Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Hichilema paid a surprise visit to a resident in Ndola’s Kabushi constituency


We all get those surprise visitors but this was experienced at a whole new level when a couple in Kabushi constituency received an unexpected presidential visit from President Hichilema yesterday.Ruth Ngoma and Francis Chisoso the parents of triplets born last year in Ndola’s Lubuto Township welcomed the President into their home.

Francis Chisoso thanked the President for visiting his family, a moment he said he will always treasure.He pleaded with President to help him with a job for him to take care of his family including his mother in law who had been keeping him.The President directed the Provincial Minister, Elisha Matambo to find a way of helping the family.

Later the President interacted with several residents in the neighborhood and promised to visit them today to share some of the challenges.

The President is in Kabushi Constituency to drum up support for UPND Candidate Bernard Kanengo in the forthcoming Kabushi Parliamentary by election.

President Hichilema said it was particularly fulfilling to sit with some households and share in their the daily experiences.

” We sat with a family that God Almighty has blessed with triplets. We committed that with my wife Mutinta, we will support the family in addition to the government support in form of free education among other challenges,” President Hichilema said.

During a walk about the President said it was evident the people of Kabushi need improved road network, safe and clean drinking water among others. President Hichilema said UPND is committed to alleviating these challenges as that is the reason why they were elected into office.

“We are convinced that no matter the challenges before us, together we shall triumph,” he said


  1. “Francis Chisoso pleaded with President to help him with a job for him to take care of his family including his mother in law who had been keeping him.The President directed the Provincial Minister, Elisha Matambo to find a way of helping the family.”
    Mr President please do not abuse your authority about the other thousands of Francis Chisosos outside looking for jobs are you going to direct Matambo to look for jobs for them.

    • Shut up! It’s election time. We usually throw all rules out the window at this time! Corruption, Cronyism, bribery, the stuff of our profession takes over. We will remember those who are suffering now. Yes we will forget those Chisosos only after the election

    • Chachi – He was supposed to say Francis these are tough times the govt is doing it best to provide opportunities for all.

    • He said “We pledged with my wife Mutinta … to support the family”… For a man who has refused to draw a government salary, and is serving as president free of charge to the country, he may talking about supporting the family with his own personal money;

    • How styupid!! , he should not have entered Kabushi, he is just campaigning for thug Lusambo. HH should have left
      these useless by-lections to Ba Nalumango.
      HH lets go back to work, lets reduce price of fertilizers man.

  2. This is the problem with politicians. They have no shame. You have been to the copperbelt several times before but only showing up in Kabushi now that you need something from the people you’ve been ignoring. Everyone knows once you get what you want, you again disappear like you have done in Kabwata. Shame on you, but if the people of Kabushi get blinded by this, shame on them.

    • He has only been in office for 12 months; there is no way he could have visited all 156 constituencies in the country in that time. He is in Kabushi to campaign, as he should, for his party. There is nothing wrong with his visit

    • Ntamba Lukuta, there is no money to steal in Zambia my friend. You relative in PF stole everything they found, and came their way; and then the went borrowed more and stole it all, leaving each Zambian owing $almost $2000 in debt, for a total of $30-31 billion

  3. Lusambo once declared kabushi a no go danger zone for the opposition………….

    Today, everybody is free to campaign withoutfear of attacks from caders………..

    Well done Mr president

  4. No, no,no! This is just wrong. Visiting a family and promising to help it financially just before elections is WRONG. It is kolapshion. What HH should have done is to campaign on behalf of the UPND candidate, to talk about policies that will be in place to help people like the Chisosos. Talk about how you are going to improve the lives of the constituents.
    HH is do not become like Lungu- boasting, bribing, bragging.

  5. Look at that poor /dirty housing this family lives in because of the lost 10yrs of PF engineered poverty generating machines.


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