Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND’s Corrupt use of Power Presents a Threat to the Rule of Law and Democracy-M’membe


The Socialist Party President Fred M’membe has said that the Unite Party for NAtional Development (UPND)’s corrupt use of power presents a threat to the rule of law and the multiparty democratic norms that we have been pursuing as a nation over the last 30 years.

Reacting to audio which the TV station aired allegedly a conversation between Home Affairs Permanent Secretary, Joseph Akafumba and State House Aide for Politics Levy Ngoma that was published by the television station Dr. M’membe said that the leaked recording by KBN Television is MOT a small thing that should be pushed aside, ignored, or forgotten, adding that the authorities are trying to repudiate and dismiss it as “fake” because they know it is not a small thing.

Dr. M’membe further charged that the UPND government has been complicit in brazen acts of corporate corruption, citing what he described as the Jangulo fertilizers corruption scheme.

“Their blatant abuse of power is also focusing attention on long-standing practices that have undermined our political process and skewed it toward the politically connected at the expense of everyone else,” he said

Below is the full post and the audio recording

That recording is not a small thing. It is not something we should push aside, ignore and forget. They are trying to repudiate and dismiss it as “fake” because they know it is not a small thing. Many commentators on the recording of the conspiracy against Harry Kalaba and the Democratic Party have compared our current administration to that of its predecessors. The similarities are striking: a willingness to tap into the darker currents of our political climate, a disregard for the rule of law, and an overriding concern with settling political scores and damaging perceived enemies.

It is already apparent that this administration will also be marred by scandal.

Clearly, our governance system urgently needs far-reaching reforms which seek to restore faith in our political system by combating the corrupting influence of power and money in politics; promoting ethics and transparency in government; protecting people against abuses of government power; and limiting certain extraordinary exercises of presidential authority.

In less than five months, our current administration has created and exacerbated a broad range of problems. Clearly, their corrupt use of power presents a threat to the rule of law and the multiparty democratic norms that we have been pursuing as a nation over the last 30 years.

Political practices like these undermine our multiparty political dispensation. And they have been complicit in brazen acts of corporate corruption – the Jangulo fertilisers corruption scheme. Their blatant abuse of power is also focusing attention on long-standing practices that have undermined our political process and skewed it toward the politically connected at the expense of everyone else.

By bringing these pernicious problems into the spotlight, their misconduct is creating an opportunity for significant reform, if there is sufficient political will.

We must be ready to seize the opportunity to advocate for bold responses that do not just restore the prior status quo but also make fundamental positive changes. In the absence of those changes, the country risks recurrences of this kind of administration, where a demagoguing president full of sweet promises and nothings rigs the system for himself and his friends while seeking to misuse the levers of government in order to maintain power by weakening or destroying political opponents and their parties.


  1. UPND needs a less simplistic approach to governance. They strike as trying to fit into the snug shoes of all who have preceded them while singing of doing things differently. Muzapya a mambala. The lights are too bright since PF times. Implement what you really had in mind even if it turns out to be painful and unpopular. Our new president already assured us that he will be raising the bar. That statement is not a simple one. It requires some very, very tough postures and maneuvers. I urge his members, MPs and cabinet to please join him on his solo bandwagon before it is too late.

  2. We warned you. We told you that one day you will regret it and miss ECL. Its not even been a year, yet here you are crying. People thought that me and my father ecl would suffer if voted out yet here we are enjoying life while you continue to suffer under this evil regime

  3. From my experience, ruling party usually wins by elections especially in rural areas. Main reason is that the voters think that if they voted otherwise, development will be denied them. The 25million CDF is great bate

  4. This keeps me wondering. What’s the problem, our governance system or just people who assume office?
    This gives me goosebumps. Every sitting and/or former presidents alike are said to be abusing or have abused power.
    It is striking to note also that barely 5 months in office the fellow who promised a kilimanjaro out of ‘restoring’ ‘democracy’ , ‘free speech’ and ‘media freedoms’ is at the centre of abuse of office. The abuse that spans state institutions with impunity. How blind is it for those in power to see. Even Mmembe abused his role in The POST. Normalization only happens when they leave office- a case of absolute power corrupts.

  5. Did you expect HH to change his style after being elected republican president. HH ran UPND like his personal business and with the newly acquired powers, HH is trying to run Zambia like a personal kantemba.

  6. I think I d rather have Kaizar Zulu as President than HHH. Hypocrite HH is really proving to be……. Oh Noooooooooooooooooo! Kaizar Zulu as our President!! I’m asleep and daydreaming!! I’m having a nightmare in the day!!

  7. We said and will continue to say it, some ministers are incompetent and others are showing signs of being too business minded.
    This issue of appointed wives and husband’s to high offices will end up embarrassing plot one or plot kasama mansion.

  8. Saddle up Zambia and keep calm, our incompetent dear leader is at the wheel with his white gloves gripping the steering wheel pretending to be in control. Tough times ahead as a fish rots from the head and the dear leader is the head.

  9. Where was Bwana M’membe when PF and Sata were abusing power on false charges against Rupiah Banda ? Of course he was cheering PF abuses.

  10. Iwe chi toxic troll KZ gld we threw out sewer rat Lungu and his amafi by product like you are soon following him to the incinerator.We now have a good working govt of rule of law with HH.

  11. I know of nobody who misses ECL and PF
    and yes the miss rule by PF has to be mentioned time and time again
    to make people aware of the damaged caused and its no easy task to change the terrible work ethic
    that became a culture


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