Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF Media Director Antonio Mwanza condemns President Hichilema’s statement on homosexuality


Despite President Hakainde Hichilema stating that his administration is clear and consistent that it does not support gay rights, hence it will not be distracted from addressing pertinent issues affecting Zambians, Patriotic Front Media Director Antonio Mwanza notes with dismay the statement issued by the President on homosexuality citing it as very sad and disappointing.

Yesterday, the Head of State noted in a post on his official Facebook page that his stance regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) has been consistent from the time he was in the opposition.

“We must focus our energy in addressing pressing issues affecting our people and not be detracted,” President Hichilema said

But Antonio Mwanza disclosed that the issue of homosexuality should be treated as an important issue that is affecting the country, thus the President issuing such a statement is very sad because homosexuality and sodomy cases are currently on the rise.

Mr Mwanza mentioned that, as the Patriotic Front, they want to see the President addressing the nation on the issue of homosexuality and sodomy, because as the government they should be keen in taking drastic action against the perpetrators of sodomy and homosexuality, rather than just issuing statements instead of taking action in this crisis.

“On the issue of homosexuality and the sodomy and the abuse that we are seeing on boys, young people being sodomized, it is shocking that the President of the Republic of Zambia amidst a young man dying in Soweto Market after being brutally sodomized, the President and his government can be quite on this issue,” Mr Mwanza mentioned

“Has the President issued any statement over the young man who has been sodomized in Soweto Market or the boys that were sodomized at school, because I haven’t seen any statement from him, what is the statement and position of the government amidst rising crimes of homosexuality, sodomy and gayism, the President has been quite on these particular matters,” Mr Mwanza added

Mr Mwanza stated that, the cases of sodomy and homosexuality have been there in this country but not at the rate that they are being reported now, because these cases are on its height and the country has never witnessed this.

“Former President Edgar Lungu despite all his shortcomings, on the issue of homosexuality he was very clear as he came out very straight as President and he put his foot down as the President by ensuring that he acted on the issue of homosexuality as the Head of State,” he said

He stated that when strange things are happening in the country, the President as the father of the nation must give direction, he must give in word as a direction on his government policy and stance on the particular matter, therefore, President Hichilema is expected to move his Law Enforcement Agencies to arrest this problem.

Mr Mwanza said that there is strange phenomenal where Dr Brian Sampa marched from Lusaka to Chipata on a Ban Alcohol Campaign without seeking a Police notification and nobody had a problem with it not even the Police approached him to state that his marching without a notification and he will be arrested, but when Dr Sampa was marching against homosexuality, the Police stopped him with Police battalion that came to arrest him, on the basis that he has no Police permit nor notification, with three Landcruiser that where fully packed with Police officers in riot gear as they moved in swiftly, which shows that this government is not coming out clear on the issue of homosexuality.

“But we have seen on social media where people are saying you need a Police permit, you don’t need a Police permit, the Supreme Court of Zambia already ruled on this matter in the case of Christine Mulundika versus the Attorney General, the Supreme Court in 1996 ruled that you don’t need a Police permit, so this story of Police permit is neither here nor there, you don’t need a Police permit, all you need to do is to just notify the Police on what you want to do,” he explained

“We are not surprised with increased incidences of homosexuality, sodomy, gayism, and everything that is going wrong in this country we are not surprised, as these people the UPND from the word go they don’t know God, when we had established a day for National Prayer, reconciliation and forgiveness, they always used to boycott, that’s why when they came into government the first thing, they did was to abolish the day of prayer and the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, which was a very important Ministry with a firm stance on national values but they abolished it, because it seems these people and God can’t have an eye contact,” Mr Mwanza mentioned

Mr Mwanza highlighted this when he made an appearance on HOT FM Hot Seat Programme today.

Meanwhile, the United for National Development (UPND) Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa says the New Dawn government does not subscribe to any idea of homosexuality.

Mr Mweetwa who is also the Southern Province Minister noted during a press briefing yesterday that, homosexuality has no place in this country as long as President Hakainde Hichilema and his administration are still in leadership.

“As UPND there are certain things that must be done to cleanse the system, holding our cultural norms and traditions that anchor the fabric of our livelihoods in terms of morality,” Mr Mweetwa said

Mr Mweetwa added that anything happening in Zambia not being done by the government can therefore not be said to be a UPND agenda, as there are a lot of activities that are happening in the country.

“Criminal activities are happening in the country, are you saying because they are happening under the New Dawn Administration, then it believes in criminality, no!” Mr Mweetwa said


  1. As the president rightly says………

    Zambia has more pressing issues that deal with 2 consenting adults get up to………..

    Zambian laws are clear and sufficient regarding homosexuality…….

    Let these empty tins focus their energies on homosexuality and LGBTQ flags while the president and GRZ deals with developing zambia……….

  2. We all remember how this little twit insisted HH would die in prison if he continued to threaten PF rule………..

    We also remember lungu telling us how this same little twit advised lungu to reject the election results……….

    Antiono AKA Zambian Citizen was a power drunk operator in PF , very sinister character……….

    • I think Atonio Mwanza should check his background and what he is with God. It should take a mad Zambian to condemn the president’s speech over gay rights in Zambia. He should vacate Zambia and go and live in mad people’s town if there one at all. Antonio must be condemned by every Zambian loving person. I 100% support President Hichilema Hakainde. well done sir and God bless you for sir for safeguarding our mother Zambia

    • The current happenings in upnd is extremely disheartening, first of all in the history of this country it’s during upnd government that LGBTQ had a meeting for three days without a single arrest those who attended the meeting in siavonga three solid day, We can’t have a government that is not ready to take responsibilities. This sodomy thing is sad, when you see government that is not moved or worried,It is a concern. Anyway iam not surprised because Jack Mwiimbu made a statement in parliament when upnd was in opposition.. Zambians can we pray. Otherwise homosexuality will become part of our culture

    • Is this the same Atonio Mwanza who wanted Lungu to rig the 2021 elections and has single handedly destroyed Nawakiwi’s political career. Seek help before it’s too late, there certain things money can’t buy, the writing is on the wall.

  3. Foolish boy… this is the ka chap that went onto Radio Phoenix last year and on live radio told the nation that UPND was mobilising 60,000 “troops” to cause confusion if it lost the elections…….hope he remembers what he said back then!! …. we have NOT forgotten. Zambians Please dont waste your time on these tuma fake politicians… they are simply empty vessels making the most noise….

  4. This Antonio Mwanza from the time he defected to the PF I stopped trusting and believing in whatever he says. And the reason he gave for defecting to the then ruling party was “you can grow old in the opposition”. These are unprincipled politicians who don’t mean well for the country. Those who are committing sodomy will certainly face the law. Has the President said those who committed sodomy should not be arrested?…..for you to say the President is unconcerned with homosexuality?

  5. No action against the scourge is as good as endorsing it as leadership. The elimination of the Ministry of Religion has robbed the nation of a voice that can be followed up with action to enforce the law. For me this was a big reason I was not for these people, suggestions that it was a satanic movement is clearly proving true due to their lack of action against this scourge that Zambians so loath.

  6. But why is the PF more excited than concerned on this issue? Something fishy is going on here. Remembe, the PF is a gang of serious trickery

  7. Not supporting homosexuality is not the same as condemning it. What is difficult in saying the law will visit you once found wanting.

  8. This is typical of Africans………..

    Wanting to fight spend valuable time on useless things like if someone wants to be a homosexual………….

    You will spend weeks arguing about a flag , yet your health care system can not stand on its own……… can’t even afford to payback money you owe ………and issues of homosexuality are more important ???

  9. How is Antonio Mwanza affected by homosexuality? How is this a pressing issue to PF and its corrupt leadership? Are they gay and they need urgent attention and help? Being gay is personal just like getting married or being single or being educated. Antonio Mwanza must state factually what is pressing on the gay issues. Why can’t PF pick an issue that affect people regardless of who is doing it like CORRUPTION, ROAD ACCIDENTS, MEDICAL FACILITIES, SCHOOLS, TEACHERS, DOCTORS, POVERTY, and others? Ooooh, that’s where they failed and UPND is fixing all that and they have no issue so they want to fool masses about a non issue. Catholics, please term your Archbishop who was getting paid by Lungu. He is going to sink the church with you in it like the PF sunk in the canoe.

  10. These are childish boys who can never be satisfied with any answer…this is chap who advised Lazy Lungu to refute the results.

  11. What is wrong with some of you Africans, you expend your energies of matters of no consequence.
    Why is it in the more prosperous countries politicians do not waste their time seeking to instigate hate about a persons love preferences, but you Africans spends vast about time propagating hate against others.
    Why can’t you all accept the notion of “live and let live”

  12. The issue of using Sim 2 with the help of Vaseline ( homosexuality) has been happening in Zambia secretly, but now it has mushroomed due to the total freedom of expression exhumed by UPDN Government which in the previous regime was not tolerated. These homosexuals are taking advantage of the freedom and the soft talks of the President when it comes to how law should be enforced on every Zambian Citizen. However, the current government has more pressing issues to sort out which every Zambian will benefit from including those craving to use Sim 2. The Government is still maintaining stance of NO to homosexuality practices in Zambia. If you want to be sure if the law is active for this matter then catch one or two and take them to the enforcers rather than politicizing on it. Grow Up

  13. LGBT’s are people first. A President’s duty is to protect us all. The problem in Zambia today is that we think that we have a higher moral standard over other people’s circumstances, carte branche. I have spent over 25 years of my life in North America and my conclusion is that the condition of being LGBT is not optional. It is like been a Black person and being persecuted for it. It breaks my heart to see the position that even the most educated personalities in Zambia including those in the Medical field take such a very inconsiderate position just for posturing. Zambia is a very hypothetical society rifle with prostitution and corruption and name it. But we are collectively taking a stand on victiming our fellow nationals on their preference of Sex? We want to make a President’s…

  14. LGBT’s are people first. A President’s duty is to protect us all. The problem in Zambia today is that we think that we have a higher moral standard over other people’s circumstances, carte branche. I have spent over 25 years of my life in North America and my conclusion is that the condition of being LGBT is not optional. It is like been a Black person and being persecuted for it. It breaks my heart to see the position that even the most educated personalities in Zambia including those in the Medical field take such a very inconsiderate position just for posturing. Zambia is a very hypothetical society rifle with prostitution and corruption and name it. But we are collectively taking a stand on victimizi
    ng our fellow nationals on their preference of Sex? We want to make a…

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