Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chilufya Tayali charged and arrested for assaulting a Police Officer


Economic and Equity Party (EEP) leader Chilufya Tayali has been charged and arrested for hitting a female police officer who was on duty on the face with a kettle at Chilenje police station while in custody.

Zambia Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said the incident happened today in the hours of 08:00hours in the morning.

“Brief facts of the matter are that the wife to the suspect brought food and she was requested by the female police officer on duty to taste it as a procedure when someone brings food for suspects in custody. Then the Suspect got annoyed and said you think my wife can poison me? From there he got the food and threw it on the floor and later on got a kettle and hit the female officer on the face. She sustained a swollen and painful face,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga has warned the general public that an assault on an individual police officer on duty is an assault on the entire Police Service.

“Such unlawful acts against any Police officer on duty shall not be tolerated as persons committing such unlawful acts shall be made to face the full wrath of the law as by law established,” he said.


  1. “Mr Hamoonga has warned the general public that an assault on an individual police officer on duty is an assault on the entire Police Service.” Assault, when inflicted on anyone, is crime regardless of their status on society. Let’s not take it that assault on a police officer is a more serious crime than on another citizen

    • Tayali is man, he protects his wife.
      The Female officer also was just styupid and jealous, she should have respected the Ethiopian wife of Tayali.

    • I think I understand the police procedure. If the suspect eats anything and dies the police will be accused. Anyone bringing food could have a motive.
      It’s a pity our police detain people but can’t provide food to them because if they did responsibility regarding the food would be police’s.

    • @Peulu and taking a sample of the food to a police lab would cost too much for our broke police force. Perhaps they should just stop detaining citizens for frivolous cases.

    • I would like to different with you. It is more serious to assault a man or woman (police/military) in uniform. Yes, both are assaults but the one on the men and women is more serious and carries a further tariff in punishment.

    • Assaulting a Police Officer in the Execution of their Duty
      Assaulting any person is a criminal offence as set out in Section 89 of the Police Act 1996, and the assault of a police officer is considered an ‘aggravated assault’. An assault could happen at any time in a police officer’s shift, though some situations are more likely to give rise to this type of behaviour: protests, demonstrations or in the act of arrest are examples.

      The courts treat aggravated assaults more seriously, and the penalties handed out can be more severe. When any emergency worker is obstructed from carrying out their duties, the wider public is put at risk because those services are threatened. As such, assaulting a police officer in the execution of their duty is a very serious offence.

  2. Zambia is turning into a police state. This is a very sad day for democracy
    Remember that all autocracy start this way. They first kiss the backside of the west and then turn into savages. Hh will be the worst autocrat in history.

  3. This ZP statement is not clear I mean what was the “suspect” doing in Jail in the first place …what is this procedure where a Police officer tastes the about if its poisoned then?
    The silly cantankerous boy Tayali has a short temper and can be very voilent at times remember how he was thumbing the table when he filed his Mayoral nomination papers late and was turned back by the returning officer. People are very free now …I mean do this during PF and you will die in custody from beatings by unknowns.

  4. Is there a Law or Legal requirement that if you or anyone brings food to anyone in police custody they must taste it. Suppose you’re allergic to the food you bring are you still required to taste the food? Is this a police’s own requirement or it’s the Law or Legal requirement in Zambia?
    Police should act according to the law not what’s in there heads and if they did nothing would’ve happened.

  5. What a silly sermon from this police officer: “has warned the general public that an assault on an individual police officer on duty is an assault on the entire Police Service. ”
    Why dont you give us such lessons when a Kanyama resident gets beaten by another? You think Police are more important than citizens? Yet your police force just asks for bribes everyday from us. And its your policemen who want to beat up others all the time. Do you know that noone is allowed to beat up any citizen? No You dont because Lilayi is still training you like the colonial police who thought citizens had no rights. You have continued with this type of Harrassment mistaking it for policing. Thusthe demand for bribes at your roadblocks

  6. Police language as if we are in a state of emergency. Police still thinks they need to instill fear in the public, police mentality is that of a small boy with a big ego who gets a gun and expects everyone around him to beg and cower around him.
    You can change the name from police force to police service, it doesn’t change the fundamental flaw of our police training. Rae Hamoonga has worked 26 years in police and recently got a degree in PR but still doesn’t seem to know his job.

    • Even Russia has representatives in western countries to champion and push its agenda. Our mere physical presence here does not mean we have to change our ideals and values. You are a good example of why we Africans lose our identity. So you think you are British with your dark skin?

      Jonas Philip

      Pf media team

    • This is one delusional chap asking and responding to his own questions…only the UK based impostor/ N£z has this much on its hands

    • @UK-PF Branch. Do you have a branch in Moscow or Beijing ? My simple answer is NO. The reason is that you will never have the same freedoms that you have in UK.
      Stating that even Russia has representative offices in Western Countries is lack of understanding!

    • Sunrise we can tell that you don’t research and have limited capacity. Because we have always had presence in Russia. We were even the first to come out and support Russia in its defence from western aggression on the Ukrainian border. So your point is invalid sir

  7. Tayali married a foreign lady brought her to Zambia to bringing him food when he is locked up around the country all due to his stupidity …poor girl ineed.

  8. Tayali is not short tempered but just implementing what pf has instructed all membbers of the ccartel to do! Before joining the pf, Tayali was apparently fairly reasonable. but after joining his conduct, utterances are equated to uncivilised and uncultured person of unknown past century

  9. Tayali is not short tempered but just implementing what pf has instructed all membbers of the ccartel to do! Before joining the pf alliance, Tayali was apparently fairly reasonable. but after joining his conduct, utterances are equated to uncivilised and uncultured person of unknown past century

  10. Tayali appears to be attracted to the avant-garde. With such a style, its just a matter of few years time before that real public scorn will befall him . His time is nigh.

  11. The police is not sily but chanda who cant understand that people in every well organised community, society, organisation, department, church, religion, family are bound togeter by some special isms. So, an attack or insult on one means an attack or insult on every member. S o the comment by the police testifies tha the Zambia Plice is well organised and boud together by special isms to protect/defend each other in the police. Let Pf allianc cartel members attacki one of the lions in the group so that they can experience the reality and concequence of attacking or inulting even one member or an organisation. Ignorance is bad!

  12. The police is not sily but chanda who cant understand that people in every well organised community, society, organisation, department, church, religion, family are bound togeter by some special isms. So, an attack or insult on one means an attack or insult on every member.So the comment by the police testifies tha the Zambia Plice is well organised and boud together by special isms to protect/defend each other in the police. Let Pf allianc cartel members attack one of the lions in the group, so that they can experience the reality and learn the concequences of attacking or inulting even one member of an organisation. Ignorance is bad!

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