Saturday, July 27, 2024

Put an end to the drama surrounding the DPP, Managani Tells President Hichilema


Former Minister of Home Affairs Lamek Mangani has implored President Hakainde Hichilema to put an end to the drama surrounding the Director of Public Prosecution(DPP).

Addressing the press yesterday, Mr Mangani said that the decision the DPP made regarding the former KCM provisional liquidator Milingo Lungu was made in the national interest. He however slammed those that are charged with the responsibility of advising the Head of State.

“President HH is the President for all Zambians, irrespective. And this is why I say that those driving the President into personal agendas, will cause problems. Those who are advising to say remove this one because he is a Banda so that we put a Mubita, I mean it looks simple but it is dangerous,” he said.

“President Hakainde Hichilema has a duty to stop this nonsense and unite this country. Are we defeating the intelligence of Zambians who said no to tribalism and segregation? If President HH was on talking terms with President Lungu, I know that President Lungu would confess to him that people misled him. And these people that misled President Lungu are not people from afar.”

Mr Mangani said the decision that the DPP made in the matter in question is not a strange decision. Mr Mangani advised the President to revisit his team of advisers and ministers.

“We don’t want ministers who will be praise singers. We want ministers who will tell the President the truth,” he said. He also detested tribalism and segregation that is allegedly going on under the watch of the President.

Mr Mangani reminded President Hichilema that Zambians voted out PF based on the said facts.

And the former Minister said the JCC is being unfair in the DPP’s matter.

“Yes, we have had a bad precedent in this country that any government that comes in you want to change the DPP. And I prayed hard that President Hakainde Hichilema should not have attempted to take that route. Because immediately you take that route, you are setting precedence…..I prayed hard that President Hakainde Hichilema should take a different route,” he said.

“People are pushing the President against the wall. When you just organize lawyers who have active cases in court to try a magistrate, to try a judge, to try the DPP. The outcome of such a situation you can easily predict that it will not be favourable. Minister of Justice, I want to implicate you……it is this injustice that caused Zambians to rise against the PF. HH went to court more than anyone else. Surely, do we have to witness this as revenge……?”

Mr Mangani also warned the Head of State that there is going to be people who will try to mislead him.

“If the attempt is to just remove her and put a relative or someone from a named region then that is wrong. I want to appeal for soberness. The President my brother, there are always people who will want to mislead you, be careful,” he said.


    • So HH who got resounding support in Western Province is removing a DPP from Western Provice (Siluyuni) to replace her with a DPP from another province on a tribal basis? What kind of rubbish is this? Siluyuni is being removed because she violated the ethics of her office. She thought that the law started and stopped with her, and she could prosecute or forgive whoever she wanted. The DPP is a government employee, and serves as a representative of the President. He does not want her, and she needs to bow her head in deserved shame, and simply go away. The civil service is full of people from only 2 regions of the country. These were not appointed by HH or UPND; they were put in by the tribalist PF and MMD. Why they now want HH to protect their tribalism, I do not know.

  1. Hichilema must first of all lift the oath of secrecy…if he is man enough let the DPP tell the nation what happened! As things stand both the president and the AG have refused to lift it.

    • No he should not lift the oath of office. If his decision to not do so is regarded as bad enough, the people who wrote the law will see the need to change it. However, like all the shady laws in Zambia, they want HH and UPND to discretionally disavow them, but keep them in place so that when, and if, the tribalists return to power, they can resume using them. No! Let HH follow the law, He did not create it. If it now bites the people who enacted it, so be it, and even better. As they English “As you make your bed, so shall you lie on it”. This how they wrote the law; this is how it is going to be. They were happy to write the law that way when it suited them, so that their corruption would not be divulged by the DPP. Today, they want the same law to suspended so that their DPP can be…

  2. The UPND don’t want the DPP in her office but they don’t have a legal formula to uninstall her. They’re trying to scandalize her but it seems it won’t end well. The JCC under Vincent Malambo can’t be impartial but personal. He’ll always do what his tribesman wants. It’ll come to pass except it’ll consume many. We move in circles. HH is one of the least Presidents to have ruled Zambia, instead of using this opportunity to redeem himself he’s chosen the self destruction path. Anyway after all it’s his democratic right.

    • State Counsel Vincent Malambo has recused himself from the hearing. Although it remains an academic exercise because there is no winning once you are before the JCC, not one person has survived a hearing there, and all of the people who have been called there previously had no oath binding them.
      Added to it the fact that these proceedings are in camera makes the exercise nonsensical. Let the public hear what is going on.

    • Just like they didn’t have a legal formular to remove Milingo from that mine post except to bargain for a nolle prosequi, which after public outcry, the process is blamed entirely on the DPP.

      Don’t forget, Siyunyi also gave Hechi Hechi the same much needed nolle on his inhumanly torturous 127 prison days to end the alleged treason case.

    • They do have a way of getting her out of office. She is suspended following a report from the review committee. She is on the way out, and will soon be fired. There is no job in Zambia which is 100% guaranteed. The DPP as a government employee represents the president. She does not have do her job according to his dictates, but he does not have to keep her there either. In this case, to avoid criticism, he waited for a finding of wrong doing to act. The suspension is step 1; and in step 2, she will be out office. Stupid ***** that she is.

  3. Mangani has a valid point….last names have become relevant under UPND….let’s not burry our heads in the sand and ignore the tribal traits being orchestrated by UPND…..and Spaka is the chief tribalist….Tarino Orange is well educated and sounds like a Patriot Zambian….but he needs to come out of the closet now since IMF has finally legalized gay marriages in Zambia

    • Saulosi – If you have nothing to post today just sit in your car and pull the seat back and sleep or fondle your …

  4. There is a difference between ‘Beating and Fighting’. According to the dictionary; Beating is assault and injure someone by hitting, kicking, or punching them repeatedly. Fighting on the other hand can mean to contest, struggle, argument, or any clash that involves at least two opposing sides. It’s like the DPP is in the boxing ring with hands tied to the ropes (by not giving her the freedom to speak the truth by the none removal of oath) while her opponent has every resource at their disposal. Honestly, is this fair, and for a woman for that matter (against how many men and women?) where is the rule of law in this? I hope the International community are taking note of these happenings because they have the a bearing on the political stability of the nation.

  5. The DPP knows she is dead meat whether she absconds from JCC or not. Cadres started this fight and the government has just institutionalised the “hounding out ” process.
    She could easily have resigned, but didn’t want to make it all too easy for them.
    When UPND wins this “corruption fight” alongside JCC, they will launch the same process on Concourt judges.

    • HH will simply fire her, as he can today if he wants to. There is no law or person who can compel HH to keep any government employee in a job. The stupid laws of Zambia even allows HH to fire judges. The only people HH cannot fire are opposition members from parliament. The stupid laws of Zambia allow HH and any other party leaders to fire members of their own party from parliament. All that to happen is for that member parliament to be kicked out of that party, and he loses his parliamentary seat. Stupid law, but it is what empowers party leaders…so none of them want to get rid of it.

  6. Hello,
    Its a calculated move to make sure that the judiciary, ECZ
    , police and army is held by a named region. If UPND can petition all parliamentary losses they had, what will happen if the lose the presidential elections. Prepare for tough times ahead. In UPND, Zambians who are patriotic only come from one region and it’s just too early for the New Dawn Government. The problem is its easy to pretend to be a goat when you are a lion. Time will tell, umukulu tapusa kebo apusa kabwe. KK warned us so lets wait and see,

    • These delusions of your arise from the mentality that has poisoned your mind and clouded your vision. You think that everyone is like you. Siluyuni is Lozi. If HH was trying to get people from a region that votes UPND, he would leave her there. HH does not operate tribally, like the rest of you. When he goes in your areas, he speaks your languages to the best of his ability. Chipuba, Satan and evil Lungu never once uttered a word of Tonga, Lozi or Luvale. All of them tried to speak Bemba everywhere, so please stop playing those games with us. The government as well as the entire civil service only hired people from the north and the east. You are angry and accusing HH of tribalism because he is giving people everywhere a chance.

    • No. That is not the law. The law that MMD and PF wrote specifically bars her from speaking. It was written that way to prevent the DPP from exposing the corruption, nepotism and tribalism of people in power. The prohibition of the DPP spilling the beans was set so high that only the person with most to lose, the president himself, could loosen it. Here, let HH who has nothing to lose, keep that proscription in place. Let the law bite the ones who wrote it, just as the barring of bail in murder cases is biting Mumbi Phiri is her flat and wrinkled buttocks. When people learn that the laws you write to oppress, can return to persecute or prosecute you, they will be less likely to write them.

  7. Those who are advising to say remove this one because he is a Banda so that we put a Mubita. This is happening on our watch, sad.

  8. I was watching BBC interview with Jacinta Arden prime minister of new Zealand. Very simple and approachable… not these leaders we have who look like those practicing witchcraft.. very heavy and intimidating.

  9. UPND has the most tribally balanced government since times of Kaunda. Of course you tribalists are unappy because all you want to see in government are Bwalyas and Bandas, Mwales and Mwansa etc etc,,, HH has people from all parts of the country in prominent positions of power. His very intelligent and capable vice President is a Bemba lady from the north, Mrs Mutale; his spokes man is a capable and intelligent northerner called Anthony Bwalya. In MMD and PF, you never saw non-Bemba and non- Nyanja so close to power. So please, stop the rubbish about HH being a tribalist. Where your parties were taking money from Southern and Northwestern Province to build 2 universities in provinces they created just for your tribes, HH has taken all the development funds of the government and divided…

  10. The DPP did not want to resign on her own. So the President helped her by suspending her and putting an end to the drama. I just pray that she won’t be reinstated

    • HH is gonna fire her ass. She is in his cross hairs now. She should save herself the shame and just resign. He already has someone doing the job. HH is going through the same steps Lungu went through, when he fired DPP Mutembo Nchito and hired Siyuni. This one is gone.

  11. an argument with most UPND supporters on this platform is best described by the saying NEVER ARGUE WITH A FOOL. most of them are defensive irrationally so. If you don’t agree with them you are the enemy. Debate is not in most of their DNA but them I’m personally not surprised at the president HH has turned out to be.

    • Ok,, she is married to a Lozi. That may explain why they hired her. Under Lungu, everyone hired was Bemba or Nyanja. Under HH every Zambian has a chance. However, this Zambian has got to go. The High Court can conduct any hearing it wants, however, the high court does not have to power to tell the president who his representatives should be. Siyuni is gone. She does not need to have done anything wrong, even though she has. HH simply has to dislike her, and that is enough. He has the right to put his own man in there, in the same way he has the right to hire a minister of finance or foreign affairs of his choosing.

  12. Edgar Lungu fired DPP Mutembo Nchito, IN 2016, who was a Tonga, and hired Siyuni who is a Nyanja. It was not fair, but it was his right. HH is going to fire Siyuni, whether you think it is fair or not. That is that.

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