Saturday, July 27, 2024

Unemployment levels worrying-ZCTU


The Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) in Muchinga Province has expressed worry with the unemployment levels in the country.

ZCTU Muchinga Province Regional Coordinator, Nondo Kasanda says the high turnout of youths at various centres across the country during the National Census of Population and Housing recruitment, has revealed high levels of unemployment in the country.

Mr. Kasanda said the high turnout of youths to write aptitude tests is an eye opener on the unemployment levels in the country.

He noted that high unemployment levels can lead to drug abuse, political violence, corruption and early marriages, among other bad vices.

Meanwhile, ZCTU Muchinga Province Regional Coordinator said government should consider reducing the retirement age to 55 years.

Mr. Kasanda said government should consider to review of the retirement age and create more jobs for the youths.

He said government should also consider engaging more interns in various departments, ministries and agencies in order to carter for the unemployed youths.

Mr. Kasanda further said the proposed projects under the Constituency Development Funds (CDF) involving youths should be given first priority by the CDF committee tasked to evaluate proposals.

“We have a number of proposals from the youths under the CDF and we want to appeal to the CDF committee to give first priority to the youth projects when evaluating them,” said Mr. Kasanda.

And Mr. Kasanda has further encouraged government to continue with the massive recruitment it has embarked on in various ministries as recently seen in health and education sectors where thousands have been employed.

“Employing more than 40,000 workers in a single year is giving hope to the Zambian people on the better things to come under the new dawn administration,” said Mr. Kasanda.

He has also appealed to professionals not yet employed to remain patient.


  1. This idea of employing teachers, health workers and soldiers is good but it will not alleviate the huge unemployment crisis in Zambia. If UPND thinks this recruitment is the solution then they do not have an understanding of the magnitude of the issue at hand. What will solve the unemployment issue in Zambia is having huge state farms in all the ten provinces, handled in a professional manner producing grain and other produce, recking in the much neede foreign exchange. Employing 100,000 per province instantly translates into 1 million jobs, not these piecemeal things

  2. And please urgently sort out the NAPSA part payment so that people can benefit and form companies and employ people

    • Singing the same song on napsa and znpf payment
      Government should expedite the process of partial payment of napsa and payment of zambia national provident funds to all the beneficiaries regardless of age

  3. PF left a big unemployment gap n the current government is working in narrowing it. 10 years of damage , what do you expect.

  4. The current Finance minister is the only one who came out in the open and said this unemployment challenge is a time bomb. The others in UPND are going the PF way saying we are creating jobs, even with what you are doing you are not even scratching the surface. The employment of 30,000 teachers 11000 health workers and 5000 soldiers is not that massive especially that previous governments were not serious with employing that is why 70,000 teachers which is the majority remain unemployed

  5. No time to pay attention to expœsed corrupt pf crooks including their media like chanda and kaizer zulu. somenpf leaders just dug ther own suicidal grave. all they new was stealing. all those with correct eyes can see the poßitive efforts the new dawn govt is mäking to create employment. i shall forgiv? kaizer because he at the momént using the deffective binoc?las borrowed from nakachinda

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