Saturday, July 27, 2024

Minister justifies the distribution of Social Cash Transfer In Kabushi Constituency


Minister of Community Development and Social Services Doreen Mwamba says the social cash transfer programme should not be politicized.

Ms Mwamba said this in response to the accusation made by the Patriotic Front Former Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo, who threatened to report her to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) if she goes ahead to distribute social cash transfers to thousands of poor people in Kabushi.

Mr Lusambo also cited that the move by Ms Mwamba as being aimed at influencing the outcome of the upcoming September 15th, 2022 By-Election as he insisted that taking advantage of the by-election to distribute cash payments is an act of electoral corruption.

But Ms Mwamba emphasized that her visit to the Copperbelt is not a campaign trail, but simply fulfilling her mandate of ensuring that social protection programmes are equitably distributed across the country, whether there is an election or not.

She added that the wheels of government should keep running with or without elections, as health services or schools are all running in Kabushi and social cash transfers are part of regular government services which should run as scheduled.

Ms Mwamba has however reminded those accusing her of campaigning, that parliament being on a recess gives her an opportunity to monitor social protection programmes across the country as the Minister of Community Development and Social Services.

“Social cash transfer is paid every second week of the second month. (Bi-monthly), this is a routine payment schedule and Social Cash transfer by definition, should be timely and regular, therefore, it should be paid as scheduled without fail or any delay as doing so would make beneficiaries backslide into poverty,” Ms Mwamba explained

Ms Mwamba has since clarified that her job is to simply witness the systematic disbursements of scheduled payments by technocrats and not personally conduct the payments.

The Minister has however expressed disappointment in the manner some selfish individuals want to disadvantage by wanting to delay those that are supposed to get the funds all in the name of politics.


  1. Every goverment , the world over , gives legal sweeteners before elections………

    This common practice……….

    As long as that money is accounted for and is due the community ……..

  2. PF should count their blessings……….

    If the shoes was on the other foot……….

    None of them would be allowed free movement for campaigns and would have faced serious beatings and violence………

    Open air bribery and use of all GRZ marchinary would have been used for the ruling party……………

    All those PF enjoying on air time on radio stations would have been beaten to a pulp……..with radio stations smashed……..

  3. “Grains of sand are very small, yet, if accumulated, they can sink a ship.”…so said someone on the interwebs. If you are out to change a system, change it. Small exceptions here and there for whatever expediency lead to large derailment from the chosen path later on. We should choose now to do politics in Zambia the right way.

  4. If you are out to change a system, change it. Small exceptions here and there for whatever expediency lead to large derailment from the chosen path later on. We should choose now to do politics in Zambia the right way.

    “Grains of sand are very small, yet, if accumulated, they can sink a ship.”…so said someone on the interwebs.

  5. We told you that they know they can’t win fair and square in kabushi. Doreen mwamba is my good friend and I had her personally some years ago. But I am disappointed in her f00Iish behaviour

  6. If the social cash transfer disbursements have been ongoing since January 2021 (new budget cycle), then a continuation of the same is legal and in order.
    What is wrong and amounts to open vote buying is for the DMMU to deliver tons of relief food to Chilubi Island just before a by-election when there was no disaster.

    • Shaka when asked that since he had concurred all the tribes what would be his next move… I will fight more wars… and if there no wars? … I will create them… brother you don’t have to be a genius to add two and two.

  7. Time has come to tell political parties to stop treating GZR as a machine.


    Political parties are supposed to cultivate, develop or try to acquire it, not manipulate it like a machine.

    GRZ what’s going on?

  8. Nothing to justify. that was totally wrong and bad decision from the Government. If there is an election in a place suspend such programs to level the playing field. clever bribes dont work if there was anything to learned from the PF regime. People are entitled to that money as it is budgeted for and sponsored by the tax we pay as well as grants we receive from donors.

    if we have to set a new precedent in politics lets not repeat what didnt workout before. People are wise and educated now and wont swayed anymore by selfish gimmicks.

  9. In previous years even the DMMU and the CEEC was legally used to woe the electorate in various markets and rural Zambia disadvantaging the opposition parties. Today, tables turned, UPND are doing exactly what they loathed. Chiwamina galu.

  10. It’s already politicized… when your friends the PF did what you are doing, you called it vote buying.
    It appears no one is honest in this country.

  11. All governments reduce the price of fuel, increase funding for the vaunrable, increase pension payments………..

    In time for elections………..

    This happens all over the world…………..

    It’s like you keeping your hard earned money only to splash out on a birthday…………is that bribery ????

    • But how come we hear of lowering of intrest rates during imminent elections in the USA ????

      We also know about increased infrastructure spending when elections are due in the USA ???

      Also, If you are a motorist , expect a reduction in pump prices nearer elections………..

  12. Were is ACC and DEC they need not to be informed because they have seen it for themselves why wasting time.That is why the burning of that market one wonders,it is political and logic to get the answer.Very disapointing because this is what Bulldozer was penalised for but now chiwama galu kuluma mbuzi.

  13. Were is ACC and DEC they need not to be informed because they have seen it for themselves why wasting time.That is why the burning of that market one wonders,it is political and logic to get the answer.Very disapointing because this is what Bulldozer was penalised for but now chiwamina galu kuluma mbuzi.

  14. My major problem with economic refugees is that they measure everything in the lenses of their host counties. whatever their host country does becomes a blue print no matter how absurd it it.

  15. Ba Kabushi… please do a donch kubeba on Upnd get the social cash money….chew it… Political must stop taking and treating Zambias like this is the very reason why foreigners are abusing Zambians because they copy from politicians

  16. Why kabushi’s Kapalala market which came later than Kapiri Mposhi? And you refuse that it is not meant to induce votes, you should have done it systematically using the First come First served principle and people could not have cried foul.

    • After reading a post about Kapirimposhi being left out, they have hurriedly gathered a few coins to present to the Kapirimposhi marketeers

  17. Please let politics not make us enemies. The worst about politics today is the Love of money and most of the politicians can do anything (including murdering someone they think/ perceive is standing in their way)to ascend to their political aspiration. Who will dispute the bible when it says Money is the root of all Evil.
    Until God’s Kingdom comes to take control of this wicked system of things, no one, no, not one will be able to rule any country on this planet with Love. Those in opposition show bitterness and want to remove the ruling party at all costs while the ruling party wants to do everything possible to suppress the opposition so they can remain in control and yet we see these political figures being beamed on television in church especially when they want to donate cash, not…

  18. Can you also send the DMMU to the mayor of Chingola… his house has been burned to ashes by angry residents. Abena Chingola don’t play around… they voted expecting a positive change not this nonsense of blame game especially the kcm nonsense.

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