Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lusaka Patients being asked to buy Health Kits due to shortages


Due to the shortage of health kits in some health facilities in Lusaka, some patients are being asked to provide health kits for them to undergo treatment.

Michael Zulu a resident of Lilanda Compound has said that he was allegedly asked by Matero Level One Hospital in Lusaka to buy three IV-drips for his patient to be attended to.

Mr. Zulu narrated that after his patient was discharged he was shocked that the hospital allegedly refused to give back the two unused drips he bought and wonders why he was made to buy three.

He adds that the shortage should not create a situation where health officials take advantage of helpless citizens by compelling them to buy kits that would later benefit a state funded institution.

Meanwhile, government has announced that the procurement of laboratory equipment, needles and health kits is underway countrywide. Health Minister Sylvia Masebo said that resources have been set aside to purchase medicine and equipment.

Ms. Masebo said that the delay in the purchase of the critical materials has been caused by procurement procedures.

During his campaign tour President Hakainde Hichilema said that it was unacceptable to have a shortage of drugs in hospitals when money meant to procure drugs is lying in the bank.

President Hichilema attributed the current drug shortages in some hospitals to poor management by those responsible as the government has already provided funds for the procurement of drugs.


  1. And we were told during the by-elections campaign that money was just lying about somewhere… even at the police station you are told to buy stationary for statement. What a life.

  2. As soon as that health insurance scheme started I knew we were headed for trouble. The paradox is when there is a money-making scheme the proceeds are often misapplied. Why are people paying NIMA? Also, what is with all those allocations to the Health Ministry with donor-supported funding to boot for? Asking for a bewildered friend…

  3. We’re being insulted for speaking the truth, sometimes we’re called as frustrated PF cadres that are still shocked about their loss. The truth is that Sylvia has failed to run MoH. When I also asked about the excess of what I had bought, I was told that it’s used on the most vulnerable and indeed in a few minutes a lady in distress arrived without anything and the remainder of what I had bought was used on her. This is the sad situation. Women still go with buckets and gloves to deliver. The UPND needs to quickly grow up and begin to see things in their right perspective otherwise they’ll leave a trail of destruction worse than the PF did

  4. Useleeeeeess govt.We had a working govt called PF.Not this party which formed govt based on region.They never appreciated what other did just bcoz it was time to rule.So dissapointing.They have appointed only those from three provinces and you expect the govt to deliver.Injustices are wrong.You should think about Zambia and not region.people are dying in hospitals like flies.Mind you praise singers this govt have failed to deliver even a single bag of fertilzer to support small scale farmesr.This is november.He had no plan to rule the country but plan of impressing his region not Zambia.

  5. DIY hospitals at the time we have “Bally” the supposed saviour at the helm. What’s going on? How disappointing!

  6. And someone said they were aspiring for Ndola to achieve these lusaka standards! Kikikikikikiki.
    Do you know that in Kinshasa patients buy their own bandages for nurses to dress their wounds? Lusaka is quickly becoming Kinshasa so keep patting the new dawn on the back

  7. the number one told us money for drugs is lying and the delay of buying drugs its because of the poor management by those responsible as the government has already provided funds for the procurement of drugs. this story line its for a MOVIE called NASAMBAMO TEINE ( SINDINE ) MEANING the shortage is here to stay. the blaming game has just started. i took my grandson last week at m’tendere clinic were all the drugs i was told to buy the clinic had not a shortage but had no drugs including panado syrup.

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