Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government has NOT abolished the commemoration of the National Day of Prayer-Information Minister


The Minister of Information and Media Chushi Kasanda has refuted claims made by Patriotic Front Media Director Antonio Mwanza citing that the government has abolished the commemoration of the National Day of Prayer when it came in power.

Ms Kasanda who is also the Chief Government Spokesperson noted that Mr Mwanza should be reminded that the National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance and Reconciliation was commemorated last year, on the 18th of October 2021 as provided for on the national calendar.

Ms Kasanda expressed dismay over the allegations made by the Patriotic Front Media Director, stating that the government only realigned the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs as a department, placed under the Office of the Vice President.

“This event is a major national occasion to be commemorated under the New Dawn Administration following its victory in the August 12th 2021, General Election,” Ms Kasanda mentioned

The Minister explained that last year, the National Day of Prayer and Reconciliation commemoration was held at the Lusaka Show Grounds, and was officiated by the Vice President Mutale Nalumango.

On Tuesday this week, the 20th of September, 2022, Patriotic Front Media Director Antonio Mwanza while making an appearance on HOT FM Hot Seat Programme highlighted that from the word go, the people under the United Party for National Development (UPND) don’t know God, because when National Day of Prayer, Reconciliation and Forgiveness was established, they always used to boycott.

Mr Mwanza added that, it is for this reason that when the UPND came into government the first thing, they did was to abolish the Day of Prayer AND Reconciliation, and the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, which was a very important Ministry which had a firm stance on national values.

“But unfortunately, the UPND abolished the Ministry, because it seems these people and God can’t have an eye contact,” Mr Mwanza mentioned


    • But ba LT that confuse us like this and don’t give a hoot. They do this numerous times and won’t correct things even when it’s brought to their attention. We have asked you a million times to employ an editor. You just want to continue feeding us with garbage.

  1. Disappointed… I thought they actually abolished this n0nsense per the headline. “National Day of Prayer” my @$s… more like “National Day of Hypocrisy”. Deeds and actions speak louder than “look at me” BS. Let people pray in private and offer reconciliation in their own individual lives. What a country this is!

  2. Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God. Here Jesus was drawing a sharp distinction between religion and politics. They are like oil and water when it comes to the Kingdom of God. Declaring Zambia a Christian Nation was absurd right from the beginning. It was an Evangelical attempt to dominate and benefit from the politics of the day. Religion is spiritual belief while politics is abiding by secular laws and customs. That’s what Jesus said. NO NEED FOR NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER.

  3. Government has abolished the commemoration of the National Day of Prayer-Information Minister.

    If only the government had done what the heading says, and if the story actually agreed with the heading. The idea of an infallible earthly church, the one indispensable and essential institution to the affairs of any country went out with the idea of a flat earth, and burying a dead King with maidens.

  4. It is disheartening how successfully the PF and its apologist have, in the last of couple weeks, launched into cultural wars. And the government playing defense, with ministers tied up in addressing and responding to issues that don’t put bread on anyone’s table.

    The elections are not tomorrow. Put your noses to the grinding stone and deliver. You have 4 more years. Stop looking over your shoulders and running from barking toothless hounds.

    Growth ideas can’t just come from the president. Every department justify their salaries and position in government and put some plans together for what they will deliver for the people by the next election and focus on execution. Tune out the noise.

    • PF know that this govt has put useless people like Chushi Kasanda to defend its policies …I mean this girl is just a pretty face who can not host a Question & Answer session.

  5. National Day of Prayer isn’t a governance benchmark. It’s even better we commemorate the national day of no corruption whereby all Zambians will refuse to give or receive kickbacks at least for a day. The PF were stealing by the gross while observing this meaningless day. It was a fraud just like the Pentecost church. My advice to the UPND to concentrate on service delivery, that’s what will count. You can’t continue to do politics until 2026. Leave that to Sean Tembo and other good for nothing idlers. Unfortunately, it;;s difficult to advise the UPND

  6. The National Day of Prayer should be abolished.
    Prayer and religion is a private personal matter, nothing to do with government.
    Day of prayer achieves nothing.
    As the president of Rwanda said build factories not churches.

  7. Don’t mess around with God,only those with the eyes of the spirit can be able to see what it means having a day of prayer.We know there are secrete societies that are not happy and wanting to fight this special day in the spritual but even then God will vindicate.And i want to assure who ever want to mess around with this day that his/her days are numbered.

  8. But why is government responding to a very bruised August 12 victim. Does government expect any objectivity from this guy, these are spent forces

  9. Responding to Antonio is like responding to a vacuum, he was kicked out of power and does not simply exist. More bruises for PF in 2026. For get the Lie election in Luangwa

  10. Really laughable that you even responding to such an utterly unproductive day…you have an ill-qualified Chief Govt Spokeslady who is always on the back foot dancing to a seasoned Media man like Emmanuel Mwamba and PF Media Teams tunes. If I was HH7 I would have abolished this day and replaced it with National Cleaning Day too much filth about let the church come and complain if they dont care about clean surroundings even putting back into their communities, Let the greed tith eating chaps come and complain.

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