Saturday, July 27, 2024

Christian nation declaration must translate kindliness and hard-work – Matambo


Copperbelt Province Minister Elisha Matambo says Zambia’s declaration as a Christian nation must translate into ensuring productive and hardworking citizens. Mr Matambo says the Christian nation declaration should translate that Zambians become helpful and positively impact on each other’s livelihoods.

Mr. Matambo said Christianity is key to imparting positive attitudes and influencing positive change in society. He said this during a Tea party fundraising breakfast for Luanshya Bread of Life Church International.

“Zambia is a Christian nation and a country where various cultures merge to form a unique nation that is proud of its heritage.

“ The relationship between the Church and Government dates years back as the church plays a critical role of uniting the nation,” Mr Matambo said.

The church is instrumental in ensuring that good morals are imparted in society for the welfare of the country.

Mr Matambo said the church plays a significant role in conflict resolution and had continued to offer valuable guidance to Government.

He urged the church to continue preaching the Gospel and conducting charitable works adding that this is critical to building strong a nation.

“The church has to do good to people as seen in Galatians 6:10 which says therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith,” Mr Matambo said.

The church intends to buy musical instruments worth K200, 000 to replace the stolen ones, recently.

Luanshya District Commissioner Oncemore Ngonomo said leaders should be God fearing adding that they ( the leaders ) should always seek guidance from God to lead others effectively.

He commended Mr Matambo for being “a servant of the Lord who seeks wisdom from God.”

And Luanshya Bread of Life Church International Bishop in-charge Jack Mwansa commended Mr Matambo for being instrumental in fundraising funds for the church towards the buying of musical instruments.


  1. What guidance has the chuch given government ?
    you just sprouting a load of rubbish
    Who actually understands religion ? judging by the theft and moral values we have
    Most are just money laundering Insitutions

  2. LT – who is thus Kaizar Zulu who loads comments that are derogatory in all sorts languages and typo characters for literally every single article for the present government? Can you filter this moron! This attitude is repugnant and non-progressive. I guess, these are the fellows/vigilantes die-hard that wielded power to inflict harm on innocent Zambians. Guess what KZ, you’re asking for it with you $tupid uninformed comments of no substance. Shut up moron!

    • You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of the day.

    • Thank Mr Minister Matambo. Personally I have got you very well. Much as others might misinterpret your message, I think you meant well in your speech. True Christianity is about embracing one other regardless of colour, religion and race. It must of course as you articulated be accompanied with hard work and love. Good address of unity. Keep it up sir.

  3. Fulfil what you told people you would do for them.That would be the right way.Excuses would not help for those in needy.

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