Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Anti-Corruption Commission forced their way into my private residence-Lusambo


By Hon Bowman Chilosha Lusambo

I wish to confirm that a team of officers from the Anti-Corruption Commission yesterday forced their way into my private residence in Chamba Valley on the pretext of conducting a search for undisclosed items.

They arrived just after 09 Hours in the morning and conducted their operation until 14:30 Hours. They arrived at my property with Journalists to create drama about the so called search.

At the time of the purported search, I was not present as I was away in Ndola visiting my Constituency.

Without identifying themselves and uttering any search warrant, the officers forcibly proceeded to access my property including the master bedroom where my wife was dressing up as she prepared to go and attend a funeral. The officers did not explain what they were searching for and presented a rude demeanor to my wife, my children and House Staff. They even searched my wife’s handbag and grabbed money for relish. The officers also ended up grabbing my wife’s mobile phones and another one which is nonfunctional, a licensed gun and some drawings of a building for a proposed police post we intend to construct for the people of Kabushi. Infact the said drawings which the officers confiscated were submitted to our Building Committee by the Police High Command.

As stated before, I am a law abiding citizen and I have never at any point failed to cooperate with any legally instituted investigation, be it criminal or civil. What I will not succumb to is intimidation and harassment using state institutions. The officers being used in such operations should realise that Zambia does not belong to any one individual who is giving them illegal orders. Time will surely come when they will answer for their actions individually. The unprofessionalism and incompetency by the ACC can be seen in its very low conviction rates. What is ACC’s interest in a licensed gun? If there was any problem with my gun, Zambia Police would have been the appropriate agency to come and question me about its possession and use.

In a functional society where rules of natural justice apply, the ACC should have written to my lawyers stating why they needed to search my property, obtain a search warrant and present it to me in the presence of my lawyers who should be present for the entire duration of the search. If they find anything incriminating, they should then summon us for questioning and if at all they feel they have enough to form a prosecutable case, present us before a Magistrate and then meet us in court.

Now ACC officers want to act as if they are a law unto themselves. We will not allow the UPND to misconduct themselves using state institutions. To President Hichilema, the five year mandate you received from Zambians does not give you a license to wantonly abuse state institutions.

Zambia is for us all and we are not running away to any other place. We are still here and even if you eliminate us today, our children will come and inherit our resolve to create a better Zambia, for all.


  1. “In a functional society where rules of natural justice apply, the ACC should have written to my lawyers stating why they needed to search my property, obtain a search warrant and present it to me in the presence of my lawyers who should be present for the entire duration…”

    Are you mad lusambo ???

    What’s the use off a search after you informe the suspects of what you are searching for ????

    Might as well ask them to present the needed evidence to the nearest police station………

    Lusambo, we hope you have recites and evidence of paying tax on all that money you were dishing out and flashing…….. 

  2. How can you even say you are a law abiding citizens when as Minister you were whipping people disobeying covid guidelines in bars clearly against the law. What law ever empowers a Minister to assault a citizen. Reflect and repent

  3. Bowman Lusambo as minister was assaulting citizens in bars defying covid guidelines, there is no law in Zambia that empowers a minister to assault citizens, on that score he can’t claim to be ever law abiding

  4. How the mighty have fallen ..the Chief Bootlicker Bowman himself where is your Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu now? He can not even dye his hair now…He thought they would be Kings forever even wiping people and publicly shouting at civil servants in front of journalists. This moron always lies to his wife that he is going to Kabushi but he is going to his girlfriends’..he had a ZAMTEL mansion in Ndola and has a house in Chamba Valley for what?

  5. “Now ACC officers want to act as if they are a law unto themselves. We will not allow the UPND to misconduct themselves using state institutions. To President Hichilema, the five year mandate you received from Zambians does not give you a license to wantonly abuse state institutions.”

    Really laughable…you address your matters to ACC dont involve other people…PF days are long gone…I am happy this arrogant boy is crying like a baby in the media I warned him. Its a shame they are searching his property now.

  6. #4  Tarino Orange
     January 5, 2022 At 1:45 pm

    “……. This moron always lies to his wife that he is going to Kabushi but he is going to his girlfriends’..he had a ZAMTEL mansion in Ndola and has a house in Chamba Valley for what?..”

    T.O , ……..
    Stop making men feel guilty………..

  7. #7  Haakaiinde 
    January 5, 2022 At 2:16 pm

    “Tit for Tat never built a successful society…. Childish UPND as expected…”

    What is tit for tat about investigating criminality ?????

    If you have large amounts of unsubstantiated cash, you need to prove you paid tax…………..

    The post newspaper was closed for not paying tax , losing thousands of families there livelihoods………..

    Who is Lusambo to not be investigated ????

  8. LUSAMBO: “What I will not succumb to is intimidation and harassment using state institutions”. This is HOW low the image of our Security Agencies has been compromised and will take time to rebuild the confidence for as long as Politician will consider every move by the agencies as politically motivated. LUSAMBO, just suck it up, the agencies are just doing their job !!! I don’t know what the Zambia Law says, but my experience from the advanced countries that I have resided in is that the agencies request high Court Judge to warranty such searches, but definitely, NOT a situation where Agencies write to the lawyers. Is LUSAMBO suggesting that His Lawyers are the ones who should have given ACC permission to search? Lusambo, trust ACC for once.

  9. Spaka – This man has been having it all good at the expense of taxpayers if its not corruption its blatant abuse of public resources like the Zamtel Mansion where he was living for free and not paying rent.
    He knows what is coming next hence his pre-emptive cries to HH7…

  10. I’m sure you understand that whatever those junior officers do and the manner in which they behave is a reflection of their superiors. They even knew that you were in Ndola because they weren’t looking for anything in particular. They were told to inconvenience you and your family as much as possible. Just like Kampyongo used to arrest even Fathers meeting in private at the church. Simply put, you politicians deserve each other, you’re brainless idyots. We got rid of the PF idyocy now we have to put up with the UPND multiplied idyocy

  11. When the tables turn, it can be difficult to accept you are no longer ‘King Kong’ – it’s painful! But, I think, it’s only fair that all those who had their snouts deep in the trough; & ate greedily, pay back some of what they took. But, we must do it lawfully & with respect, so that we don’t emulate their nasty conduct.

    #plant a tree please.

  12. Thieves who looted the national treasury like Lusambo & all the PF criminals should have no rights to claim protection under the rule of law.

    @kaizar zulu, another thug who brutalized Zambians & was part of the looting gang is even boasting of wanting to shoot law enforcement officers. That’s how these thieves took the people for granted, they thought Eddie Lungu would rule forever

  13. @Ayatollah,
    Its “PF idyocy ” that is still continuing…….. They still think others are doing to them, what they used to do to others, as you just confessed, that’s what Kampyongo used to do.
    A few months ago, before August, this would have not come from you. From a die-hard PF, lately, your comments are showing signs of shifting to neutral…..that’s commendable !!!
    But to certain extent agree with “Simply put, you politicians deserve each other, you’re brainless idyots.”

  14. This statement was not written by the bulldozer…have you noticed the correct grammar….awe tebo balembele

  15. How things have changed the person you were calling a “very dull man” is the man you are pleading to …Bowman how can you pleading to a very dull man to call off ACC. …really laughable…these jumpy small boys and girls who suddenly stumble in small change never learn or know how to be humble in life.

  16. If it helps you sleep at night, them continue dreaming that I am poor and based in brimxton whatever that is. Seems you are too slow to realise that some of us in zambia know how to use vpns

  17. Sue the ACC niggaz if they stole anything.
    Kabushi is right behind you.
    Look at all these haters.

  18. Unfortunately people (Spaka and Lusambo included) only see injustice when it is meted out against them. Lusambo is very right. In a country with laws a search warrant should be presented before ransacking a victim’s house but the PF used to do this and none of the PF members complained. Just like now no UPND member will cry for any citizen’s rights when HH Police raid a victim. We are a society of cowards and hypocrites.

  19. Iwe mwaiche Kaizar Zulu, you’re threatening to shoot the ACC? What if they shoot back? Or maybe you’re Mr. Rambo, huh? Kambwanga iwe. Iwe nomunobe Lungu, you’re supposed to be in prison by now.

  20. #27  Nitpika

    Stop being as du.ll as lusambo…….

    The authorities only come with a search warrant , which the did on the day.. ……..

    They don’t write to your lawyers telling you what they are searching for………..

    If that is the case , they might as well ask you and your lawyers to bring the evidence to them………

    • Ala Bashikulu ba Spaka, Where have I said they should write to Lusambo’s lawyers? I clearly stated a search warrant needs to be presented. The story doesn’t say so unless you have inside information which you are using for your argument.

  21. The Dumbwidozer is now crying foul after showing off as number one boot licker. Funny how it feels when power has been stripped anso.

  22. @ #21 Musonda Musonda, my observation too for one expects written script to be aligned to what reaches the ears when Lusambo talks! His public relations ‘assistant’ is sure doing a good job giving Lusambo a sophisticated image on paper! Hope Lusambo in turn is “appreciatively generous” to this person!

    Where was all of this that Lusambo is crying about when his party PF governed?

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