Saturday, July 27, 2024

Central Province Minister orders a halt to Mine Operations over pollution


Central Province Minister Credo Nanjuwa has halted operations at Kaluba and parts of Kawasaki mine as the pollution worsens in residential areas near the mines in ways ward of Kabwe District.

Mr. Nanjuwa has since summoned all team leaders of the said mines to the office of the District Commissioner by 10 hours today.
The minister has tasked the local authority to ensure that those miners put culverts as they have blocked the main canal hence blocking the waters.

The Minister has also tasked Kabwe Municipal Council to ensure total safety of all farmers who have gardens in the said mining areas by Sensitizing them about the danger of planting their vegetables in lead contaminated areas.

Mr. Nanjuwa has stressed the need for the local authority to work closely with the office of the district commissioner to ensure safety of the residents that have complained of heavy polluted dust by the miners.

Meanwhile,the Minister also warned and cautioned miners from wearing UPND party regalia while conducting their mining activities.
He said that cooperatives were given licenses to conduct mining activities and not caders.

The Minister was accompanied by members of the Provincial joints operations Committee , the District Commissioner Lennox Shimwambwa, Director Engineering and Director Public Health and the District Health officer Dr. Tiza Mfune.


  1. Here you see how useless the ministry of mines is, and how unproductive Paul Kabuswe is as mines minister. Everyone knows how mines always try to get away with pollution – and here’s the proof!

    • Kabuswe doesn’t care about safety, health and environment. You can see how he’s politicized the problems at the Black Mountain.

  2. Why is he stopping the miners from wearing Upnd uniform? It’s obvious these are cadres and he’s trying to sweep it under the carpet. However I am glad he’s put safety ahead of politics. I wish Matambo and Kabuswe would act like this minister.

  3. Quote “Meanwhile, the Minister also warned and cautioned miners from wearing UPND party regalia while conducting their mining activities” Unquote.

    Embarrassing isn’t it? Having favoured your cadres, you really just want them to keep a low profile; yet all they want to do, is show off! Difficult, isnt it? You can’t cover up favouritism, it’s self-revelatory!

    #plants a tree please.

  4. What about accompanying the Environment fimo fimo Council of Zambia ??. I thought this was very much part of there remit? somebody educate me please!!

    I rest my case.


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