Saturday, July 27, 2024

GBM gets 300,000 bail


PF member Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba popularly known as GBM has been granted bail of K300,000 by the Lusaka Magistrate Court.

GBM appeared in Court today for counts he faces of being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime and conflict of interest involving millions of kwachas and thousands of dollars respectively.

GBM was yesterday arrested by a joint investigations team and charged with 8 counts of Conflict of Interest and 19 counts of being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

GBM was remanded in custody, however today after applying for bail, he has been granted bail at a value of K300,000.

He is set to appear on June 14 for plea.


  1. The man who would have been Republican Vice President under the Upnd. Oh there was a plan to use him then dump him. A cadre in Monze was going to report that GBM had a fake grade 12 certificate. And the process to remove him would start.

  2. As much as I know GBM didn’t behave with honour when he served as Defense Minister. But he’s being called to account almost 10yrs after these crimes were allegedly committed. Where were the Law Enforcement agencies? This is an indication that our institutions are very weak and don’t serve their purpose. GBM should have arrested the time he was insulting soldiers to say ” nimpiya shakwa noko?”. But they failed to do it and he defected to the UPND where he was embraced and given the position of VP without even going through an election! GBM spent millions of his money on the UPND, didn’t they see that these were proceeds of crime? GBM is being punished for something else and not what he did when he served as Minister. This is pure persecution. I doubt if these cases will go far…

  3. Corruption is an EVIL that all efforts must be made to eradicate it. The evilness is NOT only because you pay someone for a service, but its about damage done as a result of DISTRUST among the people. Also it creates “intelligent retards” who are here to politicize every case of suspected corruption. ECL already said: UMULANDU TAUBOLA. period. So why should there be an exception for those suspected, is it because they are PF? What about considering the TAXPAYER’s money that is suspected to being misused, why don’t you fight for the Zambians instead of the suspected individuals ?
    BTW: Such cases can NOT be built in a few months that this GRZ has been in POWER, PF MUST have had this information long time ago, GBM knew about it and that is the reason he jumped back to PF. Otherwise,…

  4. First of all there’s no Law Enforcement Agency in Zambia called PF or UPND, this must get into the brains of retarded praise singers. The PF or UPND can’t investigate any case and take it to courts of Law. GBM was corrupt both under PF and later UPND. The reason both embraced him was that he was with them. Now the UPND has pushed for his arrest because he’s no longer with them and now they want to punish him using these offenses yet they never had any shame to use his dirty money to mobilize their Party. Both PF and UPND are accomplices in GBM’s corruption, if at all it was there. The ACC that has arrested GBM today was the same that was there when these offenses were committed, it’s the same that has failed to investigate UPND fertilizer corruption and it’s the same that’ll bring…

  5. it’s the same that’ll bring back these cases long after UPND has left power. They behave the same. The PF interfered with cases and now the UPND are doing the same. Many will be investigated and arrested when they fail out of favour with the Great Leader or when they leave office. Many will go to prison over the Black Mountain, fertilizer, CDF……….

  6. GBM is being squeezed so as to come clean on other offences………..

    After all he told us he knows who were gassing Zambians, leading to 50 murders………

    Apart from that , GBM is a central figure in many corruption cases, even during elections………….those will come to light soon.

  7. We also know GBM was a PF tribal agent planted in UPND or through greed and tribal inclination turned to PF………….

    Each time HH was arrested his then VP would be mysteriously in advance in SA………

    The cases against GBM will come to light very soon, or he will be a state witness against some PF gang leaders………..

  8. It is people like GBM who transformed upnd from being deemed regional party to national party

  9. #9  Computer Scientist 
    June 8, 2022 At 5:45 pm

    “It is people like GBM who transformed upnd from being deemed regional party to national party…”

    Where ????

    GBM even lamentably failed to deliver kasama with UPND ………..

    And again failed to dismantle UPND with PF…….

    GBM is a washed up business man and politician who can not survive without GRZ contracts……….

  10. There is NO POINT accussing UPND for arresting GBM. This type of culture should STOP, because you are GIVING these POLITICIANS and suspected POMPWEEs a reason for therm to believe that all ARRESTS are political persecutions. Can you define what non persecution arrest look like?
    Come on guys, UNL:ESS YOU ATE from them, there is NO REASON for you to SPEND that ENERGY defending a Pompwee for NOTHING !!
    My call is for you to support the ZAMBIANS TAX PAYERS whose WEALTHY appears to have been LOOTED, and that has nothing to do with “praise singers”. There is NOTHING like “praise singers”, BUT a group of people asking YOU to debate facts, and NOT constantly pouring here conspiracy theories. My call to arrest the Pompwees obviously applies to UPND. If you continue supporting PF Pompwees,…

  11. Cont`d
    My call to arrest the Pompwees obviously applies to UPND. If you continue supporting PF Pompwees, what will prevent UPND from supporting theirs? Its a cycle that YOU and ME can break. Lets DO IT, without finger pointing that one was UPND or PF. !!

  12. Don’t worry we will get that money back. Hatembo I employ your mother and father and you say I can’t afford bail. F00lish

  13. Kawalala ni Kawalala whether he stole 100 years ago yesterday or today. My only complaint is that thieves are only identified when they are in opposition from 1991 to now. So they can always cry they are political rather than criminal targets.

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