Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Zambia, China strengthens ties


Minister of Justice, Mulambo Haimbe has reaffirmed Zambia’s continued collaboration with China in all aspects of development.

Mr. Haimbeb said this is why Zambia has resolved to further strengthen its relations and explore other areas of cooperation such as trade.

He explained that China has also proved to be a critical partner to Zambia by being part of Zambia’s debt restructuring process.

Speaking when the Chinese Ambassador to Zambia called on him at his office in Lusaka today, Mr. Haimbe said from the time Zambia attained its independence, it has been a strong ally of China which has made significant contributions to its growth.

“From the time Zambia was born, the country continued to enjoy a long lasting relationship with China which has also been part of its growth and China has come to the negotiating table for Zambia’s debt restructuring process which is very critical, “ he explained.

He added that the Ministry of Justice is considering ensuring that all processes regarding trade between Zambia and China are reviewed as a way of easing the way of doing business.

Mr. Haimbe stated that currently the two countries are already trade partners stating that government is committed to ensuring that it is enhanced for the benefit of people of China and Zambia.

And Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, Du Xiaohui reaffirmed his country’s continued support towards building strong relations with Zambia.

Mr. Du. said China and Zambia have always been all weather friends and have supported each other in different sectors.

He expressed optimism that Zambia’s intentions to further strengthen its ties with China in the sector of trade.

Mr. Du cited the recently signed protocols between Zambia and China on sanitary and phytosanitary export of soya bean meal and stevia leaves as some of the agreements which will enhance trade.


    • Deja Vu – I hope you had a bumper maize harvest this year on your plot since you are back.
      One thing you dont understand is that if you owe someone the kind of money Zambia owe the Chinks thanks to you know who…you dance to their tune, you are slaves to them even your grandchildren are their slaves. Sata was making noise about China man pre-2011 only to silenced once he entered State House same with HH7 he is scared because one cough from the chinks and all his plans would be in tatters as the Chinese have you by the bollocks.
      We warned you about reckless borrowing but you called us bitter Lungu and Co are enjoying retirement!!

  1. Mulambo Haimbe what relation is there to strengthen when we owe them billions of dollars..I mean its not like you have a choice…really laughable!!

  2. Chaipila mbuzi kudya galu…..UPND said China was bad for Zambia….now what has changed…..never trust a Politician…they’re all the same

  3. Hold on! Zambia is not borrowing !
    Strengthening relationship with China is needed, just for China to be kind to Zambia owing to ECL`s DEBTS.
    So dont be excited, this government is not doing the same things done by Lungu or Sata.

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