Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vice President Nalumango defends Sweden and other Countries that flew the Gay Rainbow Flags


Vice President Mutale Nalumango has defended Sweden and other countries that recently flew Rainbow flags at their Embassies in Lusaka, a symbol of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender movement.

Mrs Nalumango reiterated that the Zambian government does not support Gay Rights but acknowledged that Sweden flew the flag in their embassy. According to International law, it is regarded as a sovereign state and not on the Zambian land.

Responding to Mpika PF MP Francis Kapyanga during the Vice President’s question time who wanted to know what action the government has taken against Embassies that flew rainbow flags, Mrs Nalumango emphasised that an Embassy is regarded as a sovereign state where the government has no control of what happens although it is on the Zambian soil.

Mrs Nalumango who had challenged opposition leaders to declare their positions on gay rights has questioned where the PF has been the last four years when the same Embassies flew the flags for them to express concern now.

Swedish and Finnish Embassies in Lusaka flew the Rainbow flag, a symbol of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBTQI) movement on their premises on Tuesday, May 17th is International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia and aims to coordinate international events that raise awareness of LGBT rights violations and stimulate interest in LGBT rights work worldwide.

In a Facebook post, the two Embassies stated that they flew the Rainbow Flag in support and commitment to LGBTQI rights.

“LGBTQI rights are human rights, always and everywhere,” the caption read.


  1. Shame on “Bishop” Joshua Banda and his cohorts who stood on a hill taunting the UPND to make their stand known on whether they were allowing gay rights and what they were doing about the two embassies that flew those flags. Even a grade 7 student of civics knows that embassy grounds are sovereign states.

  2. What has gay people done to a lot of you?
    Answer is, NOTHING.
    Did you all know that South Africa has gay rights written into its Constitution and everybody is cool about it.
    All you so call Christians look to do is just perpetuate hate.

    • Ben. You are very right. Right here in Zambia, we have a lot of people who practice homosexuallity, and that does not affect some of us who are TRUE christians, as opposed to sychophants.
      Let people preocupy themeselves with personal salvation , rather than standing on top of mountains to declare how opposed they are to homosexuality.
      By the way, I want to see a demonstartion against any Aid or grants from Northdics countries because some of the monies are generated from gay people

    • go to south africa and live there U imbecile. So if SA does it ninshi we should also do it.. Stop reasoning with ur …nus.

  3. So in the same token we as Christians can put up the Bible verse that says that homosexuality is a Sin at our Embassy’s in their countries and they won’t be offended? Just because a person owns their home will we now say it’s ok for them to parade themselves naked for all to see? These people are our guests in this land and as such should respect our customs and norms. Who needs these European Nations anyway? They’re values stink, and here we are condoning it as a righteous act.

  4. ZAMBIA has death penalty in its penal code….now suppose a Zambian is tried at our embassy in Sweden for a crime punishable by death. Would it be acceptable to sentence that person to death and execute him? Why not? After all it’s our land on a foreign soil.

    • First you would have to secretly transport him to Zambia to face the courts. However the route is where the challenge will lie because that’s when local police have a chance to prevent this ‘extradition’. If they intercept the ‘extradition’ that ends the Zambian process and the local one takes over. Countries that don’t have death penalties don’t surrender accused people to those that do. Botswana and South Africa have had this kind of stand off when a Tswana robber jumps the border into South Africa and gets arrested there. South Africa refuses to extradite him

  5. Yes….South Africa has written gay rights into their constitution….and South Africa has tremendous amounts of Violence, Illicit Behavior, and Teenage Pregnancy. South Africans themselves….do not feel safe on their own streets. Sin….brings repercussions. Ben….you’re ignorant. The definition of ignorant is one that does not know what they are talking about.

  6. So Ben….every where that Homosexuality is embraced…..divorce rates go up, violence goes up, sexually transmitted disease…..goes up, teenage pregnancy goes up. In general…….the society goes into the trash can. Ben….I wish you would stop hating God. And also stop hating your own people. It is a shame……that you want the peace and blessing of God……to be terminated off of people’s lives. If you want to follow the devil….please do it alone.

    • Not necessarily. Now I’m not saying I personally support homosexuality but as a Zambian who’s grown up in Western Europe where homosexuality is accepted, those countries (in terms of crime and violence) are far more safer than Zambia and you can look at crime statistics if you don’t believe me. Businesses in Zambia will often close at sunset out of fear of being attacked or robbed but in the UK some businesses will run well into the early hours due to safety and effective policing. You have no go zones like Chibolya where the police even struggle to have a presence and effectively police the area. Street kids who can attack you once it’s after sunset. You have to drive with the windows rolled up and car doors locked wherever you go. Most houses need to have to barbed wire or electric…

    • Yeah eventually Zambia and the rest of Africa will accept gays. This resistance is temporary.Tell me when did Africa ever successfully resist Europe’s demands? Their vices and values always become ours. Which African country ever resisted Europe?

  7. South Africa may have gay rights enshrined in their constitution but are not widely accepted in that society. Lesbians are targets of male rapists who believe lesbians are sick and require to be cured. Hence male rapists target lesbians for rape. Let us not think because there are gay or minority rights in the South African constitution then there is no problem. The values that come with the practice are not widely shared in South African society.

  8. It’s not true. The German embassy in Tel Aviv will never be allowed to fly a swastika. Give me a picture of these Nordic countries flying these flags in Iran, Turkey or Saudi Arabia. They wouldn’t dare. But Africa they disrespect.
    The flying of the flag is part of a long term strategy which will unfold in HH’ s rule

  9. Zambians are now becoming more ignorant despite the digital age. This can be seen from the level of debate. They don’t even know that diplomats have immunity from prosecution. @Deja vu , what are you talking about? A person being tried for a crime at the embassy? You must be extravagantly dull mate!

  10. #12 Tabakapite… have you ever heard of the word hypothetical? If you can’t understand this simple word, then you are the dullest person on Earth.

  11. @Deja Vu, your situation is indeed extremely unlikely. However, the Kashogi case in Turkey comes to mind. He was murdered in the Saudi embassy in Turkey and the responsible murderers were tried and sentenced in Saudi Arabia.
    Embassies are sovereign lands. That’s the law. But as someone earlier posted, they wouldn’t post these flags in some middle eastern countries, there is lack of respect for Zambia here.
    If this was done in UAE as an example, the ambassadors would have been recalled and an apology would most likely have been demanded for.

  12. Stop cheating yourselves They aren’t as sovereign as is being put ba veepee.
    How come they obey our president when he commands that all flags must fly at halfmast? They could retort that this isn’t their funeral

  13. #14 Chiza… true it’s extreme but like I said if it were to happen would that country simply say it’s not our problem after all they sovereign as an embassy?

  14. Slowly but sure this will become a reality (note that I don’t have anything against these people who have decided to go against nature)…. it’s the fake denials that are irking me.

  15. People………

    There are more pressing needs than worry about what other consenting adults are pressing into their backsides …………

    It is not your backside , nor does it affect you , why are you worried………?

    Worry about developing

  16. The hypocrisy(or is it lack of knowledge) in some of the comments here is appalling. Let me just begin from those quoting the bible. Who brought this book to Africa in exchange for land? We even forgot our own Gods that we had before christianity was brought to Africa. We even begun to call some of our rituals barbaric because that is what we were told. Who accepts aid from these countries? When Africa becomes becomes independent in all spheres (which will never happen due to greed(meanwhile quoting the bible)),she will be able to dictate how to run her affairs. Until that comes to pass, Africa(including Zambia) will dance to the tune of its benefectors.

  17. The hypocrisy(or is it lack of knowledge) in some of the comments here is appalling. Let me just begin from those quoting the bible. Who brought this book to Africa in exchange for land? We even forgot our own Gods that we had before christianity was brought to Africa. We even begun to call some of our rituals barbaric because that is what we were told. Who accepts aid from these countries? When Africa becomes becomes independent in all spheres (which will never happen due to greed(meanwhile quoting the bible)),she will be able to dictate how to run her affairs. Until that comes to pass, Africa(including Zambia) will dance to the tune of its benefactors.

  18. ECL deported a whole USA Ambassador to prove that this nonsense in unacceptable in Zambia yet here you are defending the same nonsense soon after. God will judge you.

  19. @chiza on sovereignty of embassies: how come the man who revealed Mwanawasa’ s theft of millions of our money, one Julius Assange, was arrested by British police in the Ecuadorian embassy in London?

  20. We warned you about this parry that was funded by gays. They are all dirty homoz who were having gay orgies at the evil community house. Nalumango is a black kermit the frog looking coconut

  21. The usual bum artists are out……….

    You know them, they are the ones Very interested in homosexuality…….

    They don’t miss a comment when homosexuality comes up………..

  22. @22, that arrest only occurred after the embassy withdrew their protection over him. Otherwise, why did he stay there for the longest with the British government having extradition agreement with the US?
    Read up on the case.
    @17, I equally don’t agree that gays should be punished, there are ‘other sins’ that we ignore and those sins are not punishable.

  23. John 8:7, viz. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone”
    The Bible is very clear.
    Zambians must stop being hypocrites.

  24. @Independent: Pls dont abuse the Bible for your own selfish reason. You are not Jesus Christ. You women are a danger to morality, as you dont reprimand yourselves when your fellow woman falls short jst like Eve lead Adam to the fruit and Samsons wife sold him. See even the vice President is in support-why because its another women involved-no wonder prostitution has been the hardest evil act to abolish cos u guys dont reprimand your fellow women when they go wron. But also something i know for sure is that, Some ambassador is Lesbian, i dont remember which one exactly between the Swedish or Norwegian embassy but i ve been there and one of them is full of Lesbians & Gays. They even promote it on their premises. If not mistaken it must be both Embassies that ve Lesbians Ambassadors. Say…

  25. Don`t be hypocrites. How does homosexuality affect your livelihood this is the way Zambians protest against corrupt politicians, things would be much better.

  26. Don`t be hypocrites. How does homosexuality affect your livelihood? If this is the way Zambians protest against corrupt politicians, things would be much better.

  27. Very shallow debate. Zambians are greatest hypocrites. They run to the Bible when it suits them yet they give a pass to all sinners besides gays. Salvation is personal & not congregational, worry about your personal standing with christ not your neighbors. The thief on the cross who was promised entry into heaven is a reminder to us that judgment is the Lords. Only God knows who is worthy of the kingdom. Not loud holy than thou big mouths!

  28. Shameless hypocritics tomorrow they will be going into to Church claiming that Zambia is a Christian nation yet doing the opposite…This is the most useless government…

  29. I am a retired man. During my working life, I had chance to work in several countries including many that respect gay rights. I never had a problem working with anyone just because he/she was gay. I don’t understand this hype of morality by some Zambians over other people’s sexual orientation in a country where prostitution is rife. Do you know what your prostitutes go through & you’re quiet!

    • What we’re objecting to is the disregard for the law that these liberal Embassies openly showed. What they’re doing is disrespect for the country’s laws and HH’s administration. Zambian law clearly bans promotion of gayism, and that should be respected by everyone, including these Embassies. If you want that changed, then lobby Parliament to have the laws changed. In the meantime, respect Zambian laws.

  30. Nkosi why don’t you move to those so called countries? Here we don’t condone your rubbish and will not do so just because the country you visited entertained tickling backsides. Why don’t those countries also follow our lead and ban gays? Why should we follow them

    • @Kaizer Zulu, I totally agree with you. I wanted to send you and Lungu to prison for 150 years, for your corruption in the previous regime. But now I’ll have to reduce that sentence to 5 years for your good behavior, and especially for your dedicated opposition, putting these UPND alphabet agenda supporters in check. Again thanks buddy. Keep up the good opposition. I might consider suspending the rest of your prison sentence. Lungu, however, will have to serve the whole 150 years.

  31. “Mrs Nalumango emphasised that an Embassy is regarded as a sovereign state where the government has no control of what happens although it is on the Zambian soil.” That’s not necessarily true. What if an Embassy decides to fly a NAZI flag, would they be allowed to do that? While an Embassy can be accorded immunity from many local laws, they still cannot blatantly disregard and break a clear law of a host country, Why don’t these liberal countries fly these alphabet flags in Muslim countries, and claim immunity from local laws ? They know better than doing that. UPND, just say you have passive, veiled support for the gay agenda, and you thus risk getting voted out in 2026.

  32. Kuwait has summoned a top US diplomat in protest over tweets from the American embassy supporting LGBT rights, its foreign ministry says.

    US officials there had posted a rainbow flag and message of solidarity from President Joe Biden for Pride month.

    But Kuwait officials criticised the embassy for “supporting homosexuality” and demanded it didn’t happen again.

    Rights for LGBT people are severely restricted in Kuwait and it is illegal there for men to be gay.

    In a pair of tweets published in English and Arabic on Thursday, the US Embassy in Kuwait quoted President Biden as saying all humans “should be able to live without fear no matter who they are or whom they love”.

    The post, published to mark the beginning of Pride Month, appeared with a picture of a rainbow flag…

  33. I thought God is the judge of all man kind why do i see so many people judging Gays.
    Fonication and adultery are all equal sins to homosetuality before God so let he who has not sinned cast the first stone….

  34. If you check the Vienna convention all land that a High Commissions or Embassies are on are their countries land and their laws apply that is why people run to these places to claim pollical asylum . as for the ambassador being told to leave the country is correct because he or she does tend leave the embassy to attend meetings or whatever thus this is on Zambian soil so they are no longer welcome. if the Swedes want to fly the gay flag that by the way has no black colour in it let them but boycott their projects and donations to Zambia. We don’t need them telling us what to do.
    As stated above by a poster that Germany would never fly the Swastikas’ flag in Israel . It can’t because that flag is banned in Germany so would never happen.

  35. A casual reflection on Governments run by KK’s UNIP, Chiluba’s, Mwnawasa’s & RB’s MMD, Sata’s and EC Lungu’s PF, the promotion of gay rights was NEVER allowed to pollute minds of Zambians. European Embassy officials demonstrated some measure of civilized diplomacy by respecting the Republic of Zambia and its peoples up to August 2021. Hon. Nalumango must be reminded that Embassies that flew gay-rainbow flags demonstrated high levels of being CHEEKY & RUDE to HH and his UPND-run Government – and proved that they have NO respect to the current Govt. Love for foreign money must not ruin our African culture.

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