Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Bus fares go up


The Road Transport and Safety Agency has approved the request by bus operators to increase bus fares pursuant to the Road Traffic Act No. 11 of 2002.
This follows a consultative meeting with bus operators held on Friday 1st April, 2022.

Intercity Bus fares have been increased by 15 percent, K5 for inter mine and peri urban routes while local routes have been increased by K2 both in Lusaka and Copperbelt.

The new bus fares are effective 5th April 2022 and bus operators are guided to revise the bus fare charts accordingly and display in all the buses.

This is according to a statement issued by RTSA Head – Public Relations Fredrick Mubanga.


  1. We ain’t seen nothing yet.

    I’m sure the 2.8 are exempted from having to pay increased fares and prices.

  2. I’m in a fix (fixed), as driver I am hard hit by the fuel price hike.
    I sympathize with the commuting public but as a bus owner the recent hike in fares hasn’t helped much…. it’s not only fuel that has gone up.. repairs and serving expenses have gone through the roof. Add crew wages, pilfering and tricks one would only find giving up as a solution. Include the anticipated number of travellers who may end up walking to their destination.

  3. Shocking! LT can not cover Chilufya Tayali’s arrest and its course. LT should cover this story for Zambians reaction

  4. The 2.8 know that he mess left by PF will take years to fix. The first objective was to remove that cadrerized party and its government and replace it with a government that respects its citizens and the resources it is entrusted with. The 2.8 will never regret as long as the millitias are kept at bay

  5. Most operators have rejected the increase as meaningless…. me included we are not a charity on behalf of GRZ

  6. Life has become unbearable….what this means for a poor country like zambia is that we will plunge deep into a bottomless pit of poverty because this has already affected the prices of foodstuffs but the salaries remain stagnant..

  7. Bus fares go UP but they NEVER come DOWN. And the REAL inflation will now go from 20.5 to 21.3%. Well done Bally! NOT!

  8. You haven`t seen anything yet. The first thing your Bally did was to give his friends a tax break by removing mineral Royalty Tax. These heartless Capitalists at work.

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