Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nakacinda accuse UPND Government of single sourcing a $100 million contract


The Patriotic Front Chairperson for Information and Publicity Raphael Nakacinda has accused the United Party for National Development (UPND) Government of single-sourcing the $100 million contract for health infrastructure in selected parts of the country.

Addressing the media at Lusaka’s Supreme Court Grounds today, Mr Nakacinda challenged Health Minister Hon Sylvia Masebo and Finance Minister Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane to update Zambians on the said contract.

“This morning, as we continue to zoom in on behalf of the Zambian people, I have come to basically challenge the Minister of Health Hon Sylvia Masebo, the Minister of Finance to be able to update the Zambian people on an alleged scandal that is a hot potato on the laps of Hon Masebo and on the laps of Hon Musokotwane who has been turned into a postman, rushing and going to…every morning going to post office to check whether there is a mail from IMF whilst there are deals that are being undertaken,” he said.

“There’s an alleged $100 million deal to do with the ministry of health infrastructure in Southern, Western and North Western provinces which was single-sourced. Whilst you’re talking to IMF, you’re also trying to pass deals in what I would consider a criminal manner. Because I’m this country there are no laws, regulations or any such procedure that would allow for single sourcing for any project or indeed any service to the tune of $100 million.”

Mr Nakacinda also challenged President Hakainde Hichilema to search his conscious, stressing that single sourcing for projects that amount to $100 million is a big scandal.

“So we want madam Masebo to speak to the Zambian people whether the binocular lenses are still as effective as it was on matters to do with former KCM Provisional Liquidator Mr. Milingo Lungu,” he said.


  1. Ba LT the information is not enough. Just single sourcing? Single sourcing for what project? Who is providing for what infra-structure?

  2. The upnd maggots are stealing with impunity and fattening their bank accounts whilst the ordinary Zambian suffers everyday. We warned you

  3. This is why these boys like Nakacinda end up in court …he is making very serious accustions but you are attempting to sound comical. You dont even name the company which has been single sourced. The writer has forgotten to state why Nakacinda was at the grounds of the Supreme courts ,,,appalling journalism.

  4. The UPND is full of dishonesty characters. We have began to hear about scandals at MoH. There was another $275,000 for a plane that never took off. Kamwala chaps are saying MoH has mopped up all medicines from their shops but there’s still a critical shortage, where has the medicine gone? In the meantime no tenders have been run. Is it the Minister that’s awarding those tenders?

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  6. Oh by the way mr binoculars in this day and age we dont not need to rush to the post office anymore we sit and the post follows us either on our cellphone or laptop…so the Hon Minister is not rushing to check the post every morning

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