Saturday, July 27, 2024

Turn old Mpezeni hall into shopping mall, cry Chifubu residents


Some residents in Chifubu township have asked Ndola City Council to turn the old Mpezeni hall into a shopping mall as the structure has become a den for criminal activities.

The Mpezeni hall formerly Dar Harmmerskjoeld Hall is a historical site as it was named in honour of the UN Secretary-General who died in a plane crush a few meters from their township in 1963.

The hall which with time has not been in use is a snare to the safety of the township.

Chalwe Mwelwa a Chifubu resident complained that the hall is a den for criminal activities because it has remained idol for a long time.

“Ndola City Council (NCC) announced in 2019 that the old historical site will be replaced with a shopping mall but since than nothing has been done.” Mr Mwelwa said.

He said Dar Harmmerskjoeld hall used to be a very important historical site for Ndola residents but plans by the council were to develop a shopping mall that will see young people of Chifubu get employed.

Mr. Mwelwa said the site still need a facelift and construction of a shopping mall will be ideal for the township.

He added that the place is not well maintained making it dangerous for the residents of Chifubu.

And another resident Dickson Phiri said if plans to construct a shopping mall are void then the council should consider constructing a filling station as it will also be beneficial to the residents.

And Fibobe Ward Councilor, Simon Muleba said he will engage Chifubu Member of Parliament and the Ndola City Council Town Clerk to see how best they can transform the archaic hall.

“Initially this land was given to RMB Westport limited, a South African company with an aim of constructing a shopping mall but that has not been done,” Mr. Muleba said.

He said a permanent solution for the historical site will soon be found, and called on residents to be patient.


  1. I don’t think that structure qualifies to be a shopping mall. It’s better for NCC to turn it into a public library or just a hall to accommodate clubs like tennis, boxing, chess, weight lifting, etc and it can be hired out for events like weddings. Ndola has enough shopping malls and I don’t think any business person can stake their money there. Those calling for a mall don’t know what they’re talking about. If the Chinese set up a shop there it will work against tunthemba at the market. Locals will close as all the senseless people in that area will support the Chinese instead of their own. Why do many Zambians think like Kabuswe and Musokotwane?

  2. This is what happens when a people see shopping malls as development…we can not develop with such mindsets

  3. My Gosh!!

    This building should be listed as it is one of the very few buildings in the country with a Hyperbolic parabaloid concrete roof. The Zambia Institute of Architects must intervene in this madness. The Building should be restored as a cultural center. It boggles the mind that our focus as Zambians is solely on commercial activities at the expense of cultural enlightenment

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