Saturday, July 27, 2024

Anti-gay peaceful protesters detained by the Police


The Ban Alcohol Activist Dr Brian Sampa has now embarked on a peaceful protest against homosexuality.

Yesterday, Dr Sampa scheduled an anti-gay march past against homosexuality, with the aim to walk from Civic Centre to State House, but the anti-gay march past was cut short after the Police stopped Dr Sampa and the team at the intersection of Longacres and the University Teaching Hospital along the Independence Avenue Road, citing that the team did not obtain a Police permit that allows the march to be conducted.

Despite writing to the Police to inform them about the march past, Dr Sampa didn’t get a response from the Police, he thus felt compelled to go ahead with the anti-gay march past as he had documentation and notification from the Lusaka City Council, though the Police were not having it, a female Chief Inspector ordered Officers to bundle the whole group including journalists in the Police vehicles and be taken to Lusaka Central Police Station.

However, instead of going to Lusaka Central Police as stated by the Chief Inspector, the group was instead taken to Kabwata Police where they were detained and requested to submit their names.

After close to four hours at Kabwata Police Station, Dr Sampa and two other male anti-gay campaigners were taken into detention while three ladies were scheduled to be detained elsewhere.

Dr Sampa noted with concern as to why the Police had stopped his Anti-gay march past when they did not block him when he embarked on the Ban-alcohol lone walk to Eastern Province and Chisamba in Central Province.

The journalists who were detained are Kalemba reporter Moses Makwaya, Muvi TV journalists Aphius Kaputula and Agnes Nampasa as well as Josephat Mafuta KBN and Baxter Mutambo MEDIA 28 were forced to give statements for possible use against Dr Sampa in court.

The five journalists who were also detained alongside Dr Sampa, were released after close to four hours of being in detention, while Dr Sampa and other anti-gay marchers remained in detention but they were later released.

And speaking earlier during the Anti-gay march past Dr Sampa said that he has been prompted to embark on the march past against homosexuality because the practice is now on the rise despite having adequate Laws to curb the vice.

Dr Sampa stated that the government has failed to provide clarity on the matter despite both the Head of State and Senior Government Officials having clearly pronounced themselves on issues of corruption.

Meanwhile, Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) President Sean Tembo stated that it’s unfortunate that the United Party for National Development (UPND) government does not respect media freedom.

Mr Tembo added that the arrest of those protesting against the rise in homosexuality is proof that the New Dawn is a homosexual government.

“When we form government in 2026, we shall prioritize freedom in the press, no one should be arrested for covering news,” Mr Tembo stated

And Thomas Sipalo noted with dismay as to why journalists were detained for covering Dr Sampa’s anti-gay protest, he questioned whether journalists need permits to cover an event or choose what’s news worth or what’s not.

Mr Sipalo who is popularly known as Difikoti (Komboni President) said that the Police are acting unprofessional in this matter, as they are using emotions not logic.

“Please release them, they were just carrying out their journalism duties,” Mr Sipalo said

Mr Sipalo disclosed that Dr Sampa is fighting a good cause only that he broke the law by not getting a Police permit.

“Otherwise, the March is much appreciated, lets apply for a permit and protest in large numbers, Dr Sampa need to be supported, gayism affects us all, say no to homosexuality,” Mr Sipalo cited

In the last few days, the country has experienced various reports of sodomy, were young boys and men have reportedly been sodomised against their will. This has caused an uproar especially on social media platforms such as Facebook, where various male folks have expressed shock and worry citing the sodomy reports as disturbing, while some parents and guardians have expressed fear stating that the boy child is no longer safe and adequate measures need to be put in place to help protect them.


  1. This is alot of nonsense! HH & UPND is acting no different from PF if not worse. Why arrest demonstrators even worse journalists??? There are no freedoms in Zambia which UPND keeps praising themselves of when you busy arresting peaceful demonstrators who have a constitutional right to demonstrate. If HH & UPND are being genuine, those cops need to be fired if they acted outside UPND’s govt instructions. 2026 is around the corner, we keeping score of your nonsense.

  2. “Mr Sipalo disclosed that Dr Sampa is fighting a good cause only that he broke the law by not getting a Police permit.ipalo disclosed that Dr Sampa is fighting a good cause only that he broke the law by not getting a Police permit.”

    That’s comical. So if Sampa is himself is breaking the law then he shouldn’t condemn the others who are breaking the law, he should lead by example. Sipalo is a comedian indeed and maybe he should stick to that trade.

    • Very soon the constitution will be amended to include certain human rights. Just wait for the results of the Kabushi and Kwacha by-election… should they increase the numbers in parliament.

    • So because you never heard of homosexuality in Zambia up until now, does it mean we didn’t have Gay people in Zambia before??? Mmembe proposed intercourse to W. Kabimba some years ago. You must be living under a rock. The sensible thing to do is recognise this group of people, so that we can monitor what is going on. The longer they stay in dark corners and shady lodges and hotels, the more vulnerable people and children will be in danger. Those boys who got sodomised could be infected will life changing ailments. But we can bury our heads in the sand, try and score a political goal and hope for the best.

    • As usual Deja Vu attempting to drive on his own narrative by scaremongering so his best pal Bowman and Bonanza win the elections anyway an empty tin like Henry will concur with you!!

  3. This is what happens when you sell your country to the highest bidder…IMF here I come….Lungu told IMF they can keep their so called aid and Zambian will manage on its own….but demagogue President HH Chimbwi no plan went ahead and agreed to auction Zambia in exchange for decaying morals…now deal with it…remember the West withdrew aid in Malawi after Malawi Govt Jailed a Gay couple….

    • Lazy Lungu never told IMF anything infact he was begging IMF for 5 years …stop telling shameless lies just get in your Uber and talk to your customers who dont want to hear your voice.

  4. All those accused of sodomy have been arrested so far. As citizens, report all those that may not yet have been arrested.
    As for those at the July festival, what law is the police going to use to arrest them? Remember that men wear dresses and skirts at komboka, nchwala and many more ceremonies across the country, is the police supposed to arrest them too?

  5. And this is why Robert Mugabe hated the west….they come to your house and teach you bad morals…no wonder they wanted HH as President because he is a sellout and a demagogue President…..soon you will be witnessing Tarino Orange marrying Spaka….Gay weddings are about to start in Zambia

    • You are now hallucinating …pipe down…the constitution is clear on homosexulity …you have no problem getting money from gay passengers on your Uber but here you want to sound like some Paleoconservative. Yes you will get likes today and get a hard one!!

  6. One Key Pre-condition to Zambia’s IMF deal was for the UPND government’s total support of Gay Rights in Zambia.

    “Let us first fly the Gay flags at our Embassies, and you mutely condemn it, and then play ball with the Zambian public by not arresting those practicing this vice” They told the Zambian IMF negotiators & the President.

    The Muzungu peoples, please Zambians be aware, will never & will never ever have the interest of black people at heart. They are now in Lusaka & in many Western capitals busy coercing the UPND government to change Zambia’s constitution – chiefly designed to remove that Christian Nation tag.

    The Lusaka July event is heavily funded by Gay advocates.

    Remember the IMF demand/sentence above ??- don’t arrest them.

    • Now I am gay? …this is a tactic used by simpletone. Next you will be calling Dr Brian Sampa gay for standing up for equal rights to all human beings.

  7. HH is a perfect trojan horse the West has used to undermine and destroy Zambia’s morality. You can clearly see that now even the police understand what’s going on. HH and his UPND are passively endorsing the Gay agenda, obviously to satisfy the wishes of their Western masters. Vote this guy and his UPND out in 2026, if Zambia’s morality is to be saved. HH and his UPND are sellouts.

  8. When this one Sampa anti- beer guy vowed “to go the distance” to Kabwe without a police permit, no one cared apart from calling him “John Walker”. They urged him to even walk farther. What has changed now? He has some walking to do.

  9. I drive UBER in downtown Washington DC mostly around Georgetown and Adams Morgan and I can tell you most of my clients are Gay…….and alot of Politicians in Washington DC are Gay I see them every night and Zambia with US$1.3 billion brace yourselves for a Gay infested country

  10. All those accused of sodomy have been arrested, what more do you want? Do you want the police to arrest all those who wear womens skirts and dresses at komboka and nchwala etc? Give the police an idea of the crime to charge those who wear womens cloths, as is pricribed in the constitution. Remember, i think i have also seen the chitimukaulu and mwata in a skirt. If you want them arristed as well, kindly raise your voice

  11. Pro homosexual government, deny that you’re not but allow it to be practiced. Satanic agenda which was always known from the beginning.

  12. Stop all the bickering and uncertainty, I agree with Tarino that one is happy to may from gays but are quick to jump on the bandwagons of criticism, Get your ducks in a row first. Most of the commentators here are PF sympathisers.

  13. If you can convince 10% of your national population that they are gay and therefore should not participate in reproduction, you can reduce your rate of population by a significant amount. This is why heavily populated countries have gone full speed in promoting the trade. The other methods, such as diseases, as mainly used by China in Covid, avian flue, HIV, monkey pox, etc, do work but humans react to them by increasing their birth rate, as what happens soon after every war. If you check the rate of birth increase in the SADC region for the period soon after the hay-day of HIV, you will notice such a reaction to the tail end of HIV peak period.

  14. No confidence in this Government now, i don`t even know if you guys will make it to next term. you are provoking those who voted for you. even animals know there partners. what a shame. police even harassing people over wickedness. so disgusting !!!!!!!!!!

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