A fugitive Chinese national wanted in Malawi for filming children singing racist chants in Chinese has been arrested in Zambia, an immigration official said Monday.
“He was arrested in Chipata, Zambia after fleeing the country through uncharted routes,” Malawi immigration spokesman Pasqually Zulu said.
Mr Zulu said the two countries were now liaising to have the Chinese national sent to Malawi for the authorities to continue their investigation.
Lu Ke is accused of exploiting children in Malawian villages by filming them making racist remarks about themselves, in Chinese phrases they did not understand.
These videos can be bought for up to $70 (£55) on Chinese social media and internet platforms.
Lu Ke denied making derogatory videos.
“We want him to stand trial in Malawi,” police spokesman Harry Namwaza said, adding that his country would seek Lu’s extradition.
In one video, a young child aged about nine is heard saying: “I am a monster with low IQ.”
In a statement last week, the Chinese Embassy in Malawi condemned the acts of racism by one of its citizens.
“It shall be stressed that the Chinese government has zero tolerance for racism,” it said.
“China has been cracking down on unlawful online acts in the past years and will continue to do so. The embassy will closely work with the Malawi side and see to it that this unfortunate issue be properly addressed.”
Malawi’s foreign affairs ministry said it would engage its Chinese counterparts on the issue.
“We are trying to manage whatever aspect of this that involves us working with the Chinese government. For the rest of the other aspects, those are internal issues that are being handled by internal state organs,” the ministry’s spokesman John Kabaghe said.
Malawi and China have had diplomatic relations since 2008, when Malawi established ties with China over Taiwan.
Since 2000, China has funded 21 development projects, including a US$70 million highway linking Malawi and Zambia.
An US$80 million loan from the Export Import Bank of China paid to construct a new university, a new parliament building, and a national stadium.
There are many similarities between Malawi and Zambia. Leaders in both countries have a complex, they elevate foreigners to semi gods. The Chinese have facilitated corruption and pillage of natural resources with the help of leaders. I remember how the National Arts Council embarrassed us some time ago. They gave Derrick Nyati a red carpet welcome just because he played the role of a CEO at a mine in SA in a TV series. The young man was dumbfound! When African leaders beg they use their people to justify their actions. Sometimes they even beg from fellow peasants and that attracts scorn. One Professor of Tasintha made women to beg on streets in Europe as reformed street women and it was embarrassing. So you can’t blame the poor Chinese
Let’s hope he gets ” special ” treatment while he awaits trial…………
Chininese are extremely racists……….
Sometimes you wonder what causes a person to sink so low as to commit such senseless and unprofitable acts. Only a one celled animal can fit his description.
Insects like “Ayatollah” are br@in dead from eating resources N.P.F plundered from the national treasury!
Surely has this so called Ayatollah now forgotten how the Chinese under his ever fainting hungover prone ex-president, Zambia was being pillaged by the hour after the Chinese would get paid for projects like Lewanika stadium & Ntumpa & F.J.T universities that just disappeared into thin air & the gross disregard for employees rights, locking up Zedian’s in work places post Covid & remember Miles 2ampa going to a barbershop, only to be denied fair service due to his shade of melanin ? Was that under Chakwera or H.H??
Iwe’ ka mphemvu “Ayatollah” heal, 2026 & further nipatali.
1nsects like “Ayat0llah” are br@in dead from eating resources N.P.F plundered from the national treasury!
Surely has this so called Ayat0llah now forgotten how the Chinese under his ever f@inting hung0ver pr0ne ex-president, Zambia was being pillaged by the h0ur after the Ch1nese would get paid for projects like Lewanika stadium & Ntumpa & F.J.T universities that just disappeared into thin air & the gross disregard for employees rights, locking up Zedian’s in work places post Covid & remember M1les 2ampa going to a barbershop, only to be denied fair service due to his shade of melanin ? Was that under Ch@kwera or H.H??
Iwe’ ka mph3mvu “Ayat0llah” heal, 2026 & further nipatali.
Yet hh will travel to South Africa to meet with his racist whlte funders who abused and racially segregated against our fellow Africans there. In front of whltes he will be smiling but quick to arrest chinese. The whltes did more harm to you f00Iish African
Our working police , give credit where its due.
It wasnt Police
Chinese building Malawians a new parliament, university and new stadium justifies Chinese dehumanising Malawians chanting racist and insulting Malawians dull and below average of human intelligence. All because of development exchanging one’s human dignity for nothing. This is equally true in Zambia.
This chap says all africans are thieves, they should be pitied, they are animals and now he ‘runs’ here…take a trip around lusaka see how these squint eyes treat blacks…this one must be sent back before he buys his way out and next he will be a commissioned officer driving ZP1 or ZAF1 and expecting to be saluted….
hmmmmm….now wondering whose IQ is low to make videos like that…..lol…
Send him to the firing squad; period.
Weldone to immigration !! not the police They useless
hopefully he will be deported back to Malawi and Jailed !!
On reflection and by some of the comments on this site are some bloggers here any better than him ??
Of course, he could only escape to Zambia…a haven for foreign nationals behaving badly! Just imagine him as a black chap in China, and doing what has done to Chinese children!
@2 Spakaa This is being tunnel visioned. We africans should always strive to be level headed. One racist Chinese doesnt make 1.billion of them racist. Just like Kambwili being racist to one Indian doesnt make 20 million Zambians racist. Are all Tongas tribalist because Sejane said only a Tonga can lead UPND? The Chinese have never colonised us based on our race yet we africans never call those Europeans who exploited us for centuries as extremely racist.
In the case of apartheid, when a country is ruled by one race, and has an official policy denying rights to other races we can safely conclude that that particular nation is racist. But we are so familiarised with Europeans insulting us we think they are better slavemasters. You can see how South Africans kill Africans identified as…
@2. You can see how South Africans kill Africans identified as foreigners yet Europeans are nt identified as such. Tunnel vision at its best