Saturday, July 27, 2024

Director General of the Drug Enforcement Commission Mary Chirwa is a Victim of Cyberstalking


As the videos keeps circulating on social media since Tuesday this week, and people are calling for the DEC Director General Ms. Mary Chirwa to resign or have the President fire her. The authenticity of the video circulating shows that Ms. Chirwa recorded herself and sent these videos to someone she trusted, in most cases such are sent to someone you are in a relationship with. This means that, she knows who she sent the video to, and she can help the Law enforcement to investigate the matter. This woman has been cruelly betrayed by someone she trusted and shared a very intimate relationship with.

Now I would like to get to the point of others calling for her resignation or have the president fire her, first point here is that we must remember that this woman is a victim, and her situation falls under Cyberbullying or Cyberstalking for adults, as Cyberbullying falls under the age of 18 for school children.

The Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act 2021 gives authority to law enforcement authorities to intercept communications in Zambia. While it broadly prohibits the interception of communication, the Act permits law enforcement and security officials to intercept communications in the execution of their duties, in accordance with an order from a designated judge of the High Court of Zambia. However, if the delay caused by obtaining a High Court order would result in harm to a person or property, the Act permits a law enforcement officer to intercept the communication without an order. This means that Ms. Chirwa should report this to the investigative wing so that the person involved in the circulation of these videos should be answerable.

Others are wondering how this video gets in circulation at the time when the Director General is investigating the former First Lady Mrs. Esther Lungu for the acquiring of her 15 Flats (Apartment) building. The wondering goes on to speculate that, was the person who circulated the video paid by the former government to do this to embarrass the Director General, and if so, who is this person and what more information that the Director General shared with this person while in a relationship that is about to Leak since this person who circulated the video seem to be on a plan to hurt Ms. Chirwa? This is where the interest of the government should be not firing the victim.

On the other hand, some members of Parliaments have taken this issue into mockery. On Wednesday July 27, 2022 in the house of Parliament, Speaker of the National Assembly Nelly Mutti had reprimanded Mpika PF member of parliament Francis Kapyanga for saying that there are muscular men in his constituency who can help “those using bananas for farming”.

The Honorable MP went on to say “let me take this opportunity to tell those who are outside using Bananas that I have muscular youths in my constituency, who they can take advantage of”- Opposition PF, Mpika MP Hon Francis Robert Kapyanga. And he goes to say those who are using Bananas for Farming can take his muscular youths for Farming saying he is promoting Farming, is this the caliber for leadership we have in Parliament to represent us?

On Tuesday evening, DEC Director General Mary Chirwa became a subject of social media discourse when some pornographic videos went viral with antagonists alleging that she was the woman in the obscene videos. In one of the videos, the woman in question was seen inserting a banana into her private parts. Whoever circulated those videos is ready to bring Ms. Chirwa down because if she is not strong, she can harm herself. Throughout history, people have committed all kinds of cruel, degrading, and evil acts toward other people.

Let’s put politics aside and do the right thing here. Just because her (Ms. Chirwa) position is a presidential appointee then it should be politicized by oppositions seeking political mileage. We must advocate to raise voice against spreading misinformation in the age of mass communication. As the technology of mass communication continues to grow in leaps and bounds, it is our solemn responsibility to prevent and speak up against acts of spreading any misinformation or idea that is bigoted and plays upon anyone’s ignorance or vulnerability. In both short term or long run, bigotry and divisiveness deprive a nation of the peace and prosperity that can only come through unity amongst her people.

Cyberstalking involves the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell-phone and pager text messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal web sites, blogs, online games and defamatory online personal polling web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group that is intended to harm others.” Characteristics like anonymity, accessibility to electronic communication, and rapid audience spread, result in a limitless number of individuals that can be affected by Cyberstalking .

By Alexander Vomo, concerned citizen


  1. But did you say the same when Hon Mabumba found himself in the same situation? The poor ended up being fired.

    • @ Deja Vu, that was the sad part for Uncle Mabumba because no one realized that he was being Stalked, otherwise that’s the same situation his issue was politicized even when he was a victim.

  2. Mr Vomo you mention that there are speculations that this has to do with the appearance of one Esther Lungu at the DEC…I put to you that this your own conclusion and stop putting words in invisible people’s mouths.

  3. Let us be fair here we are all zambians and human beings,what happened to Mabumba is no different to the matter in discusion.Just that we living at an animal farm were some animals are superior than the othes.Logically there is no debate, on moral grounds she should just quitt kwasila.Just the case of Bowman in Chibufu and the late Kungu in NW province what is the difference between the two? kkkkkkkk pa zed.

  4. Do not complicate a clear case of moral bankruptcy with law this, law that caveats. A woman who can reduce herself to doing this sort of thing and film it to please someone else, is easily corruptible. She shouldn’t be head of an important institution as DEC! How can people listen to you, if all they can think of is you sticking stuff down your bits? Are we in cuckoo land?? If this woman keeps her job, what message will this government be sending to our young girls? Don’t shield bad behaviour.

    • Unfortunately politics take precedence in this country… you can see the author trying to coat over the matter and veilingly trying to implicate the former first lady. To him it’s okay since it’s happening to Upnd appointee.

    • @Zennia, you have never done a video with someone you love just for the two of you? or you have never masturbated before? Everyone has something they do behind closed doors, it’s just unfortunate that someone she trusted had to do this to her. Jesus said in John 8:7 he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Stop playing innocent here everyone does this and it was not her posting this to the public.

  5. The president should move her to an advisory role to the DEC director …………

    There are many able zambians who want to see the stolen money accounted for, who can step into that job……..

    Deliberate sabotage or carelessness………

    The fight against corruption past and present , must gather pace……………

    There will be no sacred cows……….

  6. Her phone or Pc could have been hacked to obtain those images/videos. Which is an offence. PF is behind this Viral video, no doubt.

  7. What is so political about someone inserting bananas in their private parts? Her position is of national interest. When what she does in privacy comes out it is not private any more. The video leak is neither here nor there. It is only important in third world mentality.

    • Hmmm “Ati her position is of national interest” is it her position in the video or DEC? enlighten us please.

  8. Whatever you do in your bedroom is your business bur once it comes out into the public eye no matter whoever leaked it or how it found itself on social media then it becomes everybody’s business. And if you are the public figure the best you can do is resign out of public view to save the office you serve from further embarrassment as well as yourself.

  9. The woman did no wrong. Someone wronged her. My partner and I share these type of videos and we are both respectable members of society. If I expose them to the public, then I am betraying her. Consenting adults are free to do whatever they want.
    I don’t believe her acts contravene an Zambian laws.

  10. The author of this article is myopic, ignorant and simply brainless

    Firstly No one requested Mary Chirwa to produce the stupid video

    Secondly if she sent someone over electronic media, she is guilty of distributing offensive material. She must be charged

    Lastly, it’s silly to link her video expoze to politics

    We need a person of integrity to head DEc

  11. This SEX SCANDAL has put to shame all Zambian women (and the rest in the SADC region) who are endowed with upright moral attributes. However, it is strange that this filthy sandal has aroused UPND supporters to dive into all kinds of verbal acrobatics in frantic efforts to defend the evil act of a high ranking Civil Servant. The scandal shall stick into the entire life of the current governing political party. Alexander Vomo should NOT link this shameful event to former President EC Lungu’s Family, but rather must reflect on the morals his Government.

  12. This SEX SCANDAL has put to shame all Zambian women (and the rest in the SADC region) who are endowed with upright moral attributes. However, it is strange that this filthy sandal has aroused UPND supporters to dive into all kinds of verbal acrobatics in frantic efforts to defend the evil act of a high ranking Civil Servant. The scandal shall stick into the entire life of the current governing political party. Alexander Vomo should NOT link this shameful event to former President EC Lungu’s Family, but rather must reflect on the morals of his Govt.

  13. Upnd called for mabumba to be fired and we did just that. What is so special about this one apart from her having affair with hh? I watched the video and found it repulsing. What is sexy about eating a banana with a chitambala on your head. I was disgusted. May be that is what upnd officials enjoy. Yucky

    • Kaiza Zulu don’t expose you ignorance and hatrage against HH. Talking of an affair with DEC is going beyond the topic. Let us not vent your anger of leaving the comfort zones that u abused.

  14. It’s sad that the victim is being demonized instead of being protected. People seem to have a higher moral ground judging someone on her prvt space matters which unfortunately has leaked into public domain through someone she entrusted. Personally if your bedroom affairs have no impact on your competency, I don’t give a rat ass what she does in her prvt space

  15. Kaiza Zulu don’t expose you ignorance and hatrage against HH. Talking of an affair with DEC is going beyond the topic. Let us not vent your anger of leaving the comfort zones that u abused.

  16. 6th April 2020…who can remembers this
    “ONLY SORRY SHE GOT CAUGHT: Scotland’s top health official resigns after breaking own isolation rules
    Scotland’s chief medical officer has resigned after making two trips to her second home during the coronavirus lockdown.
    Dr Catherine Calderwood had apologised for her actions,
    She said she had done so after speaking again to the first minister, and had agreed with her that the “justifiable focus” on her actions risked distracting from the pandemic response.”
    It takes a lot of courage to come clean like this. Being DEC Boss, and an elderly mature person in society stepping down is the right thing to do for madam chirwa.
    Now if only some of our gutless so called ‘Christian Leadership’ liars would do the same…Zambia is a Christian…

  17. 6th April 2020…who can remembers this
    “ONLY SORRY SHE GOT CAUGHT: Scotland’s top health official resigns after breaking own isolation rules
    Scotland’s chief medical officer has resigned after making two trips to her second home during the coronavirus lockdown.
    Dr Catherine Calderwood had apologised for her actions,
    She said she had done so after speaking again to the first minister, and had agreed with her that the “justifiable focus” on her actions risked distracting from the pandemic response.”
    It takes a lot of courage to come clean like this. Being DEC Boss, and an elderly mature person in society stepping down is the right thing to do for madam chirwa.

  18. David Mabumba vs Mary Chirwa.
    They both must protect an institution: Parliament and DEC. Naturally, ethics must be seen in every organisation

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