Saturday, July 27, 2024

Former Defence Minister Chama quizzed over $3 million allegedly paid to PF by Glencore


The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has interrogated Davis Chama, former Minister of Defence, to help with investigations in connection with a matter in which money amounting to 3 million United States dollars was paid to the Patritic Front PF in 2016 by Glencore International AG, the mining company that was operating Mopani Copper Mine.

According to ACC Head-Corporate Communications Timothy Moono, the investigations border on the circumstances under which the said funds were paid by the named mining firm to a political party soon after which the firm exited Zambia under unfavourable terms to the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

Mr Moono said investigations into the matter are ongoing.


    • This is one of the reasons why social media is dangerous, it should be left to mature minds…this story is a clear cut corrupt MNC modus operandi and you totally missed it with your blinded loyalty to a gang of criminals that didn’t even share their spoils with you…The evil Glencore has left hundreds of years worth of damage in Zambia and you are so happy with a ka 3 million… a grain of groundnut stuck in your teeth that will never bring nourishment to Zambia…absolutely ridiculous akwasu!

    • The issue is not about donation declarations. It is about a company flashing money to a ruling party, money which was possibly coming from hot air VAT repayments

  1. If this is true then the transaction between Zambian govt and Glencore on the sale of the mine should null and void…I hope Zambian govt does what John Magufuli former President of TZ did by punishing them heavily with fines and backdated tax payments but sadly I dont see HH7 having the stomach to do that.

  2. This PF, it appears the destruction was literally every where, there is no place they did not touch. This Glencore also is very good riddance, instead of pumping the 3 million dollars in health facilities, schools and other social services, they give a political party, and you know there is no accountability in these political parties, that 3 million dollars was a donation to a few individuals in the said party, this 3 million dollars is what is known, but remember there are other many donors who could have donated even more 3 million dollars that are not yet known or discovered. What a wasteful decade Zambia went through under PF

    • State Counsel John Sangwa is against bench-marking UPND Progress on PF malfeasance.I stated that he grossly under appreciated the political, social,econmic,moral and psychological damage that PF wrought on Zambians.PF was and still is a criminal organization complete with families and lawyers tasked to defeat the ends of justice.It must be disbanded and each one of them made to account for their misdeeds on their own.No chance for solidarity marches
      It indeed.was a wasted decade.

  3. This is sickening, it’s clear Glencore oiled the palms of these PF baboons to ravage Zambia in terms of their country exit. This is the problem of entrusting power with primates who have zero history of governance, you will only succeed in exposing yourself to the law of the jungle.

  4. That’s how Glencore signed such a one-sided agreement with ZCCM-IH in the Mopani mine issue. The whole truth will of course come out when Glencore officers come to testify against PF former government officials in court. Elsewhere Glencore has already pleaded guilty and have accepted to pay and get on with doing business. Let Davies Chama continue underestimating how much the current government knows.

  5. Hh can’t stand seeing fellow black people making a success of their lives. He will continue throwing baseless allegations to anyone from pf that has money and assets. It is called petty jealousy.

  6. The buck stops at lungus feet………..

    Lungu knew everything that was going on………

    And people continue to worship him boggles the mind…….

    Lungu oversaw the looting and stealing in every sector of zambia, not only economic as this tip of the iceberg above and social with his PF cader thugs terrorising zambia, even protected forests were being destroyed by him and his gang……..

    Lungu must be made to account for this destruction……….hiding behind immunity will not help………

  7. The buck stops at lungus feet………..

    Lungu knew everything that was going on………

    And people continue to worship him boggles the mind…….

    Lungu oversaw the looting and stealing in every sector of zambia, not only economic as this tip of the iceberg above and social with his PF cader thugs terrorising zambia, even protected forests were being destroyed by him and his gang……..

  8. The buck stops at lungus feet………..

    Lungu knew everything that was going on………

    And people continue to worship him boggles the mind…….

    Lungu must be made to account for this destruction……….hiding behind immunity will not help………

  9. Lungu knew everything that was going on………

    And people continue to worship him boggles the mind…….

    Lungu oversaw the looting and stealing in every sector of zambia, not only economic as this tip of the iceberg above and social with his PF cader thugs terrorising zambia, even protected forests were being destroyed by him and his gang……..

    Lungu must be made to account for this destruction……….hiding behind immunity will not help………

  10. The buck stops at lungus feet………..

    Lungu knew everything that was going on………

    Lungu oversaw the looting and stealing in every sector of zambia, not only economic as this tip of the iceberg above and social with his PF cader thugs terrorising zambia, even protected forests were being destroyed by him and his gang……..

    Lungu must be made to account for this destruction……….hiding behind immunity will not help………

  11. The buck stop with the President even with in UPND circles.
    Someone superior must take responsibility.

    While corruption fight is welcome, the idea of obliterating opposition parties can never be encouraged. Every money (even for politics) coming into the country’s economy must be accounted for.

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