Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH praised for empowering Zambians with mining licences


Emeralds and Semi-precious Minerals Association of Zambia (ESMAZ) has commended President Hakainde Hichilema for considering to empower Zambians with mining licences which they can in turn own with foreign investors.

And Wusakile Ward Councillor Charles Silomba said the initiative to empower Zambians to own mines will help to develop capacity in the small-scale miners. ESMAZ president Victor Kalesha said the move by President Hichilema will minimize the externalization of profits from the mining sector.

Speaking in an interview today, Mr. Kalesha noted that this will also stop foreign investors in the sector from exploiting Zambians and national interest as is the case currently.

On Friday during his thanksgiving rally in Kitwe, President Hakainde Hichilema said his administration is going to make Zambians to own mines by giving them mining licenses.Mr Hichilema said Zambians will then operate the mines in partnership with foreign investors so that there is sharing of technology and skills between locals and foreign investors.

Mr. Kalesha said on this score , the move by the President is a very good stating that stakeholders in the mining sector should support it as it will enhance economic development

“The President is on the right track, it is high time we became mine owners as we have been spectators for a long time and we just see foreigners announcing that they have found big high grade pieces of emeralds but all the proceeds go outside the country, this must be reversed when Zambians become partners in the mining sector,” He said.

And Chapamo Mining Limited Executive Director Kelvin Tembo said the President’s initiative should be accompanies by an action of empowering Zambians in terms of capital for them to put in those mining partnerships with foreign investors.

If Zambians will not be helped in terms of access to funds, it will be impossible for them to form mining partnership ventures with foreigners who have a strong financial muscle.

Mr. Tembo noted that that if Zambians are empowered to own mines, they can in turn employ other Zambians thereby reducing the pressure on government to create jobs.

“It is important for government to create an enabling environment that will be favourable for Zambians to partner with Mining investors by making it easier for them to access funds, currently foreign investors have an advantage over Zambians because they can easily access funds from commercial banks even locally which is very difficult for Zambians so government needs to address this for this empowerment initiative to work,” Mr. Tembo said.

And Wusakile Ward Councillor Charles Silomba said the initiative to empower Zambians to own mines will help to develop capacity in the small-scale miners.

‘This is the way to go if we are to develop the Mining sector and empower the local people, it will also help to develop capacity in the local small scale miners and also build skills in Zambians engaged in mining as they will be learning from the foreign investors,” he said.

Mr. Sinyangwe also noted that this kind of partnership will further eliminate illegal miners popularly known as Jerabos as they will become formal mine owners.


  1. There are a lot of Zambians who own mining licenses. I’m surprised at the hypocrisy from these two gentlemen. My sister in law has one and has been struggling to find someone to finance her. Why do people fail to say the truth?

  2. #3  Deja Vu
     June 13, 2022 At 7:11 pm

    “There are a lot of Zambians who own mining licenses. I’m surprised at the hypocrisy from these two gentlemen. My sister in law has one and has been struggling to find someone to finance her. Why do people fail to say the truth?..”

    Bwana……your sisters mine must have korckpies……..investors are now sharp and know where minerals are………..

    • You know nothing about what is happening in Lufwanyama. I go there at least once a month. That’s why I call you a robot because you don’t listen to anyone else except your Upnd leadership. I have seen the growth of the area from the time emeralds were very easy to get to this time when so many vultures have descended on the area.

    • Your man is just looking for favour from HH. There’s no empowerment here because this not new. Or is one of the tricks concocted by Kabuswe.

  3. Deja Vu – Really when your sister in law went to apply for a mining licence what was her plan regarding fiancing? What is she going to mine? Granite stones from the ground for paving? Please are the selfame chaps who go to your bank to apply for busiiness loan with any plan and complain profusely when you are rejected.

    • Tarino Orange… many Zambians partner with foreigners who have capital… they don’t go to banks ( at least I have yet to see one). There are mines like Sanda… which are owned by Zambians but financed by foreigners in terms of mobile equipment. It’s not a new thing. Our relative is looking for such partnership. She has been approached by several people but with lopsided conditions.

  4. you are the selfame chaps who go to your bank to apply for business loan WITHOUT any plan and complain profusely when you are rejected.

    • You seem not to know how it works so it’s better to ask politely. What plan are you talking about? I know there are emeralds there through confirmed geological information. I know if dig I will get the emeralds which I will sell. Do I have to be a millionaire first before I apply for a mining license? And you get surprised that foreigners dominate our mining industry?

  5. Already there a lot of people owning mining licences.Besides,we have the so called “jerabos”mining illegally.

    • I’m surprised that people can you such propaganda when people know that many Zambians have this piece of paper that allows them to dig for something?


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