Saturday, July 27, 2024

About Decency In Politics: It’s President Hakainde Hichilema who needs to be reminded


By Sean Tembo – PeP President

1. The Presidential Spokesperson Mr. Anthony Bwalya raised a very good point about two days ago. He said that we should practice our politics with decency. The only problem is that he was directing those words to the wrong person. Between Sean Tembo and President Hakainde Hichilema, it is the later who needs to be reminded about the need to practice decent politics than the former. For the record, here are some examples of indecent politics by President Hakainde Hichilema and his Government.

2. It is President Hakainde Hichilema and his Government who went and seized a dead man’s properties from the widow and children on the basis that the dead man is suspected of committing certain offenses. The late Mr Suzyo Nyika’s only offense is his close association with former President Lungu when he was still alive. We all know that a dead man cannot defend themselves. By President Hichilema and his Government depriving the widow and children of their property, that is indecent conduct. Therefore, before directing his words about the need to practice decent politics, Mr Anthony Bwalya should have first directed them to his boss.

3. It is President Hakainde Hichilema and his Government who are harassing former President Lungu with seizure of his property and sending investigative wings to his house, even though former President Lungu still has his immunity. By so doing, President Hakainde Hichilema is demeaning the office of the sixth Republican President. If President Hichilema would like to investigate or prosecute former President Lungu, let him first lift his immunity as provided for by the law. Indeed, President Hichilema’s behavior towards his predecessor lacks decency. Therefore Mr Anthony Bwalya can do well to advise his boss on the need for common decency.

4. It is President Hakainde Hichilema who sent his police officers to arrest me for the use of the word “Bally” as if he is the only Bally in the world. In fact, the President only started using the word “Bally” around 2020 when he was in opposition, and today he wants to assume exclusive use even though he has not patented this word at PACRA. Such behavior of over-exalting oneself simply because of your job position lacks common decency. Therefore, Anthony Bwalya can do well to advise his boss on this.

5. It is President Hakainde Hichilema’s State House Media team which runs an online publication called ”Koswe”. This publication makes it their hobby to insult any Zambian who disagrees with President Hakainde Hichilema. This Koswe publication insults myself, my family and my mother on a daily basis. A few days ago, this Koswe publication launched a tirade insulting the Archbishop of Lusaka His Grace Dr. Alick Banda and the entire Catholic Church, simply because of their stance on homosexuality and sodomy in Zambia. Our advice to President Hichilema is that whether you insult those you disagree with directly or through an online publication, it is the same thing. If President Hichilema did not know that the Koswe online publication is run by his State House Media Team, now he knows. Let him take action if he is a decent politician.

7. If we are going to have genuine decency in our political dispensation, then we must all act in a decent manner. Each one of us. Those who insult directly and those who insult through proxies in the form of online publications are just the same. None is better than the other. Also let our conduct reflect a pure heart and not malice. Let us work within the confines of the law and of our authority. Let us not overreach, because that is what common decency dictates.


  1. the only mr tembo you should know is if you steal for your children their will suffer but work for them they will prosper in life

  2. While cho chise might seem to prove a point in your understanding, it just makes your relationship more toxic. For as long as you continue with this attitude you can never have any meaningful engagement with your opponent. While Hichilema has his own weaknesses, he deserves a more mature discourse, especially at this stage of our democracy. We need to grow as a nation. If he had referred to MCS as CNP or chimbwi no plan, that doesn’t make it right for you to refer to him as imbwa ya mu State House. Stop it!

  3. You cannot lift the former President’s legal immunity without evidence of criminality. You cannot have evidence without investigation. You cannot investigate if every time you do so, people are crying ‘persecution!’ This is not Calculus or trigonometry. Why can’t people leave the security agencies to carry out their investigations without let or hinderance? In fact, they should raid Mr Lungu’s home and search for evidence. Look through his phone contacts and find out whom he has been talking to. If NOTHING is found, well and good. He can then be left alone. Immunity from prosecution is not immunity from investigation.

  4. Very childish chap………this tembo…….

    He wants all suspected cases of theft by PF not to be investigated………..

    Tembo can’t forgive him self of having being bribed by PF to pull out the opposition alliance………

  5. Sean Tembo needs to go Botswana to answer for swindling the government of that country out of money. HH should allow his extradition to Botswana if that government requests it, or he can that government to request the extradition…

  6. Politics basically have no decency. Am yet to see one.
    Can someone show me a decent politician in Zambia?

    The only problem is if a politician is commenting on everything everyday to prove relevance ineffectively they lose significance.

  7. Martin Luther King >>> In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
    Sean Tembo >>> Vaseline.

    Steve Biko >>> The greatest weapon in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.
    Sean Tembo >>> Kumwezi.

    Nelson Mandela >>> It is in your hands, to make a better world for all who live in it.
    Sean Tembo >>> Menstruation.

  8. Martin Luther King >>> In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
    Sean Tembo >>> Vaseline.

    Steve Biko >>> The greatest weapon in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.
    Sean Tembo >>> Kumwezi.

    Nelson Mandela >>> It is in your hands, to make a better world for all who live in it.
    >> Menstruation.

  9. I don’t understand why my fair comment has been moderated. HH deserves sober and mature discourse. Unfortunately most of what Sean Tembo brings forth doesn’t make that mark. Cho chise won’t take this nation anywhere, although it might win you some disgruntled supporters. HH is now 1yr in office, we’ll not continue to remind him about his attitude when in opposition. He may have called MCS Chimbwi No Plan but that doesn’t give you the right to refer to him as Imbwa ya mu State House. There’s no leader in his right senses who would wish to engage with such a person. Zambia doesn’t need toxic political relations. Unfortunately this is what you’re achieving. Please stop it! This is why Zambia isn’t growing politically. Most of our politicians are childish

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