Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ministry of Agriculture end corrupt cartels in the fertilizer procurement chain-Gregory Chifire


Controversial activist Gregory Chifire has said the Ministry of Agriculture must take advantage of President Hakainde Hichilema’s zero tolerance to corruption to end cartels in the fertilizer procurement chain.

The government through the Ministry of Agriculture is this year expecting to contract firms to supply 307,000 metric tonnes of fertilizer that will benefit 1,024,000 farmers across the country under the Agriculture Support Programme.

Mr. Chifire, the Executive Director of Southern Africa Network Against Corruption (SANAC), said the Ministry of Agriculture should ensure that tenders of supplying fertilizer are awarded to deserving suppliers.

He said the fertilizer procurement process was in the recent past tied with suspected corruption and bribery that led to suppliers supplying the commodity at exorbitant prices.

Mr. Chifire observed that Zambia was made to lose a lot of money that could have been used in other needy areas as cartels flourished in the fertilizer supply chain.

He said SANAC has been following with keen interest the fertilizer procurement process for the 2022/2023 farming season by the Ministry of Agriculture that attracted interest from a good number of fertilizer suppliers.

Mr. Chifire said SANAC was pleased with the professionalism and transparency that the Ministry of Agriculture has so far exhibited.

He said the Ministry of Agriculture should continue exhibiting transparency even in the selection of successful bidders.

“The Southern Africa Network Against Corruption (SANAC) has been following with keen interest the fertilizer procurement process for the 2022/23 farming season by the Ministry of Agriculture that attracted interest from a good number of fertilizer suppliers. We are pleased with the professionalism and transparency that the Ministry has so far exhibited. Now that bids have been opened and the bidders with their respective prices are known, we are calling on the Ministry to continue exhibiting transparency even in the selection of successful bidders,” Mr. Chifire said.

“Fertilizer procurement process was in the recent past laced with suspected corruption and bribery that led to suppliers supplying the commodity at exorbitant prices. This situation must be arrested as the Country was made to lose a lot of money that could have been used in other needy areas,” he said.

Mr. Chifire added:”The Ministry of Agriculture must take advantage of the President’s zero tolerance to corruption to break the fertilizer cartels in the sector by awarding tenders to deserving suppliers.”

The Ministry of Agriculture last January opened the bids for local agro-dealers to supply fertilizer for the 2022/2023 farming season.

The development followed President Hichilema’s announcement while on the Copperbelt a month earlier that Zambian suppliers will be prioritised in the tendering process.

According to the ministry, from the target 307,000 metric tonnes of fertiliser, 47,000 of Compound D will be supplied by the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia to Central, Copperbelt and Lusaka Provinces.

The successful bidders will supply Compound D’ to the remaining seven provinces and urea to all the provinces.


  1. Good man Mr.Chifire…please cntinue to be the eagle that seeks out any acts of corruption…
    It is only the Zambians themselves that can fight this disease….dont leave it to the law enforcement agencies alone.

    It is gratifying that Zambians are now wide awake looking for any suspected acts of corruption.This is how it should be.Anybody that suddenly starts building huge mansions or acquires expensive property with no known source of income,must be reported to the authorities immediately Zambia is OUR country…

  2. Chifire cannot be trusted. He thrives as a hired political assassin. It is time he learnt to live a descent life.

  3. The f00lish upnd vice president is shielding upnd members involved in the fertiliser corruption scandal. My brother munzir raised this in parliament

  4. If any nation is determined to ensure food security it doesn’t have to rely on imports for important commodities like fertilizer. If the nation hasn’t the means to produce its own, then it’s better for Government to import directly from known manufacturers. This will greatly reduce the cost of production considering the role that fertilizer plays. It’ll be prudent to revive NCZ than to continue with the Fertilizer Tenders. The PF continued with the MMD mischief because they saw an opportunity to make money for themselves. I advise the UPND not to fall into the same trap. Due to the amounts involved the entire Agric Ministry has been reduced to a FISP business venture. The temptation is high so it’ll require a lot of courage

  5. Why isn’t he talking about the latest corruption of single sourcing HH ‘s friends at very high prices

  6. Vonse ni corruption. What a rotten country. Agriculture: corruption. Police:corruption Hospitals: Corruption Lands: corruption Mines:corruption Tourism:corruption Finance: corruption Local Governmentcorruption Show me a ministry that isnt corrupt

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