Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF’s Brian Mundubile boasts about the Party’s Infrastructure Record


Leader of the opposition in Parliament Brian Mundubile has said the PF record on infrastructure development is second none.

Mr Mundubile who is Mporokoso Central Member of Parliament said today, the PF government focused on Infrastructural development especially on energy, road, water and other sectors to open up the country and strengthen social protection among people especially youths to create a vibrant economy.

He was speaking on ZNBC radio 2 evening show programme where he discussed women and youth empowerment and the increase in fuel prices

Mr Mundubile said, initially there was a very advanced manufacturing sector in the country which was spearheaded by the then UNIP government but which was destroyed with the coming of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) which caused massive job losses and curtailed opportunities for the absorption of youths but said PF came up with a sustainable job creation programme through infrastructural development which was aimed at creating a vibrant economy

“PF has a record on infrastructural development which is second to none and the measures we took, we managed to retain Zamtel, ZANACO, INDENI but we have seen our colleagues in the UPND, they are not driving towards creating sustainable employment even though they have commenced empowerment programmes for youths and women”, he said.

The leader of the opposition said the UPND was hoping to implement the 2022 National budget without a National Development Plan on which the budget could be anchored.

“They have a draft document which no one has seen. I would want to encourage them to sit back and really see how they can create employment”, the PF MP said.

He said the people voted for the change that included lower prices of fuel and electricity because that was their promise. “UPND in its campaign made Zambians believe that PF were thieves who were stealing K3 from fuel,” he said.

“Prices of commodities will start to rise because of the cost of fuel and electricity and these youths and women will need guidance on how they need to apply the empowerment otherwise it will be nothing”, he advised.


  1. Honourable Brian, you are 100 percent right. HH and his dark government are able to see the development you took to every corner of this country.

    Kuti twasonta epo twabomba. The new dark government has nothing to build or construct. Hospitals and schools have been built.

  2. They are even shamelessly commissioning infrastructure that was built by PF without inviting any PF leader. Towards 2026, the UPND will have nothing to show for and will start claiming the infrastructure built by PF was done by themselves.

  3. I beg to differ when people say that PF brought development to this country which is second to non. At the same time honorable Mundubile contradicts himself by saying UNIP put up a robust industrial base which was destroyed or brought down through structural adjustment programmes brought about by the IMF. Yes PF played their role in infrastructure development but its not second to non. Indeed if you ask someone to mark his own written exam he can give himself 100%. But the fact is UNIP brought a lot of development to this country than any other party. Give me a list of what PF has done and i will give you a list of what UNIP did and we can compare. Records are there for all to see. So do not deceive this young ones who were not there when UNIP was in power. I have no space here to…

  4. Please come back to planet Earth, Zambians are and have been interested in bread and butter issues and not infrastructure put up using borrowed money from capital markets with huge interests which PF themselves were defaulting, what is the pride there. . It is apparent that the message of August 12 has not sunk in these PF people that Zambians are interested in bread and butter issues. . In short and for clarity and to help you, most Zambians don’t regard infrastructure as of any value to their lives, and in any case what infrastructure is there to talk about in Chiengi, Chavuma, Chadiza, and other areas.

  5. PF and Edgar Chagwa Lungu will always be a Corrupt Criminal Enterprise of a Government.
    Yes you built infrastructure,Roads,Bridges Clinics ,Schools etc etc BUT AT WHAT COST? AT WHAT COST???
    They were all CORRUPTLY PROCURED OVERPRICED INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS.That’s how we ended up in so Debt.Take for instance the Lusaka Ndola Dual carriageway project at $1.3 Billion.
    PF will always be remembered as The Party created by Michael Sata,that became a Criminal Enterprise,a Party of Thieves,By Thieves,For Thieves

  6. The people of Zambia voted to remove corruption so UPND shouldn’t feel it’s their turn to eat. The people have discovered how powerful their vote is and will not hesitate to remove any corrupt government from office. Competing on how to make Zambia great again is all our people want. Our country has been abused and looted far too long. All patriotic Zambians should refuse to be called poor and instead fight back to reclaim our wealth.

  7. This is like someone boasting about having acquired a Mansion and a Range Rover on credit when they can not afford to pay the mortgage and the car instalment…to add insult to injury his family can not afford to eat 3 square meals a day.

  8. Henry – Being in govt is not about borrowing unsustainably to build infrastructure at grossly inflated rates without any care of who will pay back for it or handing funds to youth in the name of empowerment when they can not payback…its called recklessness

  9. Iyayi nawe mbuya Mundubwinubwi! Your administration was pure repression and intimidation. Vima infrastructure vingabe wee. We want a humane leadership and so far your administration failed on so many levels. Siyani wantu wapumuleko ndaba. I doubt very much people want to look to PF again. If UPND disappoints we shall look elsewhere, and not backward.

  10. The mess created by PF is surely showing in the bogs by PF cadres here. You ground a decent economy left to you by MMD. And instead of investing in rebounding and thinking differently to win the hearts of Zambians. PF Chaps continue to invest in cheap arguments. Surely another UNIP this party, and MMD will even survive

  11. PF built mediocre infrastructure , it was a huge smokescreen for massive corruption & stealing. These PF chaps were just thieves… the whole lot were criminals

  12. These people like Brian Mundubile have no shame at all and are still in denial …can you imagine any other country a politician like him making noise after being associated to a woman who was found with bags of cash and has property she can not properly explain!!

  13. Will you still be so proud of those overpriced infrastructure projects when the Chinese come to claim ownership because the ridiculous debts haven’t been paid?

  14. Building infrastructure on kongole (debt).
    New dawn has to pay for that kongole.
    Nothing to be proud of to build everything
    On kongole.Then start defaulting on payment.

  15. Infrastructure yamene iyo, ni ndani aza dya vamene ivo vi infrastructure va PF. Stop wasting our time, that is why we dumped you because you don’t have an idea of how the pangs of hunger feel, that is why you are still talking about infrastructure

  16. Iam really at pains to accept what the hon. MP was saying. Please answer me.
    Mongu lusaka road, Mazabuka lusaka, lusaka ndola and now kitwe, lusaka chipata, mukushi Nakonde, chingola kasumba Lesa are the Major roads. If this is a priority, why are they not done?
    To remind you, lusaka roads were falling under phase 2! It is a question of implementation of JICA project in a phased manner. The energy sector, MCS cancelled Kafue gorge to give his own and so did he do the same for KK airport and the stadium. Then you have not paid for even things you have done. How can you proudly go round with no shame? We are paying for terrible already damaged infrastructure you are boosting about- check kitwe ndola road! The kitwe roads are so bad one would wonder if we had a govt!

  17. Brian infrastructure is a necessary requirement that is paid for by Zambian tax payers. No government should claim any ownership. No one has a problem with infrastructure development but what we have a problem is infrastructure becoming a channel for massive corruption, not properly done, and large sums of debt to foreign countries like China that risks our sovereignity. Please talk about how you planned to repay the debt as well not just infrastructure. All countries including US need Infrastructure but must be done within our financial limits. I suggest you focus on telling your team to bring back whatever they illegally got during the years Lungu so it can be equitably shared among Zambians.

  18. If this guy is talking about infrastructure, PF should be thinking of finding a leader with fresh ideas, not this guy talking about infrastructure. PF must be thinking of sober and intelligent leaders like Sylvia Chalikosa

  19. Give me also a loan of 18 billion dollars I can also do the same and keep change for myself leaving the poor zambians on whose behalf I got the loan suffering and paying for the,same.

  20. People voted for jobs and freedom. Jobs are better delivered by the private sector. Let’s see what happens in five years.

  21. We did our best and infrastructure in the country is a reflection of our hard work. What can upnd point at as a success? Zelooooo

  22. How different is what PF was doing to HH’s giving the minister of information a $50 million fertilizer contract outside tender processes. This is just 3 months in government. If we are sincere and genuine people we should be very much concerned. The fact that in its 6 month now HH has not secured any corruption related conviction despite having the FIC report with clear cases should show any sensible person that these politicians eat together and its UPND time to lead the looting.

  23. O my goodness. Are we becoming that daft? PF perfected the art of stealing. They learnt from MMD that if one steals from the treasury, easy to get caught than if you steal through a project. They knew we Zambians are to damn to see the thefts. This pothole generation, cant we even tell that the so-called infrastructure is so substandard and yet we over paid for it? The roads, fylovers are so narrow truck drivers which are supposed to drive on the left sude of dual carriage ways are driving on the right because they cant see the edge of the roads, where there suppoed to have shoulders, they put ditches, kerbs are missing blocks and now made to look as if this is normal, the footpaths are half the intended size or cut off completely and someone pocketed the difference. Lets wake up for…

  24. Lets wake up for once and demand accountability. Employees at ZDA and other collaborators in ministries are still in office and must be made to pay for what PF did. Kambwili and others divulged much information while in opposition. Its about time UPND did something and shut these thieving PF nincompoops before they shinga the gullible Zambians more butter and pretend to be saints.

  25. UPND is the one paying for the Chinese infrastructure that pf failed to pay. Ba muna benze bena late Magufuli (MHSRIP) who built infrastructure direct from TZ resources noti kaloba. In addition, Kaloba infrastructures is all over the Continent thanks to Jet Li who wants something in return but if you miss payments I urge you to find out in who’s hands Entebbe airport is in now. Thank UPND for bailing you out otherwise someone is licking their lips over KK airport , Zesco etc.


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