Friday, October 25, 2024

It is a mockery for the Government to offer support to victims after demolition their houses-Catholic Priest


Copperbelt-based Catholic Priest Fr. Francis Mwansa Mufwaya says it is a mockery for the Government to offer support to victims of the Chingola housing demolition through Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU).

Chingola Municipal Council on Saturday morning demolished over 300 structures illegally built on the Kasompe Airstrip, a land on title and belonging to Zambia Civil Aviation Authority.

Chingola Council says it didn’t allocate the land and that structures were erected without planning permission from the Local Authority hence prompting the demolition.

Victims of the demolition protested by burning Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe’s house and lodge in Chingola saying he allocated the land on Kasompe Airstrip.

Commenting on the demolition, Fr. Mufwaya, who has previously served at Kasompe Catholic Church in Chingola, said it an anomaly that the same government that has demolished houses in Kasompe is consoling people by dangling DMMU support.

The Parish Priest of St. Lawrence in Kantashi, Mufulira said the illegal allocation of plots in Kasompe should have been arrested years earlier before people built housing structures.

Fr. Mufwaya questioned why Chingola Municipal Council took long to address the issue of illegal land allocation in Kasompe which said has existed for about ten years.

Fr. Mufwaya said even though he doesn’t support the illegal building of houses on the airstrip land, council shouldn’t have rushed to demolish houses without finding alternative land for the victims.

“I would like to express my disappointment and bemoan the demolition of houses in Kasompe. This issue of giving out plots in that area was started immediately when PF came into power. So the government should look into the plight of the people of Kasompe whose houses were demolished. We are so disappointed to see the same government which decides to demolish poor and innocent people’s houses come in later to say the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is ready to help the people. Why didn’t they invite DMMU as a stakeholder so that they prepare a place for the people to relocate? You come and sympathize after,” Fr. Mufwaya said.

He demanded that justice should prevail in the matter in which Chingola Council demolished houses built near Kasompe Airstrip.

Fr. Mufwaya emphasised that council workers and former ward councilors alleged to be behind the illegal land allocation in Kasompe should face the law.

“Let not government repeat this kind of action. Enter into dialogue with all the stakeholders including the people. We cannot say we allow this lawlessness but let all the stakeholders participate in whatever decision that has been made and prepare for the people to relocate. And then those council officers that were involved and former councilors, these are the people we are pleading that they should bring to book. To teach a lesson to those who would be offenders so that they can learn a lesson and not repeat this kind of lawlessness,” Fr. Mufwaya said.

He concluded:”As Priest and as a person who served the people of Kasompe I am very disappointed with this kind of action to the people. Yes they can be relocated. Let us find a place for relocation first and then demolish the houses. So please the government look into the plight of the people. Don’t demolish and then you come and side with the people politically and think you are consoling them.”


  1. The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. The owners of the airstrip should have sought an injection from the High Court as soon as they saw people start digging foundations. But they looked the other way.

  2. The New Dawn’s action of demolishing the houses first and then expressing sympathy after the demolition is the highest form of cynicism. Shockingly and, indeed, significantly, their high priest – HH – hasn’t even whimpered any word of sympathy to the Kasompe victims. These New Dawners really underrate our intelligence!

  3. This Priest should understand that a sympathetic government has come to the aid of people who suffered a misfortune as a result of cleaning up the mess left by that PF regime which was anchored on nothing but lawlessness and criminality. If those people had been left to continue living on land which was acquired illegally a bad precedent could have been set. New Dawn please continue sorting out the criminalities left by that cruel government and we will vote you back come 2026

    • The point that the priest is making is that govt should have engaged the people first and find them alternative land before demolishing the houses. He isn’t disputing the illegality but the handling of the matter by govt.

  4. This Priest should understand that a sympathetic government has come to the aid of people who suffered a misfortune as a result of cleaning up the mess left by that PF regime which was anchored on nothing but lawlessness and criminality. If those people had been left to continue living on land which was acquired illegally a bad precedent could have been set.

  5. There is more to this? Why the minister of Local govt and housing Quiet about this.
    The constituency MP is shocked. The UPND local administration are shocked too. Who odered the demolition? Is it the ZAF commander Barry? May be …… He had issued the first warning in Solwezi. The fingers are pointing at him.

  6. Barry the ZAF commander must explain . He had plannned to do the same in Solwezi unti the Permanent secretary told him to tone down .
    I am sure he is still going to destroy houses and churches near Solwezi Airport.

  7. When the MP for Chingola(Kapoka Mulenga) was receiving an award in Nigeria, they were busy destroying houses in his constituency. What a stab in the back.
    There is something going on in Chingola UPND. just a few days ago CHILUNDIKA’S house was attacked by ” thieves” and he blamed his political enemies. Who are the enemies of Chilundika? Who are the enemies of Kapoka Mulenga? Something is going on in Chingola UPND…….Ba SG Imenda, get to Chingola ….before your members kill each other.

  8. The VEEP Mutale Nalumango was recently in Kabushi issuing money to marketeers who had the market set ablaze. Where is she? Why is she not in Chingola to support the families who are now sleeping outside? Where is her heart? Will she only appear when there is an imminent bye- election like in KABUSHI?

  9. we were told about forest 27 demolitions upto now anything the ZAF boss made one statement we are seen poor people been victims, why give same one crashes after you brake his or her leg on purpose its a mockery at its highest level, as much as you think you the most loud voice of 2.8 even the same people who’s homes are been demolished are amany the 2.8, don’t be selective demolish even those big houses like churches around lusaka city air port.

  10. Politicians are there to save the people. These ones, the youth voted, are not. UPND Government should concentrate on Growing the economy and slowly move the Country to normalcy. Accept the situation and understand that not everybody, in Zambia, can afford a tablet of soap, in view of that it is Zambian to ignore the odor. How much land has mining destroyed in this country and much more land is mining going to destroy? will the land destroyed by mining ever be recovered. No it will not be recovered. has the land, on which those 300 houses have been demolished, been destroyed? No it has not been destroyed, it can still be used as initially intended. UPND leaders, I say think, think……think …reflect, reflect….

  11. All these moves that you are seeing that are being called illegal this illegal that and demolitions are being targeted at suspected PF businesses. The mobile booth saga was not aimed at cleaning the city but at suspected PF booths. The demolition in Chingola is the same. Innocent poor people are going to suffer at this government’s effort to eliminate PF and suspected PF businesses. The city airport in Lusaka is surrounded by houses and shops within the land belonging to ZAF. These properties are not being demolished because the plots were allocated in MMD era. If this was done in PF it would have been an illegality to UPND.

  12. The Chingola airport was North East of Nchanga North but because of mining activities it was relocated near Kasompe Township. It’s better to mark the perimeter of a property so that even we simple people can how far or near we can construct our building from such.

  13. I agree with the Catholic priest. You cannot start by destroying someone’s house and then you tell him ” here is a tent you can now live in”. That is being callous! It was gross negligence for both Civil Aviation and Chingola Municipal Council to allow for people to be allocated plots and start building houses on land that belonged to Civil Aviation. Both institutions could have gone to court and gotten a court order immediately they saw this beginning to happen in order to stop what was going on. But because some people at Chingola Municipal Council were getting money from this illegal allocation of land, they chose to remain mute. These are people who should be identified and removed from their jobs. Even those charged with the responsibility of securing the Kasompe airstrip at the…

  14. Whether poor or rich, no one should have encroached on an air strip. That boarders on national security bane. People should know their limits. Why chose to build illegal structures on protected land instead of going back to the village to grow cassava? We always need to do the right things if we must get any closer to development. Just because one is poor does not mean they must transgress the law. Just because you don’t have a toilet does not mean that you can defecate in you bedroom. Lets all be reasonable and learn to do the right things. This is the same mindset that lives people to sing praises for people who stole from them and hid money under their girlfriends beds. Wake up. Aokona man. Shaaa.

  15. The point that the priest is making is that govt should have engaged the people first and find them alternative land before demolishing the houses. He isn’t disputing the illegality but the handling of the matter by govt.

  16. Happy 1 year in office.
    Like most other anniversaries, it must come and go with a present. Thanks for the gift of demolition.


  18. I see bantustan comments always defending the crazy govt on demolishing of houses.Let us not support such acts ba praise singers .Chipata people wake up before you’re used by these chaps

  19. It’s not a mockery, it’s f00lishness. This is exactly what the PF did in Kitwe. They demolished houses in Mindolo North and Guy Scott kept the affected people in tents behind Helen Kaunda. What changed was just the colour of their chitenge. Exit PF green and enter PF red. They’re the same. Let’s not pretend. There’s no Mayor here in Zambia that can go to demolish people’s houses without the knowledge and consent of the ,Minister and his supervisor. This is a UPND program and that’s why he’s quiet about it. He’s now smiling at a well-executed program

    • You are right. Frank Tayali, the Minister of Transport, was very categorical about demolishing the houses when he visited the area. He couldn’t have said this without the blessings of his boss. Has anyone heard any word of sympathy from his boss?

  20. They are not even supposed to be given any sympathy but prosecuted for building illegally. It’s too much of illegal building in this country and it has to stop?

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