Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambian in US sentenced to jail for sex trafficking


An Iowa City man and Zambia native, Kachimbe Mukanzu, also known as Kash, was sentenced on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, to 264 months in prison for Conspiracy to Engage in Sex Trafficking by Force, Fraud, and Coercion and Felon in Possession of a Firearm.

Following his imprisonment, Mukanzu was ordered to serve five years of supervised release.

According to court documents, Kachimbe Mukanzu, age 35, recruited several young women and sexually exploited them by force, fraud and coercion.

Mukanzu helped post advertisements through Backpage and various other sites where he would set up profiles for the victims advertising sex acts for money.

Mukanzu promised the victims things of value and glamorized the lifestyle to lure them into performing commercial sex acts and in return he profited.

Mukanzu provided the victims drugs so that they could work around the clock.

On multiple occasions in 2018, Mukanzu drove the victims to different states for the purpose of sex trafficking.

On February 4, 2022, Mukanzu pleaded guilty to the charges.

United States Attorney Richard D. Westphal of the Southern District of Iowa made the announcement.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Iowa City Police Department investigated the case.


    • Zambians wherever they go is all about $ex.
      Only in Iowa he could manage to do pimping. That’s why it was taking those prostitutes to other states.
      Iowa is same as Mwinilunga in comparison, ku mushi.

    • @Son_of_the_18Million Perhaps you dont know this. It is intrinsic in Journalism for the reporter to assume the reader is lazy. The journalistic ethos therefore is to do as much work as the reporter can for the lazy reader. The reporter must answer as many questions about what he is reporting on as he can. In keeping with this logic, Journalism has a rule: to give the lazy reader as much information as possible in the first few paragraphs. The lazy or busy reader doesnt have time to read everything. He wants to read as many stories as possible so dont make him waste time deciphering what you can decipher for him

    • Hehehehe…….

      Ba UK PF………..with your new VPN ?

      You are a party in the pit latrines of history where you belong………

  1. 35 years old plus 22 years. He’s lucky American prisons have beds and breakfast lunch and supper. Na TV ka?

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