Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF scoops Chishibesonde ward by – election in Mpika


Patriotic Front (PF) candidate Charles Mutale has been declared winner of the Chishibesonde ward by – election in Mpika District in Muchinga Province.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Returning Officer for Chishibesonde Ward, Augustine Chanda confirmed the development in an interview in Mpika, on Saturday.

A total number of 1, 663 votes were cast out of which the PF candidate Charles Mutale had 1,132 votes, followed by United National Party for Development (UPND) candidate Ian Shula’s 440 votes and lastly Sociality Party candidate Precious Mulenga’68 votes.

Mr. Chanda said tthat voting started at exactly 08:00 hours and ended at 18:00 hours yesterday adding that the process was conducted in a peaceful manner.

“Polling stations opened at exactly 08:00 hours and closed at 18:00 hours, we had some polling stations with more than fifty (50) people lining up as early as 05:00 am,” he said.

And Chishibesonde resident Busuma Chanda says the area is facing a lot of challenges especially lack of water which should be the new newly elected ward councilor Mutale’s first priority to address.

 Ms. Chanda said bridges to be constructed in the area especially before the onset of the rains adding that resident’s in the area are optimistic that the newly elected councillor will have  it done the soonest.

“My appeal is to the newly elected councillor to work with the people of this ward in ensuring that development comes to this area,” said Ms Chanda.

Meanwhile, Chibansa Presiding Officer Charles Silabo has described the elections as peaceful.

Mr. Silabo said in an interview  that voters were casting their votes without any violence adding that



  1. “….Meanwhile, Chibansa Presiding Officer Charles Silabo has described the elections as peaceful….”

    Vote with out fear of violence or intimidation………

    As it should be………..

    God bless the UPND……..


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