Saturday, July 27, 2024

Six SDA Youths who drowned at Kariba Dam put to rest


The six Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) youths who drowned in Lake Kariba in Siavonga district on New Year’s Day after jumping off a fishing rig have been put to rest at the Mutumbi cemetery in Lusaka.

Scores of Lusaka residents joined the SDA faithful at a packed Mulungushi International Conference Centre Hall to pay their last respects to Goodson Hamaila 22, Ronald Libuku 21, Zebron Shitambo 19, Niza Muchiliba 19, Allan Mwaanga 24, and Rodwell Chileshe 26.

Addressing mourners Lusaka province Minister Sheal Mulyata said it is imperative that youths notify superiors about their whereabouts at all times, in order for those tasked to take care of their well-being, to keep track of their activities.

The six youths had gone to Siavonga as part of a larger grouping for a five-day youth camp meeting.

Ms Mulyata described the tragedy as a horrific loss to the family and nation, noting that the deceased youths were still in their prime with potential to contribute to the development of the country.

And the Minister thanked the families for entrusting their children to be part of youth development programs such as the one the six youths attended in Siavonga.

In his sermon, SDA Pastor Munukayumbwa Situmbaeto said God has a purpose for everyone on earth and provides harmony for his children amidst conflict.

Pastor Situmbaeto urged the bereaved families to mourn in faith and place their hope and trust in God who brings joy in sorrowful times.

Meanwhile, Majele Simwinga one of the Adventist youths spoken to said that it was so unfortunate that his fellow youths had to die in such a manner.

Simwinga,however, states that the death of the six youth serves as a lesson to other youths within the Adventist church and beyond about the need to adhere to rules when they go to such events.


  1. Sad day for Zambia. This is a red flag for the country to revive public Swimming Pools where swimming as a basic skill could be leant. It may look like a leisure thing, but it is a very important basic\survival skill especially in these unpredictable weather changes that could trigger floods at any given time. We need to move with time.

  2. It is very painful and my words of encouragement goes to the family of the deceased that remember God almighty knew each and everyone one of us before we where born and so he is the best only one who knows our endings please mourn in Christ and stay strong for we all are in shork

  3. Ironic youths dying whist worshipping…
    Wake up from your docility my are far greater than this folly called Christianity. You are sons of great Kings and Queens.

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