Saturday, July 27, 2024

SPETUZ joins in opposing the the automatic progression of learners grade 7 pupils to grade 8


The Special Education Teachers Union of Zambia SPETUZ has opposed the automatic progression of learners and implores the government to revise this system as it only produces learners who can’t read and write and promotes laziness among grade 7 learners who should have a strong foundation through national assessment to progress to grade 8.

The union President Frankson Musukwa has, however, extol the new dawn government for the introduction of free education from ECE to grade 12 as demonstrated by the commitment to release grants to school in an appropriate schedule.

SPETUZ has confirmed that the funds that were released by the government through the ministry of finance and national planning have been reflected in various school accounts.

Mr. Musukwa has since encouraged school administrators to ensure that grants are well used for the intended purpose without denying children and learners the opportunity that has been accorded to access free education.

He says this implies that even children with special education needs and disabilities should have a share of the national cake that has been allocated to schools.

In a statement read on his behalf by SPETUZ Copperbelt Province chairperson Kangwa Bwembya, Mr. Musukwa is hopeful that learners who were disadvantaged due to school fees will take this opportunity to access free primary and secondary education seriously.

He is optimistic that funds will be prudently, transparently, and accountably used in accordance with guidelines and other relevant laws governing the use of public resources.


  1. automatic progression of learners has inadvertent imports such as is manifesting itself in places like ZIALE

  2. When I used to live in Zambia, I would have objected to progressing all pupils to grade 8.

    Now I know much better. The only real exam should be in grade 12.

    There is no child that is that bad to be denied learning upto grade 12.

    The debate should really be about making sure teachers are good enough to make sure all children are well educated. And building a lot more schools to accommodate this volume.

  3. Useless Union, how do you miss that. School is not just about acadmics, keeping a child for atleast 9 years in school than 7 is more productive. Everyone has a right to 12 years in school without any interferance. Look at Zimbabwe, they have never had that rubbish of failing people after 7 or 9 years, they all progress to 12\13 years of schooling, but their school system has always been better than the Zambian one.

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