Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lusaka DC visits five UNZA/ Nsumbu road accident survivors


Lusaka District Commissioner Rosa Zulu has visited five victims of the fatal accident that claimed 12 lives at the junction of the University of Zambia (UNZA) Great East Road Campus.

The District Commissioner called on Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital Senior Medical Superintendent John Musuku at his office and later met the survivors of the tragic accident.

Senior Medical Superintendent Professor John Musuku confirmed that five survivors are still admitted at the facility describing their condition as stable.

Pro. Musuku added that all the patients have had a touch of surgery with one still in ICU but stable.

He explained that all the patients are responding well to treatment adding that the hospital is in the process of buying some implants to help repair broken structures for the patients.

“When implants are used recovery is faster unlike the old way of putting POP,” he said.

The District Commissioner hailed the medical personnel their professional work and the manner the survivors were dealt with and urged the team to continue.

And Muslim Social and Welfare Trust Coordinator Mubasshir Mehta through the Muslim Comunity made a donation of assorted food items, blankets and walking sticks to supplement the government’s efforts and also give comfort to the accident victims.

Mr. Mehta also mentioned that his organization will also look into donating some wheel chairs to the hospital in the near future to aid those that may need them.

Meanwhile, the DC and her entourage have also visited a survivor of the Nsama-Nsumbu road accident Maggie Chansa who is admitted at Levy Mwanawasa Hospital.

Ms. Chansa confirmed to ZANIS that she was recovering well and thanked the hospital for the medical care they are giving her.

She also thanked the District Commissioner and her entourage for the donation and showing care to the victims of the road accidents.

Last month two devastating road accidents occurred along Great East Road Lusaka near the University of Zambia claiming 12 lives, while the other other one happened in Northern Province, where 21 United Church of Zambia (UCZ) members died.

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