Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government warns newly recruited Teachers


Government has advised newly recruited teachers against a laissez-faire attitude towards work and substandard work.

Ministry of Education Permanent Secretary Technical Services Joel Kamoko warns that government will no longer entertain inept attitude towards work advising teachers to promptly report and knock off at official time.

Mr. Kamoko says that it will be no business as usual in the new dawn government which will require maximum input and commitment to duty from not only the newly recruited teachers but the entire civil service personnel.

The Permanent Secretary said this in Solwezi on Friday in a speech read on his behalf by North-western Province Permanent Secretary, Grandson Katambi during the seventh graduation ceremony for University of Zambia in association with Solwezi College of Education.

“Guest of honor I would also like you to know that it is no longer business as usual where workers do things as they please and do not care and this is common in our schools, they only report at nine o’clock and thereafter you don’t know where they go . They melt.

“This government means business in all areas therefore, there is no room for lazy civil servants in this government,” he said.

He said the new dawn government requires hard working teachers and committed civil service.

” You should begin to conduct meaningful research which will form decisions at college level and indeed beyond, focus on research which will give information about some of the challenges you are facing,” Mr Kamoko said.

Officiating at the event University of Zambia acting Vice Chancellor, Professor Anne Sikwibele said teachers are agents of change who shape and mold learners into responsible citizens.

“We entrust teachers with the responsibility of inculcating good morals in learners so that the learners become good citizens of the nation” Prof. Sikwibele said.

Stressing that it is not about the numbers of teachers being employed to feel positions in schools in the country but quality, Prof. Sikwibele commended Solwezi college of education for striving to produce quality teachers that will benefit the nation.

And Examination Council of Zambia Director, Micheal Chilala, said the country has been grappling with high illiteracy levels for a long time which is unacceptable for learners who are going to school but are unable to read in English and worse still local languages.

In a speech read on his behalf by Council Secretary, Teza Musakanya, Mr. Chilala urged the graduates to go and serve selflessly

Meanwhile Solwezi College of Education Principal, Andrew Mutobo said the 181 teachers who have graduated in early childhood education, primary and secondary diploma, respectively, are of high quality and ready to serve society.

Dr. Mutobo urged the graduates to be good ambassadors of the institution through positive contributions to society.

Meanwhile, Chinsali District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Pardon Tesho has emphasised on the need for school infrastructure development following government’s recent recruitment of over 30, 000 teachers.

Mr. Tesho says the demand for infrastructure development in Chinsali Town is increasing especially in some schools around the Central Business District ( CBD).

Mr. Tesho says this is where the private sector plays comes in as it plays an important role in supplementing government’s efforts in infrastructure development.

The DEBs said this through the Education Standard Officer Gibson Phiri during a donation of 1,000 building blocks by Unifi , a local financial entity, for the construction of an administration block at Choshi Primary School, on Friday.

He said the move by Unifi signifies the collaborated efforts of the private sector in improving the working environment of teachers.

“We want to call upon other private entities to emulate the step that Unifi has made in the donation of these building blocks,” He added.

He further appealed to the members of Staff at Choshi Primary school to use the building blocks for their intended purpose.

And Unifi Branch Manager Ouzman Kasakula, said the donation is meant to supplement the efforts of Government after the recent massive recruitment exercise.

Mr. Kasakula said the institution will continue to render help where necessary, stressing that their engagement with the Ministry of Education also increases their clientele.

“The school had applied to us and we managed to help them with 1,000 building blocks,” He added.

Meanwhile, Choshi Primary School Head teacher, Joram Mulenga says the donation is a significant step towards the construction of an administration block which the school has been lacking.

Mr. Mulenga also assured the donors that the building materials will be put to good use.

Choshi Primary School has over 900 pupils with only 24 teachers operating at the institution without an established administration block.


  1. The government of threats. They have warned you. Next they will say they are not paying you because of your attitude

  2. The government is absolutely correct, they should be told in no uncertain terms, “shape up or you will be shipped out”.
    They have been given an opportunity to work when the majority of applicants were not.
    They should be made to realise that the policy of next man or woman up operates.
    For far too long many of these people have had the attitude of entitlement and indeed they should not be paid if they do not have the right attitude.

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