Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia is getting better and will be better-President Hichilema


President Hakainde Hichilema has said Zambia is getting better and will get better. In a post following an interaction with citizens after attending church service at Kamwala SDA church today, President Hichilema said Zambians should walk with him on the journey to economic recovery.

“Awesome interacting with fellow citizens along the ring road in Lusaka’s Kabwata area. This was after attending a church service at Kamwala Main SDA church. Their love is magnificent and their words that we should focus on delivering development is paramount to us,” President Hichilema stated.

“Their joy over free education, law, and order, decentralization program including Constituency Development Funds, coming jobs, and business opportunities could be seen. Our word was simply: We are your servants. We are working round the clock and we will walk this economic recovery journey together.

Zambia is getting better and will be better!”

Earlier, President Hakainde Hichilema called on the church to work with the Government in reuniting the country.

President Hichilema said that unity is critical for the government to deliver development across the country for all citizens and that the government will continue to look up to the church for guidance for enhanced development.

Speaking during the induction ceremony for the Kamwala Adventist Youth 2022 at Kamwala SDA Church, President Hichilema said the body of Christ is one despite worshiping on different days.

He urged them to ensure they continue to influence all Zambians to work and live within the teachings of Jesus.

The President said the government is determined to better the lives of all citizens and that this can be seen through various initiatives taken such as the increased allocation of the Constituency Development Fund which will be equally taken to all constituencies.

The Head of State also called on the church to continue praying for those in leadership.

And Southern Zambia Union Conference President Vanny Munyumbwe praised President Hichilema for his insistence on upholding of the rule of law and ensuring that no one is above the law.

Dr. Munyumbwe further called on President Hichilema to make politics as a noble career that hinges on ideas and not name-calling and insulting language.

He said Zambians are wise enough to tell which candidate has the interest of the people at heart.

And Dr. Munyumbwe praised the government for taking positive steps to improve the lives of Zambians through free education from grades 1 to 12 and for reuniting couples that were separated through transfers.

Dr. Munyumbwe also thanked the government for the steps taken to tackle unemployment and also harmonizing salaries for those that have upgraded their qualifications.


  1. It’s too soon to even talk about Zambia getting better. Zambia is still in a debt crisis and is actually surviving due to the kindness of its creditors. If they were to turn the screws, there would be shortages of basic consumer goods we use every day.

  2. Look at the photo above this article. You see president HH followed by at least twenty YES MEN and YES WOMEN, doing absolutely NOTHING constructive. And they are governing Zambia? Give me a break! This country is going NOWHERE!

  3. Don’t get twisted vasco Dagama. Get to work and root out corruption in your Government. The fertilizer scandal, the trip to SA, biased police, zero convictions and corrupt Audios does confirm that Zambia is not getting any better.
    IMF conditions are still hurting Zambians. Stop the yaps and understand that development isn’t dreams. It’s abstract and experience. You can’t tell the patient that he is getting better when he is unstable and still in bad shape. I don’t like self praise niggaz! Zambia is in distress because of you 90s sabotageous behavior.

  4. iam extremely disappointed with you…
    When you were campaigning you promised we the people of Zambia to reduce the work load at Zesco, During the pf government Zesco has five directors..Now these chipantepante government called new yawn has increased the number of directors to nine some are coming from overseas and each director has two deputies … none sense

  5. It’s very cruel when you are chewing a tasty steak to tell a person who can’t even afford kapenta how nice the food in your mouth tastes. This man is a sadist to say the least. Prices of things getting higher for the better according to him.

  6. He chased cadres from the church service he was attending. Of course cadres should not be entertained but you cannot chase someone from attending church service. He may be a cadre but a church is a place where people are transformed. Who knows after listening to the sermon those cadres would have come out better persons. But that opportunity was denied them in the name of trying to prove something to the general public.

  7. President Hakainde Hichilema has said Zambia is getting better and will get better.” LT

    This time I’m using the word;
    administration deliberately, UPND administration you have five years Mandate: the authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded as GIVEN BY THE ELECTORATE TO A CANDIDATE OR PARTY that is victorious in an election. No need to seek approval.

    The only thing some of us are asking you to do is make GRZ and Local government to Interpret its constitution the way it’s supposed to be interpreted.

    Politicians use the GRZ to intrude in people’s affairs. It should be the other way around.

  8. @6 According to your reasoning here, HH is a sadist because everything has become unbearingly expensive for the reach of an ordinary person and he doesn’t seem to care because he has all his needs catered for. Now, would they have been cheaper had the gentleman who would charter and take a plane load of musicians and cadres to New York to go shopping, dancing and sipping expensive wine and whisky been retained, Your opinion please?

  9. Zambia will surely be better, we wont wait for ten years like in the failed PF project which promised more money in our pockets from 2011 and it never happened

  10. It is only getting better in his own imagination. Taking pictures with public and paying a desperate woman to act star struck in front of you is not evidence of achieving sir. Grow up sir

  11. Day dreaming and self-praise.
    Get down to work HH. You are talking too much, let the people tell you that Zambia is getting better not you saying it.
    How much are the farmers buying fertilizer compared with what you promised them? How much are they buying mealie meal at? How much are they buying a litre of petrol and diesel? How is the dollar today despite you having told Zambians that “you are sworn in at 10hrs the Kwacha appreciates at 14hrs,” The thieving government of PF left the dollar at K15 by August, you you take over government in August itself and we are now almost at K18 per dollar. So where are you getting those facts that Zambia is getting better? Despite changing government Zambia is still in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) as left by PF, if not even worse!! So my advice is…

    By Michael Kaluba (Radio Pheonix News)
    The National Action For Quality Education In Zambia-NAQEZ- says its assessment shows that the introduction of ‘free education’ has resulted in an overwhelming enrolment rate that has the potential to compromise the quality of education.
    NAQEZ Executive Director Aaron Chansa says this overwhelming response in both rural and urban areas will worsen the teacher-pupil ratios until the 30,000 impending recruitment of teachers is done, most of whom he suggests must be sent to rural areas.

  13. #13 Tarino Orange staunch praise singer hiding in a foreign country praising even without seeing what he is praising. Mulekutika?


  15. Positive spin and optimism is a good thing but ba sir, we need to see some action. Talk is cheap, start showing some tangible results.

  16. @10 Vulture… Suppose Lungu had increased the fuel price which has triggered other prices with the same explanations as the new guy, what would be your narrative?

  17. I think, as he is in power, he has a vision for him to vomit his visual imagination. HH is not a “tabula rasa” therefore, let’s wait to see his actions in a certain period of time.
    At this juncture, let’s not prejudise, rather we as citizens need to unite and support him.

    If you mark his words clearly, he says “we are your servants”.
    People in parliament are there to stand and speak on our behalf, thus, they need full support from the roots.

  18. Deja Vu – I dont support UPND, I support Team Zambia any policy that is good for the country has my support. I invested in change to get rid of the rot under PF…I dont post here for likes and thumbs up, since when did LAZY LUNGU reassure you all he did was allude to development projects built with loans which they lamentably failed to repay.

  19. Ba HH don’t tell us, we’ll see ad judge if it’ll be better or not. U squeeze people on fuel ad u expect Zambians to be cheering u. We hv bn hit bad since u became president.

  20. Ba Lusaka Times stop manipulating the like and dislikes. Why is it not working when a number of us try to like and dislikes?

  21. How does Zambia get better when people are going into deeper poverty, because of the increased prices on essential commodities and now those who used to have two meals a day now it is one meal a day.
    What the president is saying is just a joke .

  22. Tarino orange.
    You promised people of Zambia that you are fixers and you will do the fixing at a supersonic speed and because of your lies people put their trust in you.
    Now you must go out in the open and tell Zambians that you were lying and that you are incompetent, since all you are doing is complaining about your defeated colleagues and that has become your mantra.
    It is troubling to see your lies and how our people are suffering they have gone much deeper into misery, unfortunately you are still singing and doing nothing to meet your promises.

  23. Inflation is coming down,Kwacha vs U$D is stable,Forex reserves are up,Zambia’s largest ever budget was in HH era,the IMF is lending Zed again….Zambia is indeed getting better.

  24. Ba PF start disbanding – Mulusa has wisely advised you. You do not seem to learn that, vulgar language, violence, tribalism and corruption cost you the 2021 elections. Continue that path and see where you will be come 2026. I am just being honest with you.

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