Saturday, July 27, 2024

I’m being politically persecuted for ditching the UPND prior to the 2021 General Elections-GBM


Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) member and business tycoon Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba popularly known as GBM has charged that he is being politically persecuted for ditching the UPND prior to the 2021 General Elections.

GBM was last Tuesday arrested and detained over allegations of Conflict of Interest and possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime as a typical example of a vindictive fight against corruption.

He resigned from the UPND in 2019 to rejoin the PF which was ruling at the time.

GBM appeared in court yesterday for counts he faces of being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime and conflict of interest involving millions of Kwachas and thousands of dollars respectively.

The former UPND Vice President has since been granted bail of K300, 000 by the Lusaka Magistrate Court.

The joint investigations team charged GBM with 8 counts of Conflict of Interest and 19 counts of being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Speaking to journalists after being released from custody when he was granted bail, Mr. Mwamba said he was not shaken by the arrest and detention.

The former Kasama Central Member of Parliament said he is used to being arrested.

“Ulya alencusha kapokola alikwi? (Where is that police officer who was mistreating me?) Bacepa sana.I feel nothing. Nothing has changed because I knew what was happening and what is still happening and nothing will change me. I will always be GBM. That one, no one will steal it away from me. 25 is the count, that is what they think in their heads but maybe it is one count mind you. At the end of the day, we have very good lawyers, I think they will be able to reduce the counts to probably even to zero. So that is not worrying me at all. They kept me like any other detainee. They kept me like a detainee but I am used to it,” he told reporters in Lusaka.

“I think this is not the first time as you all know that even through PF I went through the same, even with Hakainde Hichilema who is now the president I went through it with him. I have been detained several times so this is not strange to me. Who? Since when can I be shaken? Have you ever seen me shaken over these orchestrated detentions? I have never been shaken. I have never been shaken and no one will shake me. You know what it is, political persecution. They are talking about a case which happened when I was Minister of Defence and they have no facts that I interfered in the procurement of that contract. They have no defence whatsoever and I don’t happen to appear anywhere but you see it is because of what I did,” Mr. Mwamba said.

He promised to break his silence in order to start mobilizing his party PF.

“Just because I resigned from UPND you see. Just because of my resignation, leaving UPND that is the problem that I have made. But I can tell you that I am still strong. In fact, I am getting stronger and stronger by the day. You see, I have been quiet for too long. I think this is about time I start mobilizing my party PF,” Mr. Mwamba said.


  1. Who cares for the fact GBM left UPND? It was very good riddance. Imagine right now GBM would be the Republican Vice President! The departure of GBM from UPND did not make the party lose elections

  2. ” I will always be GBM. That one, no one will steal it away from me. 25 is the count, that is what they think in their heads but maybe it is one count mind you. At the end of the day, we have very good lawyers, I think they will be able to reduce the counts to probably even to zero.”

    I just hope the State does its work this time, these arrogant thieves need to see at least 24 months in prison, he is even proud that he was being persecuted during PF regime but what does that tell you about these political prositutes. This man could have been a billionaire away from any political connections but he is too greedy and not smart…he only knows milling and haulage but needs corruptly acquired govt tenders

  3. Talking about defence contracts I am surprised that rude former PS Stardy Mwale made a US$2 million one off cash payment to purchase a farm from a white farmer in Mazabuka’s Chikankata area has not been paid a visit by ACC.
    “Yes I can confirm that I bought Simoonga Farms but not at US$2 million dollars. Nobody can pay all that money for such a dead farm. I can take you there and you see for yourself, it’s a dead farm,” Mr Mwale said on phone.
    Pressed further on the purchase price, Mr Mwale said he could reveal the actual price but that it could be “around K600,000 or maybe K1 million or just under K1 million.”
    He claimed that he was a very rich man who can buy any farm anywhere

  4. Whether you stole or not is not my concern. My concern is that Mr Hakainde defended you vehemently against the accusations that you had abused your ministerial office. I remember when you appeared at Kitwe Magistrate courts how the Upnd cadre descended on Kitwe including Fat Matambo, all in militia style dress. We called you a thief but the Upnd members said we were just jealous of your achievements.
    How the tables have turned.

  5. UPND is just extremely happy that they ditched you. Whether Edgar China Lungu is happy to have you remains to be seen – he never liked LOSERS

  6. Deja Vu – “Whether you stole or not is not my concern.” Like I always say that you have a cavalier approach to issues this why you see always backing thieves like your pal Bowman there in CB…these people stole from your children and its your grandchildren paying for it. Instead of deflecting issues let that sink in your dome.

  7. No one has ever called him a thief but they have called him corrupt and greedy …remmeber the ZESCO poles debacle immediatedly PF took office or the grounded Arizon trucks that started moving again immediately GBM rejoined PF. GBM is a street thug …I hope for his business sake he educated his children university level so they build his business when he retires and they dont become political prositutes. Its good that he left UPND…can you imagine this man as Veep…UPND should be happy they ducked the bullet. I wouldnt be surprised if he went back again to UPND as him and BUFFOON CK share the same whatApp group.

    • Futile advice on his kids. In Zambia even if you’re very educated you won’t go anywhere if you annoy the ruling party. All Zambia’s rich men including HH made their money while they were in cahoots with the ruling party. That’s why corruption Isa political culture

  8. You told us you know who was gassing zambia, 50 innocent civilians were murdered in the process………….

    That in itself is a big case.

    Apart from that GBM is a washed op business man and politician. He is a business man who can not survive outside GRZ.

    He is a useless politician……..he failed to deliver kasama while in UPND.

    He failed to dismantle UPND as promised when in PF…………

  9. You joined UPND……….

    UPND has nothing to do with police investigations and cold case corruption files when you were minister………

    The police and other investigative wings are now zelous and want to prove them selves………….

    The clean up will be long, arduous and meticulous………..

    • Police want to prove themselves my foot. They are still the lapdogs they have been since 1991 only chasing whom the president points at. In Chibemba we say “ukusakisha”

  10. #6 Tarino Orange…. your IQ ? This is simple. You defended a corrupt person. Now he’s fall out with you, you arrest him….man we are talking about morality, consistency and principle here… not what’s done or not done…. that’s has to be proved in court. Suppose he hadn’t ditched Upnd and went through as Republican Vice President what would be your position? This is what I am talking about. You knew he was corrupt but you looked the other way. When PF tried to investigate him you called it persecution. What has changed?

    • Wisdom has nothing to do with IQ. One can be very intelligent and still use that intelligence for crime. Most theft is done with great intelligence

  11. The likes of GBM are not good for democracy ….he will fund you like he did during PF of Sata, MMD as well but when you form govt make sure that you give him the first 5 big contracts.
    You ask me what has changed nothing as he is a corrupt man like your pal Bowman there in CB only difference is he is a rich corrupt man.

  12. Tarino Orande and Deja Vu, one of you wants to convince the other being – wiser. Leave it to people read your opinions.

  13. This fat ***** is trying to overstate his importance. You are being prosecuted for illicit financial dealings you fool. HH was better off when you left… that’s how he ended up winning!

  14. #14 Get it right… I am not supporting GBM…. I am just disappointed with the hypocrisy that we exhibit in this country. Kambwili was corrupt but as soon as he left the PF he became clean and his appearance in courts became persecution. As soon as he returned to PF he became a corrupt criminal (Upnd) and good campaign manager (PF)

  15. Razor – Exactly in hindsight GBM rejoining PF was blessing to UPND …bloggers like Deja Vu think HH7 is busy issuing instructions to police, if the man was that vindictive I don’t a corrupt man like Lazy Lungu would be free given how he was treated at the Maximum prison in Kabwe for a traffic offence.

  16. if GBM was a factor, the ubomba mwibala regime could have won the elections, Why do politicians in this country over rate themselves

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