Saturday, July 27, 2024

World Bank to fund selected roads in North Western Province


The World Bank working together with the Zambian government is this year expected to mobilize resources to renovate the Manyinga-Mwinilunga and the Mundanya-Litoya Roads.

Improved Rural Connectivity Project Coordinator, under the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development, Mwata Sekeseke disclosed this in an interview with ZANIS in Manyinga today.

Mr Sekeseke said the objective of these projects includes, to improve productivity among local farmers, improve trade and delivery of goods and services in rural communities.

He said government and its cooperating partner the World Bank are focused on improving the livelihoods of rural communities.

Mr Sekeseke lamented that it is sad that specialized health services cannot be easily accessed by people from as far as Kashinakazhi and Lusongwa and education services cannot be easily be delivered on time especially during examinations due to the poor state of the roads.

“These Roads Projects once completed will improve the livelihood of the local people,” he said.

Mr Sekeseke further disclosed that the two selected roads in the district will be done to gravel standard in the first phase and later on upgraded to bituminous standards.

“The initial plan is to see to it that rural areas are made economically viable through these roads then other developments will follow,” Mr Sekeseke said.

He also disclosed that successful selected contractors are expected to mobilize on sites by September this year.

“We expect the bidding advert process to be concluded by July or August so that the following months the successful contractors can start mobilizing themselves to start the projects,” he added.

Meanwhile, Mr Sekeseke stated that the actual project implementations may start towards the end of the first quarter of 2023 after the rainy season adding that it is a five year period, with the first two years for rehabilitation and the last three years for maintenance.

And District Commissioner, Brenda Mukwakwa welcomed the development saying the two roads will connect the district to other districts like Mwinilunga and Western Province via countries like Angola and Congo DR.

Ms Mukwakwa expressed optimism that the agriculture sector will flourish as potential customers from other countries and districts will easily have access to agriculture produce.

“With this development people from Mwinilunga, Angola and Congo DR will have access to our farming inputs and our investment potential,” Ms Mukwakwa said.

Ms Mukwakwa also implored government and partners to consider working on other feeder roads in the district as well so that Manyinga’s full development potential can be achieved.

“We shall appreciate if other feeder roads are also considered apart from the two selected, we want our district to develop and our people to be happy,” she said.

And a local farmer and former civic leader Patrick Manjashi has welcomed the development saying local farmers will have a wider market and produce more as access to markets will be made easy with the good road network.

“We are grateful to government for considering our plight,” he said.


  1. Other People will say that i talk alot here and that i ve over from Kaizer Zulu,yes and for a simple reason.Let me tell you my story, I ve always been a newspaper reader from the Post days to when internet came and onwards. Now i ve been in & out of SA since 2008 and online news kept informed of Zed and boy im super clued abt Zambia since i ve been following trends even during the west times. It began when i was about Zambia discovering oil,diamond in Western province, Uranium in Southern, Zesco expansion, EFZ, Ministers & Presidents appearing on news normally normally now and then. Then my friend,during the Sata rule, start reading abt Wynter Kabimba, JEan Kapata, Emerine Kabanshi etc, soon after pangas start appearing, this is when i almost started pushing ID application in SA even…

  2. ….Even harder. Then Kabimba gets fired and this was the turning point & birth of violence,hooliganism stripped naked & displayed in streets. Sata at this time was still alive. Then he dies,Guy Scott takes over & immediately after that ,another War breaks out,bigger than the Kabimba one. This time its being spearheaded by an all Northeners club who held Lungu hostage-fronted him & Inonge Wina made their dream come true overnight while pursuing her own ambitions. Thereafter, all the knews i used to read abt new investments,ministers justifing & talking sense vanished. Instd of ministers or PSs, cadres like Innocent Kalimanshi start to appear on ZNBC news headlines – i was like “Really”. Not jst that but even interviewing cadres on national TV – e.g Maxwel Chongu. Commando. then a…

  3. …….Then a katondo currency trader becomes a minister etc. Story short; im just grateful to be able to read abt Zambia normalcy life & international dignatories appearing as top stories in newspapers again like Zambia was always known for, b4 PF came. Thankyou

  4. Wow! How Anthony Bwalya came from the backdoor, overlapped and knockout SLUGGISH and SLEEPY established media CRONIES of UPND to become HH’s Right Hand Man & Press Aid. Wow! How Anthony Bwalya came from the backdoor, overlapped and knockout SLUGGISH and SLEEPY established media CRONIES of UPND to become HH’s Right Hand Man & Press Aid.

    The same funding was done under PF to construct roads and bridges. And UPND did not count it as development. HH is a mambala and a snake / Njoka / Insoka

  5. 1.2.3 # Jonathan Mutaware-Formerly STEP ASIDE.

    What is this sh*t are you mourning about? …..
    Have you lost your marbles and you mind is no longer coordinating. What is this garbage you have written ? ……

  6. Tayali speaks the truth and professes his support for pf and in no time he is arrested. A clear sign that pf is a threat. Upnd is a one term mistake

  7. The New Dawn Govt is delivering development and soon the whole country will be fully connected. What travelers are experiencing along Pedicle road is unacceptable coz contract was awarded during PF but the road is still in a bad state. Once the Manyinga – Mwinilunga road is done there will be proper connectivity to Angola and DRC trade corridor.

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