Saturday, July 27, 2024

Findings show that there is increased women perpetrators of child sexual abuse


Ndola District Child Protection Unit‘s Chairperson Charles Mwambo says his unit is concerned there is an increase in the number of women perpetrators of child sexual abuse.

Speaking in an interview Pastor. Mambo says according to statistics gathered, reports of male children being violated by an adult female are being recorded every three months.

The clergyman also lamented that defilement cases are on the increase in the district of which reports are being recorded on a daily basis.

He has described the prevalence of sexual abuse involving children as alarming.

“Child sexual abuse includes sexual activities like inappropriately touching of private parts of children, molestation, sodomy, pornography, and cyber acts.

“ It also traumatizes the victims and survivors are at greater risk of developing psychiatric disorders, such as personality disorders,” he explained.

Pastor Mwambo has emphasized on the need by stakeholders and government to attach urgency to the prevalence of incident rates.

Meanwhile, pastor. Mwambo has proposed to constituencies in the district to consider allocating part of the funds disbursed by government under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

He has observed that the country does not have infrastructure to house children who are victims of sexual abuse and undergo rehabilitation.

He said the world is becoming dynamic and communities need to be ahead of current trends


  1. Some say that it is not abuse nga yalinda during the act. A woman cannot sleep with a man unless the man is aroused. In our days sleeping with older women was a big achievement. At 14 I slept with 48 year old.

    • LOL, impostor chabe. But yeah, when you are a teenage boy, these are fantasies, but they do ruin you mentally.
      Look at R Kelly who was abused when he was 12, he was so messed up and kept sleeping with children and now he is locked up for 30 years.

    • Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as c0cky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding.

  2. Charles Mwambo should give us specific examples instead of lumping them as sexual abuse offences.
    For male offenders, it is easy to speculate. When it comes to female culprits, the bizzare act is hard to phantom.

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