Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND has managed to achieve more in five months than PF-President Hichilema


President Hakainde Hichilema has said that the United Party for National Development (UPND) administration has managed to achieve more in five months than what the previous administration failed to attain in the 10 years they held office.

President Hichilema said that his administration has paid some retirees who were not paid for the past 20 years, adding that within 5 months he has been in office, he has managed to implement the free education policy that he promised the people of Zambia.

President Hichilema was speaking when he toured some markets with UPND Kabwata constituency aspiring candidate Andrew Tayengwa in Lusaka’s Kamulanga area.

He urged the electorate in Kamulanga to consider voting for Mr. Tayengwa in the forthcoming Kabwata by-election slated for February 3.

The President said voters should vote for a UPND candidate to further development in the area.

Earlier, Speaking when he congregated at the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Liseli Congregation in Lusaka’s Kamulanga Township, President Hakainde Hichilema committed to working with the church in uniting the country and establishing a corrupt-free nation.

President Hichilema said that his administration will ensure it unites the country to foster peace and root out acts of violence and pledged to closely work with the church in his developmental agenda.

The Head of State also urged the church leadership to work together and bring development in the country hence his determination to deliver free education for all.

He said school and skills development is a cornerstone of development hence the UPND policy of free education for all.

And in her sermon, Liseli Congregation Minister in charge Hellen Chisanga called on congregants to be grateful for all that God has blessed them with while calling on the spirit of giving towards the completion of the current church projects.

Reverend Chisanga also called on the nation to pray for President Hichilema and his administration to lead the country according to God’s will.

She said Zambians need to thank God for allowing a peaceful election and transition last year which ushered President Hichilema a God given candidate.

The President was accompanied by various cabinet Ministers among them for Local Government Garry Nkombo, Agriculture Reuben Mtolo, Lusaka Province Sheal Mulyata, Justice Mulambo Haimbe and UPND Kabwata aspiring candidate Andrew Tayengwa among others.


  1. BMW= Bally Muntu Wabufi. It seems HH and the entire UPND have set the PF as a yardstick to gauge their performance. Everything he does he refers to the PF as having not done it well. ECL didn’t go to launch books at national cost! And if the PF had really failed, then does it make sense for a person endowed with just a modicum of common sense to draw comparisons for his performance to a lamentable failure? This isn’t the meritocracy that we were promised. It’s on this forum that we stated that HH isn’t as clever as he and his supporters project. That’s why there’s nothing to profile about him. We shouldn’t expect anything good from him. He’s just wasting our time.

  2. Payment to pensioners has always been tricky. Even this it’s who you know in the system. I’m talking from what I have seen so far.

  3. This rhetoric is sad. Even at campaigns he continues to lie.
    Kikikikikikijukija ababena kuwayawayafye. 5months vs 10years. Self praise, does the baal understand what he is talking about? Achievement tah! Really? So it will be achievement by mouth and pronouncements going forward?

  4. Am sorry Mr President. PF is not the yard stick in which people will judge you but rather you will be judged against your own campaign promises. About doing better than PF, I am afraid most of promises are just promises nothing tangible to talk about.

  5. The woman dancing in the picture I hope she’s not a house wife. I can see the president trying not come in contact.

  6. Done more in 5 months? Eish man, ayikona. The last president I heard make similar claims was Donald J Trump. Look how well it all ended for him!!

  7. Look at nkombo staring at the woman’s behind while she dances for HH………

    Normalcy has been restored…………

    Governance systems are functioning as they should although some systems will take time to adjust to working normally, but other wise civility is been restored…….

    campaigns should not be characterised by dishing out money and goods as was the case , but ideas………..

  8. I love you bwana but would like you to tell the truth sir, how many hospitals,roads,clinics,airports,toll gates,police houses,army houses, roads,bridges,malls (facilitated by PF), universities that PF did in their tenure that you have beaten?

  9. Self praise with nothing to show for it..busy commissioning pf projects and you say your achievement. This man is a man child or a mitch( a male version of a

  10. Spaka like lilo, Akaps! Kikikikikikijukija Hehehehehehe nkunkunkunkyu hahahahahaha kwekwekwekwe kwikwikwikwikwi. Normalcy at looking at women imbokoshi you’re wick.ed. Look at those behind her salivating! Wandepula! Musalula.
    A yo Jason
    (Oh, yeah)
    Say somethin’ to her
    Holla at her
    Haha, I got one question
    Haha, how do you fit all that in them jeans? Haha
    You know what to do with that big fat b*tt
    Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
    Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
    Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
    Just a little bit (swing)

  11. PF was just a talking shop, talking of infrastructure which Zambians did not even appreciate, the science is very simple, sort out issues of the belly first before you talk of infrastructure. People are hungry and somebody is talking about a fly over bridge and only in Lusaka out of 752 thousand square kilometers land mass. The anthem is simple , bread and butter issues, period. UPND looks very promising

  12. Bally Muntu Wabufi in action. Lying with impunity. I think even your praise singers deep down know ati watampa ukupena.

  13. Mr. President, even if you are desperate to win the kabwata seat, please be factual.
    Are you sure that you have achieved more in five months than what PF achieved in ten years?
    What have you achieved?
    Please learn to appreciate what others have done and then build upon it. Self praise will not take you anywhere.
    Chiluba made the same mistakes of dismantling whatever KK had done and as a result, look where we are as a nation
    It’s not about you as HH, humble yourself sir. It’s about Zambia.

  14. The Kwacha is STILL depreciating (K18 to the dollar today), loadshedding is back to TEN hours, fuel prices have gone up, food prices are still going up: even Edgar China Lungu could have managed!

  15. Scoffers have a long way to go 5 years plus, even after 5 years BMW is likely to continue as president, by then a lot of them will ‘ve died with bitterness.

  16. The PF promised more money in peoples pockets and for ten years they were just blowing hot air. I am not UPND but I can confess that the UPND looks very serious and promising

  17. @Ayatollah Sir, its important to understand benchmarks and the change theory. You can’t talk of change without a reference point. UPND’s short term benchmark is PF performance. Likewise PF had MMD as its immediate benchmark after taking power. In the longer term the reference point can change.

  18. what have u acchieved?Even your 14hrs dolla is going up.PF left at 15 and now 18.2.This party won thru lies and will continue thriving in lies as long as they are in power.

  19. Come 2026 I can see Bally aka Baal winning the presidential elections but UPND failing to win a majority of seats in parliament. Then the drama will begin. How many of the 30 000 teachers have been employed to date? When will the price of mealie meal start coming down?

  20. What is the use of boasting about a newly built farm, when……….

    The farm is bankrupt……….

    The farm does not produce anything……….

    The payment on the loans used to built that farm have been defaulted……….

    This is the case with PF and their supporters lamentable pointing at infrastructure that anyone can build with borrowed money…………

  21. What? Zambians has anything changed there? Mmgh! Filecitika? 5months beating 10 years? Simasebela aya?
    Puti! Matyetye!
    How did you afford to have such a big lie in State House?

  22. Forward forward imwe……. Surviving retirees have been paid, sanity is abound, free education, Kwacha appreciating, investor confidence restored etc , All achieved under 5 months . Look at the success trajectory …..Under 5 months n yes FORWARD anaza 5 years after this tenure.

  23. We are getting impatient FOREST 27, PF MALANJI HELICOPTERS, CONTROLLING STREET VENDING. UPND is slowly becoming the party of big talk and no action. Dont blow your own trumpet.

  24. The owner of Lusaka times is a diehard PF, so what more of the comments here. I believe your guess is as good as mine.

  25. Ive never been a PF supporter and will never be but what a lie! What has UPND achieved? They want to blow their own trumpet even before they buy it.


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