves can be suspects they are getting first hand information and want to get to the loot first.

  11. “… gunshot wounds on the left side of the face and five gunshot wounds on the right arm”
    I cant believe Police can put up a statement like this, did they get this from the hospital report…was this man wearing a bullet proof vest?

  12. Judging by the investigations in the gassing incidents, I doubt we will know who the perpetrators are. Maybe somebody wants to eliminate him for the information that he has or the huge sums of money.

  13. 17 Gun shots??? Seven gunshots on the side of the face? 10 Gunshots on the shoulder?? five gunshots on the right arm??? This is very very serious !!! And he survived??? ALLAH WAKBA!!

  14. Nothing like this ever happened during our reign until the violent upnd thugs took over. This is just the beginning

  15. This report is incomplete, how did the criminals enter his house and where was he at that time, who else was at home at the time of the attack and where was the security guard? We need to see some improvements in the way Police report stories to the public.

  16. This fellow has got nine lives surviving after being hit or crazed by 10 rounds of bullets fired from an AK 47 must global survival miracle because that fire arm is deadly. I am sure the guys were mere armatures and we thank God that the former Mayor of Chongwe Municipal Council has survived. From the blues we are experiencing a surge in number of robberies. The police should up their intel system to bring to book these criminal gangs, you hear there was acar break in and such and such was stolen.

  17. Sad, and am not minimising the gravity of this terrible act; but exactly how many gun shots? 10 shots on the left shoulder, then 5 shots on the arm, and 7 more shots on his face and he is alive!?? Sounds like torture to me – as they seem to have been shooting at peripherals, or perhaps he wore a bullet proof jacket, in which case, I believe, it saved his life. I do hope he gets better soon.

  18. So even in a tragedy, it’s politics. Someone wants to know if the victim was wearing a bullet proof vest or if he was shot with an AK 47 or pellet gun?
    Fact is a human being was attacked and shot, regardless of Political affiliation and all we can do as fellow human beings ( if indeed we consider ourselves human) is to offer our sympathy and wish him quick recovery. Gunshot wounds are life threatening. Let’s be humane please.

  19. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    Were they using toy guns? Unbelievable! No way you breathe to tell another story from an AK47 rifle gunfire like that.

  20. Chickens coming home to roost; more like.
    This could be either a deal agreement gone sour. Knowing the reputational character of the victim – operating in closed veils and behind the scenes to shady power players in govts. from MMD and recently PF. He is of the GBM & Jimmy Fingers ilk.
    This guy likely pissed off someone within his circles either here in Zambia or DR Congo.
    Otherwise even criminals are all aware that PF bigwigs and their close associates they were in bed with are hoarding trunks of millions of U$ and Zambian kwachas: its all common knowledge. We are living with them in them same neighborhoods. So criminals have been tipped by dirty cops who to target. Then there is the aggrieved PF thugs who feel left out by their handlers who have been heard threatening to go after…

  21. Then there is the aggrieved PF thugs who feel left out by their handlers who have been heard threatening to go after their hitherto master.
    Goodward knows who attacked him, he wont say it. By God he lives we will hear and witness to much macabre affairs.


  23. These are the works of pf cadres who didn’t share the loot, now following up those suspected of taking the Lion’s share.

  24. Corner a dog and it will attack. That’s what is happening now. PF cadres were empowered with various mechanisms to suppress innocent citizens and fellow political opponents. They were empowered to run money generating institutions such bus stations. They had masters they took money to and now that their source of income has been closed they have started going to reclaim their money where they stashed.

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