Saturday, July 27, 2024

President HH pledges to find Money for ZNS to establish more Training Schools and Skills Centers


President Hakainde Hichilema has pledged to find the money for the Zambia National Service to enable it to establish more Training Schools and Skills Centers.

President Hichilema said that ZNS training schools and skills will contribute to the country’s economic transformational and recovery agenda.

And the Head of State has challenged ZNS to go beyond protecting the country’s territorial integrity and take Agriculture as a business.

The President said that ZNS should be aligned to government’s stratergies and objectives of turning around the economic fortunes of the country through enhanced Agricultural activities.

The President has urged ZNS to recruit skilled manpower that will make the service more productive and add value to their produce such as Maize.

Mr. Hichilema said this at the (ZNS) Kafue Training School during a passout parade for 290 officer cadets of intake 04, 2020.

The President has also directed the Zambia National Service (ZNS) to help mitigate the effects of climate change by embarking on tree planting, adding that government will facilitate a robust support arrangement to ZNS and other units as a way of circumventing the effects of climate change which is affecting the global community.

Mr. Hichilema has further directed ZNS to initiate home grown solutions such as actively participating in the green energy area including afforestation of indigenous species which are able to survive harsh conditions and be able to address the rampant deforestation.

The president also stressed the need to save lives amidst the fourth wave of covid-19 which he says is seemingly not getting better.

President Hichilema has appealed to the general citizenry to get vaccinated as vaccination is the critical element the country cannot underrate.

And, Defence Minister Ambrose Lufuma said the ministry will be the flagship of sustainable development in the country. Mr Lufuma said ZNS will soon start flooding the local market with mealie meal and maize bran.

Mr Lufuma said that the ministry will continue to source for resources to conduct more recruitments.

Mr. Lufuma said the recruitment of the cadets was a challenge as they were many youths who desperately wanted to join the rank and file of ZNS, but it was not possible to employ all the youths who had right qualifications.

And ZNS- Commandant Lieutenant General Maliti Solochi has pledged to ensure that all virgin land under the care of the service is made productive.
General Solochi said the service is also in the process of acquiring two high tech combined harvesters aimed at increasing production capacity at its various farms across the country.
Lieutenant General Solochi said that during the last farming season, the service planted 200,275 hectares of maize, 870 hectares of soybeans and 1,053 hectares of wheat against the backdrop of covid-19 challenges.


  1. That is all this failure thinks about- money and how to fix pf..this is what happens when you give presidency to an inexperienced crooked privatisation thief. You deserve to suffer Zambians because you seem to learn through the hard way.

  2. Brilliance at its best……….

    HEHH touched on all important points…….

    Farming, skills enhancement, planting indigenous trees, youth employment ………..

  3. This is what Lazy Lungu and Stephen K should have been doing instead of borrowing money from the Chinks using Chinese companies to build Police houses at grossly inflated rates.

  4. I hv always doubted the need to hv the military involved in basic agricultural production such as growing of maize, vegetables, raising chickens where the government itself is competing with small scale farmers. Secondly, is there cost accounting and audit of these ZNS operations so that we know if resources are being put to profitable use? It’s not enough to just report quantities produced because resources consumed matter too. Military involvement in agriculture is for post-conflict states trying to rebuild.

  5. Seems to me here in the UK you have a President who speaks and knows his mind for the ZNS and the people of Zambia. I have been listening to most of his speeches since he came into power as Zambia’s new elected President, I like him he seems to want Zambia to be how Zambia was and protect its people. Setting tribalism,poverty,and corruption to one side. The Zambian people deserve such a man and his time in office will change Zambia for the best. Sir, Mr President Good Will and God Bless “One Zambia One Nation” ?? Keep up your good work.

  6. HH is not a failure iwe chi troll. Failure is when you rule 10yrs yet you make Zambia poorer,indebted and very dysfuntional.

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