Saturday, July 27, 2024

EU delegation pay courtesy call on President Hichilema


President Hakainde Hichilema has thanked the European Union (EU) for its continued support to Zambia in various sectors.

Speaking yesterday at State House when the EU President, Charles Michelle and his delegation paid a courtesy call on him President Hichilema expressed delight on the invitation to the EU Parliament a few weeks ago in Belgium, Brussels.

He said that Zambia is looking forward to tapping in the Global Gateway funds to improve various sectors such as Education, Health and Infrastructure.

“We look forward to discuss more especially on how we can access the Global Gateway fund which is exciting to us and we know that it is part of the bigger pool for many other countries,” said President Hichilema.

The Head of State added that Zambia will continue to strengthen ties and relations with the EU in order to accelerate access to the funds and development of the country.

“We are delighted to have you and your team here in Zambia. We want to express our appreciation to you for inviting us to address the EU Parliament.

I must say that we enjoyed ourselves there,” said President Hichilema.

HH with EU President, Charles Michelle delegation
HH with EU President, Charles Michelle delegation

And President of the European Union, Charles Michelle assured the government of strengthened ties.

Mr. Michelle also congratulated President Hichilema for delivering a powerful speech at the EU Parliament few weeks ago in Brussels, Belgium.

“It’s my pleasure to meet again, we were together in Brussels a few weeks ago.

I would like to congratulate you on your powerful speech in the European Parliament. We sincerely would like to strengthen ties with you .We are convinced that there are many possibilities to deepen and strengthen partnerships with Zambia and the European Union. We also think that in challenging times we will have the liberty to come through,” he said.


  1. Whilst I applaud our efforts to cement global relations, I can’t help but wonder at what appears to be our exclusion of China. HH has been to the US, to Europe twice and has been hosting representatives from the IMF, UK (Tony Blair and his foundation) some EU leaders with the last being President of Italy Mattarela.
    Our people’s puppet has only had a phone call with China (apparently on a landline in this day and age, lol).
    HH’s diplomatic policy is dangerously one sided.

    • HH and Félix Tshisekedi must be in the same boat. They both inheritated dodgy Chinese contracts and loans. The Chinese are waiting for a formidable oppostion to support. PF, SC…..are still finding their feet. In DRC they have Katumbi and his party. Maybe HH is waiting for his brown envelope from the East….lol Unlikely to happen.

    • My Dear Brother,
      Don’t embarrass your self. The many reason why they use landlines at this level is for the purpose of communication security. A little bit of research before talking to much would help a lot.

  2. That is all he does; host and thank whlte people. This hh is an embarrassment to our country. He suffers from inferiority complex. He firmly believes that only whlte man can deal with the problems in his country. F00Iish president

  3. When a president travels around to creat value for a country, the country becomes relevant in they eyes of those engaged. EU is already back on our shores so as many potential partners embracing the new pathway to development for Zambia. Thanks HH for creating an enabling environment for internal investments. You put to shame the playboys of the last corrupt criminal enterprise regime

    • Where did the Chinese state what you are saying? Did any of their leaders ever say Africans are inferior?
      Quote us their books saying so. Yet whites have said horrible things about Africans but you love them. Just go to UNZA library or read up on the architects of apartheid.

  4. @Chiza Chirwa, you’re spot on with your observation. China as referred to in political arena is an all weather friend and cannot afford to sour the relationship. They have given us infrastructure like the new KK International Conference facility of which the West is engrossed in lecturing us on levelling the playing field for all characters including homosexuals and lesbians. We cannot survive without China and so those close to Bally should ask him to re-align his foreign policy.

  5. Where did cosying up to China get Zambia?
    Also, for the record Chinese are not black and are insulted if you refer to them as black.
    The Chinese actually see us blacks as a race of people who are inferior and are sub-human.

    • Where did the Chinese state what you are saying? Did any of their leaders ever say Africans are inferior?
      Quote us their books saying so. Yet whites have said horrible things about Africans but you love them. Just go to UNZA library or read up on the architects of apartheid.

      @Quest sorry for posting under your thread. It was meant to be here

  6. We welcome the European Union, U.S. Africa Command and the United Kingdom to help GRZ less attractive to the states that support bad actors.

    GRZ needs political parties when elected to the office of the president to push legislation that is best for all Zambians.

    The first MMD party was led by Frederick Chiluba. I was not an MMD member but I felt part of the process.

  7. Gloves off when He meets Europeans
    Gloves on when he meets Africans like that Congolese guy yesterday. Our president surely has a serious inferiority complex. No wonder maneckties all the time

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